Put Into A Mental Hospital Because He Is Gay 00:00:10,533 –> 00:00:13,922 00:00:14,533 –> 00:00:23,034 00:00:23,034 –> 00:00:34,090 00:00:34,090 –> 00:00:41,923 00:00:41,923 –> 00:00:47,313 00:00:47,313 –> 00:00:52,257 00:00:54,480 –> 00:01:02,702 00:01:02,702 –> 00:01:13,869 00:01:16,203 –> 00:01:20,425 00:01:20,425 –> 00:01:27,981 00:01:28,648 –> 00:01:37,370 00:01:38,981 –> 00:01:45,426 00:01:47,760 –> 00:01:54,538 00:01:54,538 –> 00:01:58,649 00:01:58,649 –> 00:02:05,871 00:02:06,816 –> 00:02:13,761 00:02:13,761 –> 00:02:19,150 00:02:19,150 –> 00:02:23,650 00:02:23,650 –> 00:02:31,650 00:02:31,650 –> 00:02:37,706 00:02:37,706 –> 00:02:43,873 00:02:43,873 –> 00:02:50,429 00:02:50,429 –> 00:02:57,707 00:02:57,707 –> 00:03:08,152 00:03:08,152 –> 00:03:14,763 00:03:14,763 –> 00:03:25,764 00:03:25,764 –> 00:03:33,042 00:03:35,542 –> 00:03:44,376 00:03:46,653 –> 00:03:55,320 00:03:55,320 –> 00:04:04,376 00:04:04,376 –> 00:04:10,210 00:04:10,210 –> 00:04:18,488 00:04:18,488 –> 00:04:23,322 00:04:25,266 –> 00:04:39,044 00:04:39,044 –> 00:04:45,878 00:04:47,823 –> 00:04:52,878 00:04:53,767 –> 00:05:02,990 00:05:03,712 –> 00:05:08,490 00:05:09,879 –> 00:05:15,824 00:05:16,546 –> 00:05:24,269 00:05:24,769 –> 00:05:35,102 00:05:35,102 –> 00:05:39,936 00:05:40,825 –> 00:05:42,269 00:05:45,214 –> 00:05:54,103 00:05:54,659 –> 00:05:58,381 00:05:58,381 –> 00:06:04,270 00:06:04,270 –> 00:06:10,937 00:06:10,937 –> 00:06:15,937 00:06:15,937 –> 00:06:24,271 00:06:24,271 –> 00:06:31,438 00:06:31,438 –> 00:06:36,994 00:06:37,827 –> 00:06:46,161 00:06:46,550 –> 00:06:59,884 00:06:59,884 –> 00:07:05,162 00:07:05,162 –> 00:07:18,273 00:07:18,273 –> 00:07:22,718 00:07:22,718 –> 00:07:29,385 00:07:29,385 –> 00:07:39,885 00:07:41,608 –> 00:07:53,219 00:07:53,219 –> 00:08:00,886 00:08:01,664 –> 00:08:10,942 00:08:11,998 –> 00:08:15,942 00:08:17,276 –> 00:08:22,054 00:08:22,054 –> 00:08:26,887 00:08:26,887 –> 00:08:33,933 00:08:36,523 –> 00:08:40,366
• Video – Put Into Mental Hospital Because He Is Gay! • Audio –
Put Into Mental Hospital Because He Is Gay!
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Put Into Mental Hospital Because He Is Gay!
[addtoany buttons=”facebook,twitter,reddit,pinterest,tumblr,google_plus,wechat,email”]Video Transcript
Wǒ shì zhǔchí rén Eileen.
I am your host Eileen.
Jīntiān wǒ (yào) yào jiǎng de shì fāshēng zài hénán de yīgè shìjiàn.
Today I will talk about a news that happened in Henan.
Hénán tóngxìngliàn zhě qǐsù jīngshénbìng yuàn, chēng zāo dào “qiángzhì zhìliáo”.
A gay in Henan sued a mental hospital. He claimed that he was forced to receive their mental treatment.
Yǐqián yīzhí zhīdào zài zhōngguó, yǒu hěnduō tóngxìngliàn zhě bù gǎn gōngkāi,
I have always known that a lot of gays in China do not dare to reveal their sexual orientation to others
Shì yīn wéi hàipà shèhuì hé péngyǒu de qiǎnzé.
because they fear people will criticise them.
Dàn méi xiǎngdào hái huì bèi dàngchéng shì jīngshénbìng!
But I never thought that it would be considered a mental illness.
Shòuhài zhě shuō:“Wǒ bù xīwàng yǐhòu hái yǒurén xiàng wǒ yīyàng,
This gay man said: “I don’t want people like me to be treated the same way I was treated.”
Zhè yě xiàng shèhuì chuándì yī zhǒng shēngyīn, tóngxìngliàn bùshì yī zhǒng jíbìng, bù xūyào zhìliáo.”
“I also want to tell society that homosexuality is not a disease, it doesn’t need medical treatment.”
Wǒ hěn xiǎng zhīdào, rúguǒ zhēn yào zhìliáo,
I also wonder that if these hospitals that believe homosexuality needs treatment
Yīyuàn rúhé nénggòu ràng yīgè tóngxìng liànrén biàn chéng yìxìng liàn ne?
how do they think the hospital treatment can make a gay person become straight?
en ~ xiàmiàn shì jìzhě hé shòuhài zhě de bùfèn duìhuà.
嗯~ 下面是记者和受害者的部分对话。
Here are parts of the conversation between the reporter and the gay man.
Jìzhě wènle:“Nǐ qīzi zěnme zhīdào nǐ shì tóngxìngliàn de?”
记者问了:“ 你妻子怎么知道你是同性恋的?”
The reporter asked: “How did your wife find out that you are gay?”
Shòuhài zhě shuō:“Qùnián sì yuè, tā gēnzōng wǒ,
受害者说:“ 去年四月,她跟踪我,
The gay man answered: “ Last year in April, she followed me
Fāxiàn wǒ hé nányǒu zài cāntīng chīfàn,
and saw me and my boyfriend in a restaurant.
Wǒ huí jiā hòu, tā wèn wǒ shì bùshì tóngxìngliàn, wǒ chéngrènle.”
When I got home, she asked me if i was gay and I admitted I was.”
Ránhòu jìzhě yòu wènle:“Nǐ zěnme bèi sòng jìn jīngshénbìng yuàn de?”
Then the reporter asked : “How did you end up in the mental hospital?”
Tā shuō:“Qùnián wǒ hé qī zǐ shāngliáng hǎo,
他说:“ 去年我和妻子商量好,
The gay man responded: “Last year, my wife and I agreed to
10 yuè 8 rì qù bàn líhūn shǒuxù,
get a divorce on October 8,
Dànshì zhè tiān yīzǎo, qīzi hé wǒ fùmǔ, gēgē yīqǐ bǎ wǒ bǎng zhùle,
However, early in the morning of October 8, my wife, my parents and my brother tied me up
Sāi jìn chē lǐ, qiángxíng sòng dàole jīngshénbìng yuàn.”
and put me into a car that then was driven to a mental hospital.”
Jìzhě shuō:“Nà dào yīyuàn hòu fāshēngle shénme?”
The reporter asked: “What happened after you got to the hospital?”
Shòuhài zhě shuō:“Yīshēng méiyǒu wèn wǒ yǒu shé me bìng,
受害者说:“ 医生没有问我有什么病,
The gay man responded: “The doctor didn’t even ask me what was wrong with me
Yě méiyǒu zuò rènhé jiǎnchá, zhíjiē jiù bǎ wǒ bǎng dàole bìngchuáng shàng.
nor did he do any checking. He just had me tied to the bed
Wǒ yīdòng dōu bùnéng dòng, wǒ shì shàngwǔ bèi sòng jìnqù de, bèi bǎng hòu yīzhí méi rén lǐ wǒ.
in the morning and I could not move. I also was ignore by everyone.
Xiàwǔ de shíhòu, bìngfáng lǐ láile jǐ gè gāodà de nánrén,
In the afternoon, some tall guys came into my room,
Tāmen bǎ wǒ jiě kāi hòu, qiángxíng tuōguāngle wǒ de yīfú, huàn shàngle jīngshénbìng yīyuàn de yīfú.
after they untied me, they forcibly took off my clothes and had me wear psychiatric hospital clothing.
Nà zhǒng jīfěng hé wǔrǔ, wǒ yībèizi dōu wàng bùliǎo.”
“I can never forget the sarcastic remarks and insults I received that day.”
Jìzhě shuō:“Nà míngzhī zìjǐ shì tóngxìngliàn, wèishéme yào jiéhūn ne?”
记者说:“ 那明知自己是同性恋,为什么要结婚呢?”
The reporter then asked him: “You knew you were homosexual, why did you get married?”
Tā shuō:“Zài xiǎo dìfāng, zhōuwéi suǒyǒu de rén dōu zài zhèyàng shēnghuó,
The gay man said: “In the small village that I come from, every has the same lifestyle.”
Bù yīyàng de rén yālì fēicháng dà, jiātíng de, shèhuì de.
“People who are different like me face a lot of pressure from family and society.”
Zài jiālǐ rén de jièshào xià wǒ jiù hé qī zǐ jiéhūnle.”
“My family introduced me to my wife then soon afterwards we got married.”
Jìzhě wèn:“Nǐ juédé wèi shénme huì fāshēng zhèyàng de shìqíng?”
记者问:“ 你觉得为什么会发生这样的事情?”
The reporter asked: “Why did this happen?”
“Shèhuì huánjìng bù tài kuānróng.”
“ 社会环境不太宽容。”
He responded: “That’s because society does not accept gay people.”
Shì de, rúguǒ shuō shèhuì hé jiātíng nénggòu jǐyǔ zhèxiē bù yīyàng de rén duō yīxiē guānhuái hé lǐjiě,
That’s right, if society and family gave these people more love and understanding,
Wǒ xiǎng zhèyàng de bēijù yīnggāi bù huì yī ér zài, zài ér sān de fāshēng.
I think this kind of thing wouldn’t happen again and again.
Xiàmiàn shì wǎngyǒu duì cǐ shìjiàn de pínglùn.
Below are some comments from netizens:
Wǎngyǒu A shuōle:“Nǐ shì tóngxìngliàn, wèishéme hái yào zhǎo nǚrén jiéhūn?
网友A说了:“ 你是同性恋,为什么还要找女人结婚?
Netizen A said: “you are gay, why did you marry a woman?”
Nǐ zhǎo nǚrén jiéhūn hòu wèishéme hái yào shēng háizi?
“Why did you have children?”
Nǐ yǒule háizi hòu, wèishéme bèizhe qīzi hé qítā nánrén yuēhuì?
“After you had a child, why did you cheat on your wife and date other man?”
Rúguǒ nǐ jiéhūn qián jiùshì tóngxìngliàn, nǐ bù gāi zhǎo nǚrén jiéhūn shēngzǐ!
“If you were already gay before marriage, you shouldn’t have married a woman and have a child.”
Rúguǒ nǐ shì jiéhūn shēngzǐ hòu cái biàn chéng tóngxìngliàn, nǐ bù gāi yǐnmán jiārén hé nányǒu yuēhuì.
“If you became a gay after marriage, you shouldn’t have hidden it from your family and dated your boyfriend.”
Yào guāngmíngzhèngdà zuò zìjǐ, shuō chūlái!
“You should be yourself, be honest!”
Nǐ hěn wěisuǒ!”
The netizen said: “You are creepy!”
Ránhòu lìngwài yīgè wǎngyǒu jiù shuōle:“Tóngxìngliàn jiùshì yǒu bìng, yīnggāi jiēshòu zhìliáo!”
然后另外一个网友就说了:“ 同性恋就是有病,应该接受治疗!”
Another netizen said: “Homosexuality is a disease, it needs to be treated!”
Xiàng zhèyàng de pínglùn chéng qiān shàng bǎi.
There are tons of comments like these ones.
Cóng rénmen duì tóngxìngliàn de fǎnyìng jiù kěyǐ kàn chūlái,
You can tell from these reactions on homosexuality that
Tóngxìngliàn zài shèhuì shàng chéngshòuzhe duōme dà de yālì.
gay people are under great pressure in Chinese society.
Dāngrán yěyǒu xiǎo bùfèn de rén shì biǎoshì lǐjiě de.
Of course there are small percentage of people that are understanding.
Bǐrú zhè wèi wǎngyǒu jiù huífù shuō:“Tóngxìngliàn shì jīyīn wèntí,
比如这位网友就回复说:“ 同性恋是基因问题,
For example, this netizen said: “Homosexuality is a genetic problem.”
Rúguǒ jiānchí rènwéi shì yī zhǒng bìng dehuà, nà yěshì mùqián zhì bù hǎo de bìng,
This netizen further said: “If there are people that insist this is a disease, then this is an incurable disease.”
Duìyú shēn huàn “bùzhì zhī zhèng” de rén,
对于身患“不治之症” 的人,
“If people have an incurable disease,
Gèng duō de yīnggāi shì lǐjiě yǔ tóngqíng, ér bùshì qíshì yǔ páichì.”
then we should be more understanding and compassionate, instead of discriminating and excluding people.”
Lìngwài yīgè wǎngyǒu shuō rúguǒ bùshì rénmen duì tóngxìngliàn de piānjiàn, hé láizì jiātíng shèhuì de yālì
Another netizen said: “If there is no prejudice against gay people and no pressure from family and society,
Tóngxìngliàn nándào huì hé zìjǐ bù ài de rén jiéhūn ma?
why would gay people want to marry someone they don’t love?”
Zài zhōngguó, tóngxìngliàn bèi shì wéi jīngshénbìng, érqiě yào zài jīngshénbìng yuàn shòudào zhè zhǒng zhémó.
The netizen continued: “In China, homosexuality is considered a mental disease and homosexuals are tortured.”
Nǐmen shuō tóngxìngliàn yǒu xuǎnzé ma?
“Do you think gay people have options?”
Tāmen dàduō zhǐ néng yǐncáng zìjǐ de xìng qǔxiàng,
“Most of them can only hide their sexual orientation
Hé yīgè nǚrénguò shàng kàn lái zhèngcháng de shēnghuó, zhè qíshí shì tóngxìngliàn zhě de bēi’āi.”
and live a “normal” life with a woman. This is actually a tragedy for gay people.”
Méi cuò! Suīrán wǒ bù zàntóng tóngxìngliàn yīnwèi chéngshòu bùliǎo shèhuì hé jiātíng de yālì ér jiéhūn shēngzǐ,
That’s right! Although I don’t agree that gay people should get married just because of society and family pressure,
Dàn shēn wéi zhōngguó rén, wǒ hěn néng lǐjiě tā zhème zuò de yuányīn.
but as a Chinese, I fully can understand why he did this.
Rúguǒ dàjiā dōu zhàn zài biérén de jiǎodù, wǒ xiǎng kěnéng hěnduō rén yě huì zuò chū tóngyàng de xuǎnzé.
If we all put ourselves in someone’s position, I think most of people will make the same decision.
Yǒu shíhòu shì bī yú wúnài!
Sometimes you just don’t have options.
Hǎo, jīntiān de xīnwén bàodào dào cǐ jiéshù.
Okay, this is all for today.
Rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuān wǒ de shìpín dehuà, qǐng gěi wǒ diǎn gè zàn.
If you like my video, please give me a “like”.
Bìngqiě dìngyuè wǒmen de píndào
and subscribe to our channel
Xiàqī zàijiàn, bàibài!
See you next time, bye!Download