HSK 4 – Verbs 121 to 150 121 抬/tái To Raise/To Lift Qǐng bǎ zhuōzi tái qǐlái. 请把桌子抬起来。 Please lift up the table. 122 谈/tán To Talk Wǒmen yǒu xiē zhòngyào de shì yào tán. 我们有些重要的事要谈。 We have important things to talk about. 123 弹钢琴/tán gāngqín To Play The Piano Kàn bù chūlái, nǐ hái huì tán gāngqín. 看不出来,你还会弹钢琴。 I never thought that you could play piano. 124 躺/tǎng To Lie Down Wǒ xǐhuan tǎng zài chuáng shàng kàn diànyǐng. 我喜欢躺在床上看电影。 I like to lie on the bed while watching movies. 125 讨论/tǎolùn To Discuss Wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ tǎolùn yīxià zhège wèntí. 我想和你讨论一下这个问题。 I’d like to discuss something with you. 126 讨厌/tǎoyàn To Hate Wǒ tǎoyàn zài fàndiàn xīyān de rén. 我讨厌在饭店吸烟的人。 I hate people who smoke in restaurants. 127 提供/tígōng To Offer Wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng tígōng yīxiē bāngzhù. 我希望你能提供一些帮助。 I hope you can offer some help. 128 提醒/tíxǐng To Remind Qǐng jìde tíxǐng wǒ míngtiān mǎi xǐjiéjīng. 请记得提醒我明天买洗洁精。 Please remind me to buy some dishwashing liquid tomorrow. 129 填空/tiánkòng To Fill a Blank(for example, on questionnaire or exam paper) Qǐng yòng héshì de cí tiánkòng. 请用合适的词填空。 Please fill the blank with the proper word. 130 挺/tǐng To Be Straight And Stiff Tā bǎ shēnzi tǐng de bǐzhí. 他把身子挺得笔直。 He stood straight. 131 通过/tōngguò To Pass Tā méiyǒu bǎwo tōngguò kǎoshì. 他没有把握通过考试。 He doesn’t feel confident about passing the examination. 132 同情/tóngqíng To Sympathize Wǒ hěn tóngqíng nǐ de chǔjìng. 我很同情你的处境。 I sympathize with your position. 133 推/tuī To Push Tā yònglì bǎ mén tuī le yīxià. 他用力把门推了一下。 He gave the door a hard push. 134 推迟/tuīchí To Put Off/To Postpone Huìyì jiāng tuīchí dào míngtiān jǔxíng. 会议将推迟到明天举行。 The meeting will be postponed until tomorrow. 135 脱/tuō To Take Off Tiānqì rè de wǒ bǎ wàitào gěi tuō le. 天气热得我把外套给脱了。 It was so hot that I took off my jacket. 136 握手/wòshǒu To Shake Hands Wǒ zǒu jìn le fángjiān yǔ tā wòshǒu. 我走进了房间与他握手。 I entered the room and shook hands with him. 137 污染/wūrǎn To Pollute Dà chéngshì qìchē hěnduō, yánzhòng wūrǎn le kōngqì. 大城市汽车很多,严重污染了空气。 The large number of vehicles in big cities heavily pollute the atmosphere. 138 无/wú To Not Have Wǒ shì gè wú jiā kě guī de rén. 我是个无家可归的人。 I am a homeless person. 139 误会/wùhuì To Misunderstand Qǐng qiānwàn bié wùhuì wǒ de yìsi. 请千万别误会我的意思。 Please be sure not to misunderstand my meaning. 140 吸引/xīyǐn To Attract Tā suǒ shuō de huà xīyǐn le suǒyǒu rén de zhùyì. 他所说的话吸引了所有人的注意。 His talking attracted everyone’s attention. 141 响/xiǎng To Ring Tā yī tīng dào líng xiǎng, jiù jiē le diànhuà. 她一听到铃响,就接了电话。 She answered the phone as soon as she heard it ring. 142 像/xiàng To Resemble/To Be Like Tā zhǎng de yīdiǎn yě bù xiàng měiguó rén. 她长得一点也不像美国人。 She doesn’t look like an American at all. 143 行/xíng To Agree Wǒ kěyǐ chūqù ma? Bù xíng! 我可以出去吗?不行! Can I go out? No! 144 醒/xǐng To Wake Up Jīntiān wǒ hěn zǎo jiù xǐng le. 今天我很早就醒了。 I woke up pretty early today. 145 修/xiū To Repair Wǒ shǒujī huài le, xūyào zhǎo rén xiū yīxià. 我手机坏了,需要找人修一下。 My phone is broken, I need to find somebody to repair it. 146 养成/yǎngchéng To Cultivate Wǒ yǎngchéng le měitiān zǎoshang xǐzǎo de xíguàn. 我养成了每天早上洗澡的习惯。 I’ve got into the habit of taking shower in the morning. 147 邀请/yāoqǐng To Invite Wǒ yāoqǐng le wǒ de lǐngdǎo míngtiān lái wǒjiā chī wǎnfàn. 我邀请了我的领导明天来我家吃晚饭。 I invited my leader to my home for dinner tomorrow. 148 引起/yǐnqǐ To Cause Wǒ bù xiǎng yǐnqǐ rènhé bù bìyào de wùhuì. 我不想引起任何不必要的误会。 I don’t want to cause any unnecessary misunderstanding. 149 赢/yíng To Win Tā zǎo jiù zhīdào zìjǐ bùhuì yíng. 他早就知道自己不会赢。 He knew he could not win. 150 预习/yùxí To Prepare Lessons Before Class Jīntiān wǒmen yào shàng xīn kè, nǐmen yùxí le ma? 今天我们要上新课,你们预习了吗? We are going to have a new lesson today. Have you prepared?
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HSK 4 - Verbs 121 to 150
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HSK 4 – Verbs 121 to 150
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