HSK 4 – Verbs 1 to 30 1 安排/ānpái To Arrange Wǒmen jiāng ānpái yī gè huìyì lái tǎolùn zhège wèntí. 我们将安排一个会议来讨论这个问题。 We will arrange a meeting to discuss the matter. 2 按时/ànshí To Be On Time Zhǐyǒu zhè cì tā shì ànshí dào le. 只有这次他是按时到了。 Just for once, he arrived on time. 3 按照/ànzhào To Follow/According To Wǒmen huì ànzhào nǐ de gōngzuò liàng fùqián gěi nǐ. 我们会按照你的工作量付钱给你。 We will pay you according to the amount of work you do. 4 包括/bāokuò To Include Nǐ de zhízé bāokuò ràng háizimen shàngchuáng shuìjiào. 你的职责包括让孩子们上床睡觉。 Your duties will include putting the children to bed. 5 保护/bǎohù To Protect Wǒmen bìxū bǎohù dìqiú. 我们必须保护地球。 We must protect the earth. 6 保证/bǎozhèng To Ensure/To Guarantee Zhè yào bǎozhèng néng ràng nǐ hǎohāo shuì yī jiào. 这药保证能让你好好睡一觉。 This medicine will ensure you get a good night’s sleep. 7 抱/bào To Embrace/To Hug Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng bào nǐ. 我只想抱你。 I just want to hug you. 8 报名/bàomíng To Sign Up/To Register Wǒ bàomíng cānjiā le zhège bǐsài. 我报名参加了这个比赛。 I signed up for the race. 9 抱歉/bàoqiàn To Be Sorry Wǒ hěn bàoqiàn zhème zǎo jiù lái dǎrǎo nǐ. 我很抱歉这么早就来打扰你。 I’m sorry to disturb you so early. 10 毕业/bìyè To Graduate Tā gāng cóng pēngrèn xuéxiào bìyè. 她刚从烹饪学校毕业。 She’s just graduated from culinary school. 11 表达/biǎodá To Express Wǒ bù zhīdào rúhé biǎodá wǒ de xièyì. 我不知道如何表达我的谢意。 I don’t know how to express my thanks. 12 表扬/biǎoyáng To Praise Tā fùqin hěn yánlì, cónglái méiyǒu biǎoyáng guò tā. 她父亲很严厉,从来没有表扬过她。 She had a stern father who never praised her. 13 擦/cā To Rub/To Wipe Qǐng cā yīxià zhè zhāng zhuōzi. 请擦一下这张桌子。 Please wipe this table. 14 猜/cāi To Guess Nǐ néng cāidào wǒ de niánlíng ma? 你能猜到我的年龄吗? Can you guess how old I am? 15 尝/cháng To Taste Wǒ xiǎng cháng yīxià zhè dào cài. 我想尝一下这道菜。 I want to taste this dish. 16 超过/chāoguò To Exceed Suǒyǒu bìngrén de zhùyuàn shíjiān jūn bù chāoguò 5 tiān. 所有病人的住院时间均不超过5天。 Total hospital stay did not exceed 5 days for any of these patients. 17 吵/chǎo To Quarrel/To Make Noise Wǒ bù kěyǐ chǎo, yīng’ér zài shuìjiào. 我不可以吵,婴儿在睡觉。 I can’t make noise, the baby is sleeping. 18 成功/chénggōng To Succeed Bù nǔlì de rén, yǒngyuǎn bùhuì chénggōng. 不努力的人,永远不会成功。 If you don’t work hard, you will never succeed. 19 成为/chéngwéi To Become Wǒ xiǎng yào chéngwéi yī míng yīngyǔ lǎoshī. 我想要成为一名英语老师。 I want to become an English teacher. 20 乘坐/chéngzuò To Ride Wǒ chūmén tōngcháng chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng gōngjù. 我出门通常乘坐公共交通工具。 I normally ride by public transportation. 21 吃惊/chījīng To Be Surprised Wǒ tīng dào zhège xiāoxi hěn chījīng. 我听到这个消息很吃惊。 I was surprised by the news. 22 抽烟/chōuyān To Smoke Nǐ jièyì wǒ chōuyān ma? 你介意我抽烟吗? Do you mind if I smoke? 23 出差/chūchāi To Be On a Business Trip Wǒ bàba jīngcháng qù měiguó chūchāi. 我爸爸经常去美国出差。 My father often goes to the United States on business. 24 出发/chūfā To Set Out Lǎoshī shuō:“Zánmen xiànzài jiù chūfā.” 老师说:“咱们现在就出发。” The teacher said: “Let’s set out right now.” 25 打扮/dǎbàn To Dress Up Tā dǎbàn hǎo zhǔnbèi qù cānjiā wǎnhuì. 她打扮好准备去参加晚会。 She dressed up for the party. 26 打扰/dǎrǎo To Disturb Rúguǒ nǐ qǐ de zǎo, jǐnliàng bùyào dǎrǎo biéren. 如果你起得早,尽量不要打扰别人。 If you get up early, try not to disturb everyone else. 27 打印/dǎyìn To Print Wǒ xūyào dǎyìn zhè piān lùnwén. 我需要打印这篇论文。 I need to print this thesis. 28 打折/dǎzhé To Discount Nà jiā shāngdiàn dǎzhé chūshòu suǒyǒu de fúzhuāng. 那家商店打折出售所有的服装。 That store discounted all clothing. 29 打针/dǎzhēn To Give or Take an Injection Hùshì zhèng mángzhe gěi bìngrén dǎzhēn. 护士正忙着给病人打针。 The nurse is busy giving injections to the patient. 30 戴/dài To Wear Nǐ bǎ màozi dài fǎn le. 你把帽子戴反了。 You put on your hat backwards.
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HSK 4 – Verbs 1 to 30
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