HSK 5 – Verbs 61 to 90 61 刺激/cìjī To Stimulate Kāfēi néng cìjī shénjīng. 咖啡能刺激神经。 Coffee can stimulate the nerves. 62 从事/cóngshì To Be Engaged In Tā zhŭyào shì cóngshì xiĕzuò. 他主要是从事写作。 He is mainly engaged in writing. 63 促进/cùjìn To Promote/To Boost Fāzhǎn lǚyóuyè jiāng huì cùjìn jīngjì. 发展旅游业将会促进经济。 Developing tourism will boost the economy. 64 促使/cùshĭ To Drive (somebody to do something)/To Spur Duìwài kāifàng cùshǐ le xǔduō rén xuéxí wàiyǔ. 对外开放促使了许多人学习外语。 The policy of opening the country to the outside world spurred many people on to study foreign languages. 65 催/cuī To Urge/To Rush Ràng wŏ xiăng yī xiăng, bié cuī wŏ. 让我想一想, 别催我。 Let me think about it, do not rush me. 66 存/cún To Deposit Xiānsheng, wǒ yào cúnqián, zěnme cún? 先生,我要存钱,怎么存? Sir, I would like to deposit my money. How do I do that? 67 存在/cúnzài To Exist Nàge wèntí yǐjīng bù cúnzài le. 那个问题已经不存在了。 That problem no longer exists. 68 答应/dāying To Answer/To Promise Wǒ dāying nǐ wǒ yǒngyuǎn bùhuì líkāi nǐ. 我答应你我永远不会离开你。 I promise you I won’t ever leave you. 69 达到/dádào To Achieve Rúguǒ nǐ bù nǔlì gōngzuò, shì hěn nán dádào mùbiāo de. 如果你不努力工作,是很难达到目标的。 It’s difficult to achieve your objective if you don’t work hard. 70 打工/dăgōng To Work Zài zhè zhīqián, wŏ zài wénjùdiàn dăgōng. 在这之前, 我在文具店打工。 Before this, I worked in a stationery store. 71 打交道/dǎjiāodào To Come Into Contact With/To Have Dealings Tā hěn róngyì dǎ jiāodào. 他很容易打交道。 He is easy to deal with. 72 打喷嚏/dăpēntì To Sneeze Tā gănmào le, yòu dăpēntì yòu késou. 他感冒了, 又打喷嚏又咳嗽。 He has a cold and is sneezing and coughing. 73 打听/dăting To Ask About Néng bāng wŏ dăting yīxià gōngyù de dàxiăo hé jiàqian ma? 能帮我打听一下公寓的大小和价钱吗? Can you help me ask about the size of the apartment and the price? 74 贷款/dàikuǎn To Provide a Loan Zhècì yínháng jùjué dàikuǎn gěi tā. 这次银行拒绝贷款给他。 The bank refused to lend him money this time. 75 担任/dānrèn To Fill An Office Nǐ zài gōngsī dānrèn shénme zhíwù? 你在公司担任什么职务? What office do you hold in your company? 76 耽误/dānwù To Delay/To Interfere With Tā cóngbù wèi gèrén shìqing dānwù gōngzuò. 她从不为个人事情耽误工作。 She never allows her private affairs to interfere with her work. 77 挡/dǎng To Keep Off/To Block Tā dǎngzhù le wǒ de qùlù. 他挡住了我的去路。 She blocked my way. 78 倒霉/dăoméi To Have Bad Luck Wŏ wèishénme lăoshì dăoméi? 我为什么老是倒霉? Why do I always have bad luck? 79 导致/dǎozhì To Result In/To Cause Xiǎoxiǎo wùchā huì dǎozhì jùdà sǔnshī. 小小误差会导致巨大损失。 A tiny error may cause a great loss. 80 倒/dǎo To Fall Lù huá, xiǎoxīn shuāidǎo. 路滑,小心摔倒。 The road is slippery. Be careful not to slip and fall. 81 到达/dàodá To Arrive Wǒmen huì zài yī xiǎoshí nèi dàodá. 我们会在一小时内到达。 We’ll arrive there within an hour. 82 登记/dēngjì To Register/To Enroll Mìshū dēngjì le wŏmen de míngzi. 秘书登记了我们的名字。 The secretary enrolled our names. 83 等待/děngdài To Wait Wǒ zhèngzài děngdài tā de dàolái. 我正在等待他的到来。 I am waiting for him to arrive. 84 等候/děnghòu To Wait Yī qún rén zhèngzài páiduì děnghòu. 一群人正在排队等候。 A group of people were waiting in line. 85 等于/děngyú To Equal To Yī jiā èr děngyú sān. 一加二等于三。 One plus two is equal to three. 86 滴/dī To Drip Hànshuǐ bùtíng de cóng tā de nǎomén wǎngxià dī. 汗水不停地从他的脑门往下滴。 Sweat kept dripping from his forehead. 87 递/dì To Hand Over Bǎ yán dìgěi wǒ hǎo ma? 把盐递给我好吗? Pass me the salt, okay? 88 点头/diăntóu To Nod Tā zhàngfu zài tā shuōhuà shí zhǐshì bùduàn diǎntóu. 她丈夫在她说话时只是不断点头。 Her husband only nods when she speaks. 89 钓/diào To Fish Zuótiān wǒ diào le sān tiáo yú. 昨天我钓了三条鱼。 I caught three fish yesterday. 90 逗/dòu To Amuse Tā xiăngchū le yī gè hăo zhŭyi lái dòu háizi kāixīn. 他想出了一个好主意来逗孩子开心。 He came up with a good idea to amuse the kids.
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HSK 5 – Verbs 61 to 90
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