HSK 4 – Verbs 61 to 90 61 加班/jiābān To Work Overtime Jīntiān wǒ bù jiābān. 今天我不加班。 I won’t work overtime today. 62 坚持/jiānchí To Insist Wǒ fùqin jiānchí yào wǒmen zuò huǒchē. 我父亲坚持要我们坐火车。 My father insisted that we should take the train. 63 减肥/jiǎnféi To Lose Weight Wǒ pàng le, nánpéngyou xiǎng yào wǒ jiǎnféi. 我胖了,男朋友想要我减肥。 I have gained weight and so my boyfriend wants me to lose weight. 64 减少/jiǎnshǎo To Reduce Duō chī xīlánhuā huì jiǎnshǎo dé áizhèng de jīlǜ. 多吃西兰花会减少得癌症的机率。 Eating more broccoli will reduce the risk of cancer. 65 降低/jiàngdī To Lower Rúguǒ wǒ jiānglái dāng le shìzhǎng, wǒ jiù huì jiàngdī Běijīng de fángjià. 如果我将来当了市长,我就会降低北京的房价。 If I were the mayor, I would lower the housing prices in Beijing. 66 交/jiāo To Give/To Hand Over Zhège yuèdǐ qián, wǒmen bìxū jiāo bàogào. 这个月底前,我们必须交报告。 We have to hand over our reports before the end of this month. 67 接受/jiēshòu To Accept Tā bù jiēshòu wǒ de dàoqiàn. 他不接受我的道歉。 He does not accept my apologies. 68 节约/jiéyuē To Save Wèile jiéyuē shíjiān, wǒ zhǐ huā le wǔ fēnzhōng jiù xǐ wán zǎo le. 为了节约时间,我只花了五分钟就洗完澡了。 To save time, I only spent five minutes showering. 69 解释/jiěshì To Explain Zhège cíyǔ hěn nán yòng yīngyǔ jiěshì. 这个词语很难用英语解释。 It is hard to explain this word in English. 70 禁止/jìnzhǐ To Prohibit/To Forbid Zhèlǐ jìnzhǐ xīyān. 这里禁止吸烟。 It’s forbidden to smoke here. 71 经历/jīnglì To Experience Wǒ xīwàng néng jīnglì yī gè bùtóng de rénshēng. 我希望能经历一个不同的人生。 I hope I will experience a different life. 72 竞争/jìngzhēng To Compete Tāmen xiǎng yào gōngpíng jìngzhēng. 他们想要公平竞争。 They want to compete fairly. 73 举办/jǔbàn To Hold (an event) Xià ge yuè wǒ jiāngyào jǔbàn wǒ de hūnlǐ. 下个月我将要举办我的婚礼。 My wedding will be held next month. 74 拒绝/jùjué To Refuse Wǒ bù zhīdào shìfǒu gāi jùjué tā de yāoqǐng. 我不知道是否该拒绝他的邀请。 I do not know whether I should refuse his invitation or not. 75 继续/jìxù To Continue Wǒ huì jìxù xuéxí yīngyǔ de. 我会继续学习英语的。 I will continue learning English. 76 开玩笑/kāiwánxiào To Joke Bùyào hé wǒ kāi wánxiào. Wǒ shì hěn yánsù de. 不要和我开玩笑。我是很严肃的。 Don’t joke with me. I’m serious. 77 考虑/kǎolǜ To Consider Wǒ bùhuì kǎolǜ zài mǎi yī tái diànnǎo le. 我不会考虑再买一台电脑了。 I won’t consider buying another computer. 78 肯定/kěndìng To Be Sure Wǒ kěndìng tāmen shì tóngxìngliàn. 我肯定他们是同性恋。 I am sure they are gay. 79 扩大/kuòdà To Amplify/To Expand Wǒ de lǎobǎn zài kǎolǜ kuòdà gōngsī. 我的老板在考虑扩大公司。 My boss is considering expanding the company. 80 拉/lā To Pull Tā bǎ mén lākāi ràng wǒ xiān jìnqù. 他把门拉开让我先进去。 He opened the door and let me in first. 81 理解/lǐjiě To Understand Wǒ wánquán lǐjiě nǐ de yìsi. 我完全理解你的意思。 I fully understand what you mean. 82 聊天/liáotiān To Chat Wǒ méiyǒu péngyou kěyǐ liáotiān. 我没有朋友可以聊天。 I have no friends to chat with. 83 留/liú To Leave something Tā gěi wǒ liú le zhège fángjiān de yàoshi. 他给我留了这个房间的钥匙。 He left the key to this room. 84 流泪/liúlèi To Weep Wǒ bù xǐhuan kàn biéren liúlèi. 我不喜欢看别人流泪。 I don’t like seeing people weeping. 85 留学/liúxué To Study Abroad Wǒ míngnián xiǎng chūguó liúxué. 我明年想出国留学。 I want to study abroad next year. 86 耐心/nàixīn To Be Patient/Patience Tā duì háizimen zǒngshì fēicháng hǎo, hěn yǒu nàixīn. 他对孩子们总是非常好,很有耐心。 He is always very good and patient with children. Hanban stressed this word as a verb. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective or noun. 有耐心 means to be patient. 87 难受/nánshòu To Feel Sick Zhège tiānqì ràng wǒ hěn nánshòu. 这个天气让我很难受。 The weather is making me sick. 88 弄/nòng To Make Tā bǎ fángjiān nòng de luànqībāzāo. 他把房间弄得乱七八糟。 He make the room very messy. 89 排列/páiliè To Arrange Tā ànzhào dàxiǎo shùnxù páiliè zhèxiē shū. 他按照大小顺序排列这些书。 He arranged the books according to size. 90 判断/pànduàn To Judge Cóng tā de kǒuyīn pànduàn, tā kěnéng shì měiguó rén. 从她的口音判断,她可能是美国人。 Judging from her accent, she may be American.
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HSK 4 – Verbs 61 to 90
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