大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner,我是Eileen。今天我们要来聊的话题是整容。在中国,大街上,网络上和电视上,关于整容的广告随处可见。前两天,我就在街上收到了一张整容机构的宣传单。 整容也被称为医疗美容,也就是通过医疗手段来达到美容的效果。朋友当中也有几位做过整容手术。有的割了双眼皮,有的垫了鼻子,也有的打了美白针,也就是让皮肤变白。 提到整容,可能很多人会想到韩国。但实际上在全世界,除了巴西和美国,中国才是最喜欢整容的国家。可能西方国家人喜欢做丰胸和丰臀手术,但是中国人却更喜欢在脸上做一些小调整,也就是所谓的微整形。比如:割双眼皮、隆鼻、削骨等等。 那为何中国人会偏爱这几个整容项目呢?主要还是因为大众的审美标准受到了媒体的影响。比如目前在中国流行的韩剧,剧中的女主角个个都是大眼睛,高鼻梁,小脸蛋和白皮肤。商家们也都选用这类美女来给他们的产品打广告。比如中国著名演员范冰冰,就有着很多中国女人都羡慕的脸蛋和身材。甚至有人因为喜欢范冰冰的长相而花了八年的时间把自己整成了范冰冰的模样。由此可见,媒体对于女性在选择整容项目时,起着非常关键的作用。 但毕竟整容它不像化妆那么简单,它是有风险的。我们经常在新闻上看到有人因为整容失败而被毁容,甚至丢了性命。那为什么这些人明知整容有这么大的风险,还是愿意花这个钱去冒这个险呢? 首先是为了找到好伴侣。现在不论是男人找女朋友,还是女人找男朋友,这第一眼看的都是长相。长得好,对方也会多看几眼。所以很多女性,其中也有男性,会因为想要找到一个好对象,过整容来让自己变美变帅。 第二,是为了找到好工作。现在的社会,不仅找对象看长相,就连找工作也看脸蛋儿。甚至个别招聘广告上,会直接要求女性的身高和长相。所以很明显,对于女性来说,好的长相就意味着好的工作机会。现在有很多大学生会在毕业前去做一些微整形手术,目的是让自己在日后找工作时能更顺利些。 当然了,并不是每个人整容都是为了找对象或找工作。也有人是因为对自己的长相不满意,想要弥补先天的缺陷,而选择通过整容来获得美丽和自信。尤其在中国,当人们讨论到美与丑的话题时,他们说话有时候是非常直接的。曾经有一次,我的一个女学生就直接对我说过:“你怎么这么丑?” 所以,在中国如果你长得不漂亮的话,来自朋友或社会的压力是相当大的。 对于整容这个话题,人们的看法也各有不同。大部分男人不太能接受整过容的女朋友,们觉得这不是天然的,如果女朋友整容前长得很丑的话,他们担心以后的孩子也会很丑。 这里有一条来自中国男性对女性整容的评论,他说:“我自己都想去微整!不过找老婆的话,为了下一代,不太想找大整过的,注意是大整的,微整无所谓。” 所以这位网友觉得如果只是做微整,他还是可以接受的。但也有少部分男人认为这是完全可以接受的。 比如这位网友,他说:“完全不介意,就算后代可能长得不好看又怎么样呢?现在整容都已经这么普及了,二十年之后,说不定就像现在烫发一样普及且便宜,大不了让后代继续去整容。” 那么现在我们来看一下女性对整容这件事又有什么看法呢?大部分的中国女性都对整容抱着开放的态度,她们认为如果整容能带来美丽和自信,只要去正规医院,没有什么不好。而且这是个人选择,大家不应该反对。但也有女性认为,整过容的女孩是在作弊,这对天生长得好看的女人不公平。 有一位女性朋友,她做了几项微整形手术。有一次,我问她为什么去整容,她说身边的朋友都长得漂亮,而且都多少做过一些微整形。所以呢,她也想去试试。然后我问她会不会担心出问题,因为新闻上经常报道这个整容丢了性命啊,那个整容毁容了等等,很可怕的一些报道。她说现在技术很成熟,很多人去整都没有问题。而且对于她来说,如果整容能让自己变自信,冒一点小风险也是值得的。她还说趁现在年轻,她要享受美丽。等到了四五十岁,想去整容也晚了。 所以总的来说,大部分中国人,不管是男性还是女性,对于整容这件事的态度都还是很开放的。那么我就想问一下你们,在你们的国家,是否也有很多人整过容呢?他们都喜欢整哪里呢?你对整容这件事又有什么看法呢?欢迎大家在下面留言讨论! 好!如果你喜欢这个视频的话,那就请给它点个赞,并与你的朋友们分享。这个视频的PDF文件可在mandarincorner.org上免费下载。如果你喜欢我们频道和网站上的内容,并想帮助我们继续提供这类内容,那么请考虑在Patreon上支持我们或使用PayPal进行一次性捐赠。链接就在视频的下方和我们的网站上。最后,请还没有订阅的人订阅我们的频道 – Mandarin Corner. 我们下次见! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
• Video – Plastic Surgery in China • Audio –
Plastic Surgery In China
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Plastic Surgery In China
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Text For Reading Practice
dàjiā hǎo! huānyíng láidào Mandarin Corner, wǒ shì Eileen.
大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner,我是Eileen。
Hello everyone! Welcome to Mandarin Corner, I am Eileen.
jīntiān wǒmen yào lái liáo de huàtí shì zhěngróng.
Today we’re going to talk about plastic surgery.
zài Zhōngguó, dà jiēshang, wǎngluò shàng hé diànshì shàng,
Advertising on plastic surgery can be seen
guānyú zhěngróng de guǎnggào suíchù kějiàn.
everywhere in China – on the street, online and on television.
qián liǎng tiān, wǒ jiù zài jiēshang shōudào le yī zhāng
Just a couple of days ago, I was given a brochure
zhěngróng jīgòu de xuānchuán dān.
from a plastic surgery hospital when I was walking on the street.
zhěngróng yě bèi chēngwéi yīliáo měiróng,
Plastic surgery is also called medical cosmetology in China.
yějiùshì tōngguò yīliáo shǒuduàn lái dádào měiróng de xiàoguǒ.
It defines the process of achieving cosmetic results through medical treatment.
wǒ de péngyou dāngzhōng yě yǒu jǐwèi zuò guò zhěngróng shǒushù.
Among my friends, there are a few that have done plastic surgery.
yǒude gē le shuāngyǎnpí, yǒude diàn le bízi,
Some have undergone eyelid surgery, while others have done nose jobs,
yě yǒude dǎ le měibái zhēn, yějiùshì ràng pífū biàn bái.
and injected whitening chemicals to make their skin whiter.
tídào zhěngróng, kěnéng hěn duō rén huì xiǎngdào Hánguó.
When it comes to plastic surgery, many people may first think of Korea.
dàn shíjìshàng zài quánshìjiè, chúle Bāxī hé Měiguó,
But actually, with the exception of Brazil and the United States,
Zhōngguó cái shì zuì xǐhuan zhěngróng de guójiā.
China is the country that does the most plastic surgery.
kěnéng Xīfāng guójiā rén xǐhuan zuò fēngxiōng hé fēng tún shǒushù,
People in western countries like to do breast and butt enhancements.
dànshì Zhōngguórén què gèng xǐhuan zài liǎn shàng zuò yīxiē xiǎo tiáozhěng,
However, Chinese people prefer to make minor adjustments to their faces.
yějiùshì suǒwèi de wēi zhěngxíng.
In China, these minor adjustments are called micro-plastic surgery.
bǐrú: gē shuāngyǎnpí, lóng bí, xiāo gǔ děngděng.
For example: creating double eyelids, nose jobs, cheekbone reduction and so on.
nà wèihé Zhōngguórén huì piān’ài zhè jǐge zhěngróng xiàngmù ne?
So why do Chinese people prefer these plastic surgery procedures?
zhǔyào háishi yīnwèi dàzhòng de shěnměi biāozhǔn shòu dào le méitǐ de yǐngxiǎng.
Mainly because of the influence of the media on people’s perception of beauty standards.
bǐrú mùqián zài Zhōngguó liúxíng de Hán jù,
For example, Korean dramas are very popular in China.
jù zhōng de nǚ zhǔjué gègè dōu shì dà yǎnjing,
In these dramas, the actresses generally have big eyes,
gāo bíliáng, xiǎo liǎndàn hé bái pífū.
high-bridged noses, small faces and white skin.
shāngjiā men yě dōu xuǎnyòng zhèlèi měinǚ lái gěi tāmen de chǎnpǐn dǎ guǎnggào.
Even in advertising done by businesses, they use women that possess the same beauty traits.
bǐrú Zhōngguó zhùmíng yǎnyuán fàn bīng bīng,
For example, Fan Bingbing is a famous Chinese actress
jiù yǒuzhe hěn duō Zhōngguó nǚrén dōu xiànmù de liǎndàn hé shēncái.
who has a face and body that many Chinese women admire.
shènzhì yǒurén yīnwèi xǐhuan fàn bīng bīng de zhǎngxiàng
There is even a Chinese woman who spent 8 years
ér huā le bā nián de shíjiān bǎ zìjǐ zhěng chéngle fàn bīng bīng de múyàng.
doing plastic surgery to make herself look exactly like Fan Bingbing!
yóucǐkějiàn, méitǐ duìyú nǚxìng zài xuǎnzé zhěngróng xiàngmù shí,
So as you could see, the media plays an important role in influencing
qǐ zhe fēicháng guānjiàn de zuòyòng.
what type of plastic surgery is done by women.
dàn bìjìng zhěngróng tā bù xiàng huàzhuāng nàme jiǎndān,
Yet, plastic surgery is not as simple as makeup.
tā shì yǒu fēngxiǎn de.
It has risks.
wǒmen jīngcháng zài xīnwén shàng kàn dào yǒurén
We have often seen in the news stories of people
yīnwèi zhěngróng shībài ér bèi huǐróng, shènzhì diū le xìngmìng.
that were disfigured or even lost their lives, due to improper plastic surgery.
nà wèishénme zhèxiē rén míngzhī zhěngróng yǒu zhème dà de fēngxiǎn,
So, knowing the dangers of plastic surgery,
háishi yuànyì huā zhège qián qù mào zhège xiǎn ne?
why are people still willing to take this risk?
nà xiàmian wǒmen jiù lái liáo liáo Zhōngguórén zhěngróng de jǐge yuányīn.
Here are some of the reasons that Chinese people do plastic surgery.
shǒuxiān shì wèile zhǎodào hǎo bànlǚ.
The first one is to find a good partner.
xiànzài bùlùn shì nánrén zhǎo nǚpéngyou, háishi nǚrén zhǎo nánpéngyou,
Nowadays, whether it is a man or a woman looking for a partner,
zhè dìyī yǎn kàn de dōu shì zhǎngxiàng.
the first thing they look at is appearance.
zhǎng de hǎo, duìfāng yě huì duō kàn jǐ yǎn.
If you are good-looking, the other person will pay more attention to you.
suǒyǐ hěn duō nǚxìng, qízhōng yě yǒu nánxìng,
Therefore, a lot of women (and some men)
huì yīnwèi xiǎngyào zhǎodào yī gè hǎo duìxiàng,
will use plastic surgery to make themselves beautiful or handsome,
ér xuǎnzé tōngguò zhěngróng lái ràng zìjǐ biàn měi biàn shuài.
so they can find a good partner.
dì’èr, shì wèile zhǎodào hǎo gōngzuò.
The second reason is to find a good job.
xiànzài de shèhuì, bùjǐn zhǎoduìxiàng kàn zhǎngxiàng,
In today’s society, appearance is not only important when looking for a partner,
jiù lián zhǎo gōngzuò yě kàn liǎndànr.
but when it comes to getting a job.
shènzhì gèbié zhāopìn guǎnggào shàng,
Even some job ads will directly state
huì zhíjiē yāoqiú nǚxìng de shēngāo hé zhǎngxiàng.
the appearance and heights requirements of the female job candidates.
suǒyǐ hěn míngxiǎn, duìyú nǚxìng láishuō,
So it’s obvious that for a woman,
hǎo de zhǎngxiàng jiù yìwèizhe hǎo de gōngzuò jīhuì.
good appearance creates greater job opportunities.
xiànzài yǒu hěn duō dà xuésheng huì zài bìyè qián qù zuò yīxiē wēi zhěngxíng shǒushù,
For example, some university students will perform plastic surgery before graduation
mùdì shì ràng zìjǐ zài rìhòu zhǎo gōngzuò shí néng gèng shùnlì xiē.
in order to increase their job opportunities in the future.
dāngrán le, bìng bùshì měigerén zhěngróng
Of course, not everyone does plastic surgery
dōu shì wèile zhǎoduìxiàng huò zhǎo gōngzuò.
to look for a partner or a job.
yě yǒurén shì yīnwèi duì zìjǐ de zhǎngxiàng bùmǎnyì,
Some people do it because they’re not happy
xiǎngyào míbǔ xiāntiān de quēxiàn,
with the way they look,
ér xuǎnzé tōngguò zhěngróng lái huòdé měilì hé zìxìn.
and they use plastic surgery to enhance their self-confidence.
yóuqí zài Zhōngguó, dāng rénmen tǎolùn dào měi yǔ chǒu de huàtí shí,
In China, people are very direct
tāmen shuōhuà yǒushíhou shì fēicháng zhíjiē de.
with their comments about appearance.
céngjīng yǒuyīcì,wǒ de yī gè nǚ xuésheng jiù zhíjiē duì wǒ shuō guò:
For example, once I had a (14 year old) female student who directly asked me:
“nǐ zěnme zhème chǒu?”
“Why are you so ugly?”
suǒyǐ, zài Zhōngguó rúguǒ nǐ zhǎngde bù piàoliang dehuà,
So in China, if you’re not beautiful,
láizì péngyou huò shèhuì de yālì shì xiāngdāng dà de.
the criticism from people can be very harsh.
duìyú zhěngróng zhège huàtí, rénmen de kànfǎ yě gè yǒu bùtóng.
Chinese people have different opinions on plastic surgery.
dàbùfen nánrén bùtài néng jiēshòu zhěng guò róng de nǚpéngyou,
Most men will not accept a girl who did plastic surgery as their girlfriend,
tāmen juéde zhè bùshì tiānrán de,
because they feel the girl’s beauty is not natural.
rúguǒ nǚpéngyou zhěngróng qián zhǎngde hěn chǒu dehuà,
To them, this point is important because they worry that if the girl was ugly before surgery,
tāmen dānxīn yǐhòu de háizi yě huì hěn chǒu.
then the future kids might also be ugly.
zhèlǐ yǒu yī tiáo láizì Zhōngguó nánxìng duì nǚxìng zhěngróng de pínglùn,
Here’s a comment from a Chinese male netizen on female plastic surgery:
tā shuō: “wǒ zìjǐ dōu xiǎng qù wēi zhěng! bùguò zhǎo lǎopó dehuà,
“I also want to do some plastic surgery on myself! However, if I am looking for a wife,
wèile xiàyīdài, bùtài xiǎng zhǎo dà zhěng guò de,
I don’t want to find someone who has done major plastic surgery on herself, because I worry what my future children might look like.
zhùyì shì dà zhěng de, wēi zhěng wúsuǒwèi.”
Note, I am talking about major surgery, minor stuff I don’t mind.”
suǒyǐ zhèwèi wǎngyǒu juéde rúguǒ zhǐshì zuò wēi zhěng,
So this netizen felt that plastic surgery was acceptable,
tā háishi kěyǐ jiēshòu de.
only if it is minor.
dàn yě yǒu shǎo bùfen nánrén rènwéi zhè shì wánquán kěyǐ jiēshòu de.
However, there is a small number of men who think that plastic surgery is perfectly acceptable.
bǐrú zhèwèi wǎngyǒu, tā shuō:
For example, this netizen said:
“wánquán bù jièyì, jiùsuàn hòudài kěnéng zhǎngde bù hǎokàn yòu zěnmeyàng ne?
“I don’t mind it at all, even if the children look ugly, so what?
xiànzài zhěngróng dōu yǐjīng zhème pǔjí le,
Now that plastic surgery has become so popular,
èrshí nián zhīhòu,
it might be that in twenty years,
zhěngróng shuōbudìng jiù xiàng xiànzài tàngfà yīyàng pǔjí qiě piányi,
it will be as common and cheap as getting your hair done.
dàbùliǎo ràng hòudài jìxù qù zhěngróng.”
So, if my future kids are ugly, let them get plastic surgery!”
nàme xiànzài wǒmen láikàn yīxià
Now, let’s look at
nǚxìng duì zhěngróng zhè jiàn shì yòu yǒu shénme kànfǎ ne?
what women think about plastic surgery.
dàbùfen de Zhōngguó nǚxìng dōu duì zhěngróng bào zhe kāifàng de tàidu,
The majority of Chinese women are open to plastic surgery.
tāmen rènwéi rúguǒ zhěngróng néng dàilái měilì hé zìxìn,
They feel that plastic surgery can bring beauty and confidence.
zhǐyào qù zhèngguī yīyuàn, méiyǒushénme bùhǎo.
There is nothing wrong with it as long as it is done in a reputable hospital.
érqiě zhè shì gèrén xuǎnzé, dàjiā bù yīnggāi fǎnduì.
Plastic surgery is a personal choice, so other people should not oppose it.
dàn yě yǒu nǚxìng rènwéi, zhěng guò róng de nǚhái shì zài zuòbì,
However, there are some women who think that getting plastic surgery is cheating
zhè duì tiānshēng zhǎngde hǎokàn de nǚrén bù gōngpíng.
and unfair to the girls who were born naturally beautiful.
wǒ yǒu yī wèi nǚxìng péngyou, tā zuò le jǐ xiàng wēi zhěngxíng shǒushù.
I have a female friend who did several plastic surgery procedures.
yǒuyīcì, wǒ wèn tā wèishénme qù zhěngróng,
Once, I asked her why she did them.
tā shuō shēnbiān de péngyou dōu zhǎngde piàoliang,
She said it was because all her friends that got plastic surgery
érqiě dōu duōshǎo zuò guò yīxiē wēi zhěngxíng.
are now considered beautiful,
suǒyǐ ne, tā yě xiǎng qù shì shì.
so she also wanted to give it a try.
ránhòu wǒ wèn tā huìbùhuì dānxīn chūwèntí,
Then, I mentioned that there are
yīnwèi xīnwén shàng jīngcháng bàodào zhège zhěngróng diū le xìngmìng a,
frequent news reports of women becoming horribly disfigured, even dying,
nàge zhěngróng huǐróng le děngděng, hěn kěpà de yīxiē bàodào.
because of bad plastic surgery – wasn’t she worried about the risks?
tā shuō xiànzài jìshù hěn chéngshú,
She said that plastic surgery has been around for awhile
hěn duō rén qù zhěng dōu méiyǒu wèntí.
and the science is well-established, so the risks are small.
érqiě duìyú tā láishuō, rúguǒ zhěngróng néng ràng zìjǐ biàn zìxìn,
If getting plastic surgery can increase a person’s self-confidence,
mào yīdiǎn xiǎo fēngxiǎn yě shì zhíde de.
it is well worthwhile taking the minor risks.
tā hái shuō chèn xiànzài niánqīng, tā yào xiǎngshòu měilì.
She wants to enjoy (and benefit) from her beauty as a young person.
děng dàoliǎo sì wǔshí suì, xiǎng qù zhěngróng yě wǎn le.
Once she becomes older (40 or 50 years old), it will be too late to benefit from plastic surgery.
suǒyǐ zǒngdeláishuō, dàbùfen Zhōngguórén,
So in general, most Chinese,
bùguǎn shì nánxìng háishi nǚxìng,
whether men or women,
duìyú zhěngróng zhè jiàn shì de tàidu dōu háishi hěn kāifàng de.
are open to plastic surgery.
nàme wǒ jiù xiǎng wèn yīxià nǐmen, zài nǐmen de guójiā,
I just want to ask you guys – in your country,
shìfǒu yě yǒu hěn duō rén zhěng guò róng ne?
are there a lot of people getting plastic surgery?
tāmen dōu xǐhuan zhěng nǎlǐ ne?
And, what type of plastic surgery procedures are they getting?
nǐ duì zhěngróng zhè jiàn shì yòu yǒu shénme kànfǎ ne?
Finally, what is your personal opinion on this subject?
huānyíng dàjiā zàixiàmiàn liúyán tǎolùn!
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hǎo! rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuan zhège shìpín dehuà,
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