Video Transcript

1.哈喽!大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner。
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Mandarin Corner.

哈喽 hālóu hello (loanword)
大家 dàjiā everyone
好 hǎo good
欢迎 huānyíng welcome
来到 láidào to come

Today I want to talk about

那 nà then (in that case)
今天 jīntiān today
我 wǒ I
想 xiǎng to think / to believe
跟 gēn with
大家 dàjiā everyone
聊 liáo to chat
一下 yīxià (used after a verb) give it a go
的 de (used to form a nominal expression)
就是 jiùshì precisely / exactly
的 de used to form a nominal expression

What kind of guy is considered attractive to Chinese women.

什么样 shénmeyàng what kind?
的 de used to form a nominal expression
男生 nánshēng guy
能够 nénggòu to be able to
吸引 xīyǐn to attract
到 dào verb complement denoting completion
or result of an action
我们 wǒmen we
中国 Zhōngguó China
女生 nǚshēng girl

4.我总结出来了十点,来~ 我们看一下。
I will discuss ten types, Let’s take a look.

我 wǒ I
总结 zǒngjié to sum up
出来 chulai completion of an action
了 le completed action marker
十 shí ten
点 diǎn point
来 lái used before a verb, indicating an intended or suggested action
我们 wǒmen we
看 kàn to see
一下 yīxià (used after a verb) give it a go

Number one: tall guys.

第一 dìyī first
点 diǎn point
高 gāo tall
个子 gèzi height
的 de (used to form a nominal expression)
男生 nánshēng guy (young adult male)

6. 我也很喜欢高个子的男生!
I also like tall guys!

我 wǒ I
也 yě also
很 hěn very
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
高 gāo tall
个子 gèzi height
的 de used to form a nominal expression
男生 nánshēng guy (young adult male)

7. 喔~ 这里还有一个计算男人标准身高的方式!
This is the Chinese woman’s way to measure if the guy has the right height for her.

喔 ō oh
这里 zhèlǐ here
还 hái expresssing realization or discovery
有 yǒu have
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
计算 jìsuàn to calculate
男人 nánrén a man
标准 biāozhǔn standard
身高 shēngāo (a person’s) height
的 de (used to form a nominal expression)
方式 fāngshì way

Let me see

看 kàn to see
一下 yīxià (used after a verb) give it a go
啊 a modal particle ending sentence

First of all, if when he hugs his girl,

首先 shǒuxiān first (of all)
当 dāng when
他 tā he
拥抱 yōngbào to hug
自己 zìjǐ one’s own
的 de used after an attribute
女人 nǚrén woman
时 shí time (when)

she needs to raise her chin to rest it on his shoulder.

女人 nǚrén woman
的 de used after an attribute
下巴 xiàba chin
微微 wēiwēi slightly
搁 gē to place
在 zài (located) at
他 tā he
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder
上 shàng on top

That’s an appropriate height for her. (He doesn’t need to be very tall)

这样 zhèyàng this way
他 tā he
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
身高 shēngāo (a person’s) height
就 jiù in that case
很 hěn very
标准 biāozhǔn standard

12. 然后当女人投入他的怀抱时
And when she wants to throw herself into his embrace

然后 ránhòu then
当 dāng when
女人 nǚrén woman
投入 tóurù to throw oneself into
他 tā he
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
怀抱 huáibào embrace
时 shí time (when)

she can rest her head on his chest and hear his breathing!

一 yī one
张 zhāng measure word for face
脸 liǎn face
刚好 gānghǎo exactly
贴 tiē to stick
在 zài (located) at
他 tā he
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
胸前 xiōngqián (on the) chest / bosom
听到 tīngdào to hear
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
呼吸 hūxī to breathe
声 shēng sound

When the woman is angry with him and she wants to slap him,

当 dāng when
女人 nǚrén woman
痛恨 tònghèn to detest / to loathe
他 tā him
时 shí time (when)
想 xiǎng to want to
扇 shān to slap sb on the face
一巴掌 yībāzhǎng a slap / a spank

If he is too tall, the hand can not reach him properly and the slap is not effective!

手 shǒu hand
不能 bùnéng cannot
举 jǔ to lift / to raise
得 de used after a verb linking it to following
phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
太 tài too (much)
高 gāo high
以至于 yǐzhìyú to the extent that…
那 nà that
巴掌 bāzhǎng palm
不够 bùgòu not enough
重 zhòng heavy /strong

I want to add one more point which is

我 wǒ I
想 xiǎng to want to
补充 bǔchōng to add
的 de used to form a nominal expression
一点 yīdiǎn a point
就是 jiùshì emphasizes that sth is precisely or
exactly as stated

If guys are not tall enough, how can girls wear high heels?

如果 rúguǒ if
男生 nánshēng guy (young adult male)
不 bù not
高 gāo tall
的话 dehuà if (coming after a conditional clause)
那 nà then (in that case)
我们 wǒmen we
女生 nǚshēng girl
怎么 zěnme how
好意思 hǎoyìsi to have the nerve
穿 chuān to wear
高跟鞋 gāogēnxié high-heeled shoes
呢 ne used at the end of a special,
alternative, or rhetorical question

The second point is he should have thick eyebrows and big eyes.

第二 dì’èr second
点 diǎn point
浓眉大眼 nóngméidàyǎn thick eyebrows and big eyes

Guys with double eyelids and big eyes, when they gaze into your eyes, the feeling is more powerful.

双眼皮 shuāngyǎnpí double eyelid
大 dà big
眼 yǎn eye
电力 diànlì electrical power / charm (in this case)
比较 bǐjiào quite
足 zú sufficient
就是 jiùshì exactly
当 dāng when
男生 nánshēng guy (young adult male)
看 kàn to look
着 zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
你 nǐ you
的 de used to form a nominal expression
时候 shíhou time (when)

For example, right now I am trying to gaze into your eyes.

对 duì towards
你 nǐ you
放 fàng to release / to let out
一下 yīxià (used after a verb) give it a go
电 diàn electrical power

If I had double eyelids, my gaze right now would be more powerful.

如果 rúguǒ if
是 shì is
双眼皮 shuāngyǎnpí double eyelid
的话 dehuà if (coming after a conditional clause)
电力 diànlì electrical power
会 huì will
比较 bǐjiào relatively
足 zú sufficient
一点 yīdiǎn a bit

22. 单眼皮的话会显得电力不足!
The single eyelid gaze is just less effective!

单眼皮 dānyǎnpí single eyelid
的话 dehuà if (coming after a conditional clause)
会 huì will
显得 xiǎnde to appear
电力 diànlì electrical power / electricity
不足 bùzú insufficient / inadequate

23. 啊~ 我在想呢,
I am thinking that

啊 a used to indicate a deliberate pause
我 wǒ I
在 zài (indicating an action in progress)
想 xiǎng to think
呢 ne (at the end of a declarative sentence)
indicating continuation of a state or action
24. 如果我的男朋友或者说我未来的老公有一双美丽的双眼皮大眼睛,
If my boyfriend or my future husband has a pair of double eyelids, big eyes,

如果 rúguǒ if
我 wǒ my
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
男朋友 nánpéngyou boyfriend
或者 huòzhě or
说 shuō to say
我 wǒ my
未来 wèilái future
的 de (used after an attribute)
老公 lǎogōng (coll.) husband
有 yǒu to have
一 yī one
双 shuāng measure word for eyes
美丽 měilì beautiful
的 de used after an attribute
双眼皮 shuāngyǎnpí double eyelid
大 dà big
眼睛 yǎnjing eye

25. 因为我刚好是单眼皮,那么以后我的小孩应该也会有一对双眼皮,对吧?
then my future child might also inherit them, because I only have single eyelids. Right?

因为 yīnwèi because
我 wǒ I
刚好 gānghǎo to happen to be
是 shì is / am / to be
单眼皮 dānyǎnpí single eyelid
那么 nàme in that case
以后 yǐhòu in the future
我 wǒ I
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
小孩 xiǎohái child
应该 yīnggāi should
也 yě also
会 huì will
有 yǒu to have
一对 yīduì a pair
双眼皮 shuāngyǎnpí double eyelid
对 duì right
吧 ba modal particle indicating suggestion

26. 第三个是高鼻梁!
The third point is that he should have a high-bridged nose.

第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
三 sān three
个 gè classifier for people or objects
是 shì is
高 gāo high
鼻梁 bíliáng bridge of the nose

27. 那立体的五官,一个高的鼻子绝对是必不可少的
A high-bridged nose is essential in order to have a three-dimensional face.

那 nà then (in that case)
立体 lìtǐ three-dimensional
的 de used after an attribute
五官 wǔguān facial features
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects
高 gāo high
的 de used after an attribute
鼻子 bízi nose
绝对 juéduì absolutely
是 shì is
必不可少 bìbùkěshǎo absolutely necessary
的 de used at the end of a
declarative sentence for
28. 就像西方帅哥那样子,多迷人啊!
Just like western guys, so charming!

就 jiù just (emphasis)
像 xiàng to be like
西方 Xīfāng western
帅哥 shuàigē handsome guy
那样子 nàyàngzi like that
多 duō much
迷人 mírén attractive
啊 a used at the end of a sentence to
express enthusiasm

29. 第四个就是~ 喔!
The fourth point is… Oh!

第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
四 sì four
个 gè classifier for people or objects
就是 jiùshì precisely
喔 ō oh (expressing sudden realization)

30. 貌似很多女生喜欢圆圆的嘟嘟脸
It seems that a lot of girls like guys with a little bit of a cute round face!

貌似 màosì to seem as if
很 hěn quite
多 duō many
女生 nǚshēng girl
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
圆圆 yuányuán round
的 de used after an attribute
嘟嘟 dūdū chubby
脸 liǎn face

31. 比较可爱的那种。
Very cute!

比较 bǐjiào relatively
可爱 kě’ài cute
的 de used after an attribute
那种 nàzhǒng that kind of

32. 也有的女生喜欢棱角分明,帅气逼人的
However, other girls like guys with a more angular, rugged handsome look.

也 yě also
有的 yǒude (there are) some…
女生 nǚshēng girl
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
棱角 léngjiǎo edge and corner / sharpness
(of a protrusion)
分明 fēnmíng evidently / clearly
帅气 shuàiqi handsome
逼人 bīrén pressing / threatening
的 de used to form a nominal expression

33. 好像我们很喜欢那种不胖不瘦,没有大块肌肉的肌肉男
It also seems that Chinese women like their men to be not too fat, not too skinny and not too muscular.

好像 hǎoxiàng to seem like
我们 wǒmen we
很 hěn very
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
那种 nàzhǒng that kind of
不 bù not
胖 pàng fat
不 bù not
瘦 shòu thin
没有 méiyǒu to not have
大 dà big
块 kuài piece
肌肉 jīròu muscle
的 de used to form a nominal expression
肌肉男 jīròunán muscular man

34. 我们喜欢那种结实的身体,有那么一点点肌肉
Girls like men with strong bodies but that is not too muscular.

我们 wǒmen we
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
那种 nàzhǒng that kind of
结实 jiēshi strong
的 de used after an attribute
身体 shēntǐ (human) body
有 yǒu to have
那么 nàme (used before numerals to indicate
approximation) about; or so
一点点 yīdiǎndiǎn a little bit
肌肉 jīròu muscle

35. 这样才能给我们女生安全感。
This kind of body makes the girl feel comfortable.

这样 zhèyàng this way
才 cái only then
能 néng can / to be able to
给 gěi to give
我们 wǒmen we
女生 nǚshēng girl
安全感 ānquángǎn sense of security

36. 这个我同意!
I agree with this!

这个 zhège this
我 wǒ I
同意 tóngyì to agree

37. 第六点就是修长的手指
The sixth point is that he should have long graceful fingers.

第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
六 liù six
点 diǎn point
就是 jiùshì exactly
修长 xiūcháng slender / slim
的 de used after an attribute
手指 shǒuzhǐ finger

38. 像我这样子,你看到没?修长的手指
Look! Just like my long graceful fingers!(haha)

像 xiàng to be like
我 wǒ my
这样子 zhèyàngzi like this
你 nǐ you
看 kàn to see
到 dào verb complement denoting
completion of an action
没 méi not
修长 xiūcháng slender / slim
的 de used after an attribute
手指 shǒuzhǐ finger

39. 俗话说,手是人的第二张脸.
In China, there is a saying that hands are like a second face.(referring to attractiveness)

俗话说 súhuàshuō as they say…
手 shǒu hand
是 shì is
人 rén people
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
第二 dì’èr second
张 zhāng classifier for flat objects, sheet
脸 liǎn face

40. 第二张脸!
Second face!

第二 dì’èr second
张 zhāng classifier for flat objects, sheet
脸 liǎn face!

41. 第七个是健康的小麦色皮肤
The seventh point is that he should have tanned skin.

第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
七 qī seven
个 gè classifier for people or objects
是 shì is
健康 jiànkāng healthy
的 de used after an attribute
小麦 xiǎomài wheat
色 sè color
皮肤 pífū skin

42. 很多外国人觉得中国人喜欢白皮肤的男人,
A lot of foreigners think that Chinese women always like men to have white skin.

很 hěn very
多 duō many
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
觉得 juéde to think
中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese people
很 hěn very
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
白 bái white
皮肤 pífū skin
的 de used after an attribute
男人 nánrén men

43. 其实不然,我们喜欢那种小麦色
Actually it’s not true, we like tanned skin in men.

其实 qíshí actually / in fact
不然 bùrán not so
我们 wǒmen we
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
那种 nàzhǒng that kind of
小麦 xiǎomài wheat
色 sè color

44. 就像古天乐那种,我也很喜欢那种!
Just like GuTianle, I also like that kind of man!

就 jiù just (emphasis)
像 xiàng to be like
古天乐 Gǔtiānlè name of a Chinese actor
那种 nàzhǒng that kind
我 wǒ I
也 yě also
很 hěn very
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
那种 nàzhǒng that kind

45. 超级性感的,对吧?
He is really HOT! Right?!

超级 chāojí super-
性感 xìnggǎn sexy
的 de used after an attribute
对 duì right
吧 ba modal particle indicating suggestion
or surmise) / …right?

46. 第八个是干净的脸蛋!
The eighth point is that his face should have a clear complexion.

第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number,
八 bā eight
个 gè classifier for people or objects
是 shì is
干净 gānjìng clean / neat
的 de used after an attribute
脸蛋 liǎndàn face

47. 干净的脸蛋就是指脸上不能有痘痘
This means that the guy shouldn’t have pimples.

干净 gānjìng clean / neat
的 de used after an attribute
脸蛋 liǎndàn face
就是 jiùshì emphasizes that sth is precisely
or exactly as stated
指 zhǐ refer to
脸 liǎn face
上 shàng on top
不能 bùnéng cannot / must not
有 yǒu to have
痘 dòu pimple
痘 dòu pimple

48. 不能有黑头和粉刺,更不能油光满面
He should not have black heads, acne or very oily skin.

不能 bùnéng cannot / must not
有 yǒu to have
黑 hēi black
头 tóu head
和 hé and
粉刺 fěncì pimple
更 even even more
不能 bùnéng must not
油光 yóuguāng shiny / oily
满面 mǎnmiàn across one’s whole face

49. 白不白都无所谓,因为我们喜欢的是小麦色。
Whether their skin is white or not is not important, because most Chinese women prefer tanned skin.

白 bái white
不 bù not
白 bái white
倒 dào as a matter of fact
无所谓 wúsuǒwèi not to matter
因为 yīnwèi because
我们 wǒmen we
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
的 de used to form a nominal expression
是 shì is
小麦 xiǎomài wheat
色 sè color

50. 还有不能有胡子
Also they shouldn’t have beards.

还有 háiyǒu also
不能 bùnéng cannot / must not
有 yǒu to have
胡子 húzi beard

51. 因为有胡子的男人显得有点沧桑,邋遢!
Because it makes them look a little bit older and unkempt.

因为 yīnwèi because
有 yǒu to have
胡子 húzi beard
的 de used to form a nominal expression
男人 nánrén men
显得 xiǎnde to seem
有点 yǒudiǎn a little
沧桑 cāngsāng great changes
邋遢 lāta sloppy

52. 第九个是富有磁性的声音!
The ninth point is that he should have a deep voice.

第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
九 jiǔ nine
个 gè classifier for people or objects
是 shì is
富有 fùyǒu full of
磁性 cíxìng magnetic / magnetism
的 de used to form a nominal expression
声音 shēngyīn voice

53. 如果你没有过人的外表,那富有磁性的声音那绝对也是一大魅力了。
If you are not very handsome, but you have a deep voice, you still might be attractive to a Chinese woman.

如果 rúguǒ if
你 nǐ you
没有 méiyǒu haven’t
过人 guòrén outstanding
的 de used after an attribute
外表 wàibiǎo outward appearance
那 nà then (in that case)
富有 fùyǒu full of
磁性 cíxìng magnetic / magnetism
声音 shēngyīn voice
绝对 juéduì absolutely
也 yě also
是 shì is
一 yī one
大 dà big
魅力 mèilì charm / charisma
了 le completed action marker

54. 我也比较喜欢那种跟我打电话的时候,
I also love to hear that kind of voice when the guy is calling me on the phone.

我 wǒ I
也 yě also
比较喜欢 bǐjiàoxǐhuan to prefer
那种 nàzhǒng that kind of
跟 gēn with
我 wǒ I
打电话 dǎdiànhuà to make a telephone call
的 de used to form a nominal expression
时候 shíhou time

55. 那个声音能够听得就让我起鸡皮疙瘩的那种
When I hear that kind of voice, it gives me goose bumps.

但是 dànshì but
最 zuì the most
重要 zhòngyào important
的 de used to form a nominal expression
还是 háishi still
人品 rénpǐn moral quality / character
啊 a used to indicate a deliberate pause
性格 xìnggé temperament / character
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also / moreover
要 yào must be
聊得来 liáo de lái to get along with

56. 哎呀!妈呀~ 太帅了!
OMG! So attractive!

哎呀 āiyā interjection of wonder, shock or admiration
妈 mā ma / mom / mother
呀 ya particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel,
expressing surprise or doubt
太 tài extremely
帅 shuài handsome
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause

57. 最后一点是身上一定要有淡淡的香味!
The last point is that his body odor should have a smell that is mild and fragrant.

最后 zuìhòu final / last
一点 yīdiǎn one point
是 shì is
身上 shēnshang on the body
要有 yàoyǒu to need / must have
淡淡 dàndàn light
的 de used after an attribute
香味 xiāngwèi fragrance

58. 最好是那种刚刚洗完澡出来,身上还带有沐浴露的味道。
It’s like the smell a guy has after he finishes taking a shower using a nice smelling body wash.

最好 zuìhǎo best
是 shì is
那种 nàzhǒng that kind of
刚刚 gānggang just
洗 xǐ to wash
完 wán to finish
澡 zǎo bath
出来 chulai after a verb, completion of an action
身上 shēnshang on the body
还 hái still
带有 dàiyǒu to have
沐浴露 mùyùlù shower gel
的 de used after an attribute
味道 wèidao smell

59. 我觉得这个味道是最性感的!嘿嘿~
I think that smell is the most sexy! Haha~

我 wǒ I
觉得 juéde to think
这个 zhège this
味道 wèidao smell
是 shì is
最 zuì most
性感 xìnggǎn sexy
的 de used to form a nominal expression
哈哈 hāhā laughing

60. 其实呢,我个人觉得外表很重要!一定要长得帅!
Although I think that outside appearance is important… of course it’s important!

其实 qíshí actually
呢 ne used to make a pause
我 wǒ I
个人 gèrén personal
觉得 juéde think
外表 wàibiǎo outward appearance
很 hěn very
重要 zhòngyào important
一定要 yīdìngyào must
长得 zhǎngde to look
帅 shuài handsome

61. 但是最重要的还是人品啊,性格,而且要聊得来。
However, the most important thing is that he has a good character and you can get along with him.

但是 dànshì but
最 zuì the most
重要 zhòngyào important
的 de used to form a nominal expression
还是 háishi still
人品 rénpǐn moral quality / character
啊 a used to indicate a deliberate pause
性格 xìnggé temperament / character
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also / moreover
要 yào must be
聊得来 liáo de lái to get along with

62. 长相只是一部分!
Appearance is just one part!

长相 zhǎngxiàng appearance
只是 zhǐshì only
一部分 yībùfèn part of

63. 好了,今天的分享就到这里了。
Alright, our time together is over.

好了 hǎole okay
今天 jīntiān today
的 de used to form a nominal expression
分享 fēnxiǎng to share
就 jiù just
到 dào up until
这里 zhèlǐ here
了 le completed action marker

64. 希望下次我们能够分享更有趣的话题。
I hope next time we can talk about even more interesting topics.

希望 xīwàng hope
下次 xiàcì next time
我们 wǒmen we
能够 nénggòu can
分享 fēnxiǎng to share
更 gèng even more
有趣 yǒuqù interesting
的 de used after an attribute
话题 huàtí subject (of conversation) / topic

86. 还是老话,喜欢就点赞?
Like I always say, if you like my video, please give me a “like”!

还是 háishi still / nevertheless
老 lǎo all the time
话 huà talk
喜欢 xǐhuan to like / to be fond of
就 jiù at once / right away
点赞 diǎnzàn to like (an online post Facebook etc)

87. 还没有订阅的你们现在,赶紧,马上
If you haven’t subscribe to our channel, quickly, right now

还 hái still
没有 méiyǒu haven’t
订阅 dìngyuè to subscribe to
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
你们 nǐmen you (plural)
现在 xiànzài now
赶紧 gǎnjǐn hurriedly / without delay
马上 mǎshàng at once / right away / immediately

88. 订阅我们的频道-Mandarin Corner
subscribe to our channel – Mandarin Corner.

订阅 dìngyuè to subscribe to
我们 wǒmen our
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
频道 píndào channel
Mandarin Corner


拜拜 báibái (loanword) bye-bye



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