HSK 3 – Nouns 91 to 120 91 鸟/niǎo Bird Wǒ tīngjiàn yī zhī xiǎo niǎo zài chànggē. 我听见一只小鸟在唱歌。 I heard a little bird singing. 92 盘子/pánzi Plate Tā zài pánzi lǐ duīmǎn le shíwù. 他在盘子里堆满了食物。 He filled the plate with food. 93 啤酒/píjiǔ Beer Wǒ hē le yī píng píjiǔ. 我喝了一瓶啤酒。 I drank a bottle of beer. 94 葡萄/pútao Grape Zhè pútao tián ma? 这葡萄甜吗? Are these grapes sweet? 95 普通话/pǔtōnghuà Mandarin Wǒ huì shuō yīdiǎn pǔtōnghuà. 我会说一点普通话。 I can speak a little bit Mandarin. 96 铅笔/qiānbǐ Pencil Néng jiè wǒ zhī qiānbǐ ma? 能借我支铅笔吗? Would you lend me a pencil? 97 秋/qiū Autumn Qiūtiān mǎshàng jiù yào lái le. 秋天马上就要来了。 Autumn is coming soon. 98 裙子/qúnzi Skirt Zhè tiáo qúnzi zěnme yàng? 这条裙子怎么样? How is this skirt? 99 热情/rèqíng Enthusiasm Tā de rèqíng gǎndòng le wǒ. 他的热情感动了我。 I was moved by his enthusiasm. 100 伞/sǎn Umbrella Wǒ diū le wǒ de sǎn. 我丢了我的伞。 I lost my umbrella. 101 上网/shàngwǎng To Get Online Tā chéngtiān duǒ zài bàngōngshì lǐ shàngwǎng liáotiān. 她成天躲在办公室里上网聊天。 She spent the whole day avoiding other people in the office so she could chat online. 102 声音/shēngyīn Voice Nǐ de shēngyīn hěn hǎotīng. 你的声音很好听。 Your voice is very pleasant to hear. 103 世界/shìjiè World Wǒ yào gǎibiàn shìjiè. 我要改变世界。 I want to change the world. 104 手机/shǒujī Mobile Phone/Cellphone Tā de shǒujī guānjī le. 他的手机关机了。 His cellphone is turned off now. 105 叔叔/shūshu Uncle Wǒ shūshu ǒu’ěr huì lái kàn wǒ. 我叔叔偶尔会来看我。 My uncle comes to see me from time to time. 106 树/shù Tree Lù liǎngbiān yǒu xǔduō shù. 路两边有许多树。 There are lots of trees on both sides of the road. 107 数学/shùxué Math Wǒ hěn shàncháng shùxué. 我很擅长数学。 I am very good at math. 108 双/shuāng Pair Wǒ mǎi le yī shuāng gāogēnxié. 我买了一双高跟鞋。 I bought a pair of high heels. 109 水平/shuǐpíng Level Nǐ de yīngyǔ shuǐpíng rúhé? 你的英语水平如何? How is your English level? 110 司机/sījī Driver Sījī méi néng shùnlì guǎiwān, zhuàng dào le shù shàng. 司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上。 The driver failed to negotiate a turn and ran into a tree. 111 太阳/tàiyáng Sun Jīntiān de tàiyáng hào dà a! 今天的太阳好大啊! The sun is so hot today! 112 糖/táng Sugar Wǒ líbukāi táng, tiánpǐn hé qiǎokèlì. 我离不开糖、甜品和巧克力。 I can’t live without sugar,sweets and chocolate. 113 疼/téng Pain Wǒ shòubuliǎo zhèzhǒng téng. 我受不了这种疼。 I can’t stand the pain. 114 体育/tǐyù Physical Education/Sports Tā bù xiàng wǒ duì tǐyù nàme chīmí. 她不像我对体育那么痴迷。 She is not as crazy about sport as I am. 115 同事/tóngshì Colleague Wǒ de tóngshì men yīzhí dōu duì wǒ hěn hǎo. 我的同事们一直都对我很好。 My colleagues are always nice to me. 116 头发/tóufa Hair (on the head) Nǐ de tóufa tài cháng le. 你的头发太长了。 Your hair is too long. 117 图书馆/túshūguǎn Library Wǒ cóng túshūguǎn jiè le liǎng běn shū. 我从图书馆借了两本书。 I borrowed two books from the library. 118 腿/tuǐ Leg Wǒ de tuǐ bèi nà zhī gǒu yǎo le. 我的腿被那只狗咬了。 My leg was bitten by that dog. 119 碗/wǎn Bowl Wǒ bǎ wǎn gěi shuāipò le. 我把碗给摔破了。 I broke the bowl. 120 万/wàn Ten Thousand Tā zuò zìyóu zhíyè měi nián kě zhuàn 2 wàn yuán. 他做自由职业每年可赚2万元。 His freelance work brings him in about 20000 Yuan a year.
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HSK 3 – Nouns 91 to 120
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