HSK 4 – Nouns 91 to 120 91 饺子/jiǎozi Dumplings Wǒ tūrán xiǎng chī jiǎozi le. 我突然想吃饺子了。 All of a sudden, I want to have some dumplings. 92 教授/jiàoshòu Professor Jǐnguǎn jiàoshòu xiángxì de jiǎngjiě le zhè yī diǎn, dànshì xǔduō xuésheng réngrán bù lǐjiě. 尽管教授详细地讲解了这一点,但是许多学生仍然不理解。 Despite the detailed explanation of this point by the professor, many students failed to understand it. 93 教育/jiàoyù Education Fùmǔ hěn zhòngshì háizi de jiàoyù. 父母很重视孩子的教育。 Parents attach great importance to the education of their children. 94 结果/jiéguǒ Result Qǐng jǐnzǎo ràng wǒ zhīdào jiéguǒ. 请尽早让我知道结果。 Please let me know the result as soon as you can. 95 进行/jìnxíng To Conduct/To Do Guānyú zhège wèntí wǒmen jìnxíng le cháng shíjiān de tǎolùn. 关于这个问题我们进行了长时间的讨论。 We held a long discussion about this problem. Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as a verb, because in normal speech, it is usually used as a verb. 96 精彩/jīngcǎi Spledidness/Wonderful Rúguǒ wǒ méiyǒu yùjiàn nǐ, wǒ de shēngmìng jiāng bùhuì rúcǐ jīngcǎi! 如果我没有遇见你,我的生命将不会如此精彩! If I had not met you, my life would not be this wonderful! Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 97 经济/jīngjì Economy Zhège guójiā de jīngjì qíngkuàng yǒu le hěn dà de qǐsè. 这个国家的经济情况有了很大的起色。 The economy in this country has improved a lot. 98 京剧/jīngjù Beijing Opera Yǒuxiē shàng le niánjì de rén fēicháng xǐ’ài jīngjù. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。 Some older people enjoy Beijing opera immensely. 99 精神/jīngshén /jīngshen Spirit/Vigour Zhège bìngrén jīngshen hái bùcuò, bùguò wèikǒu bùdà hǎo. 这个病人精神还不错,不过胃口不大好。 The patient feels pretty well, but he doesn’t have much of an appetitie. NOTE: When the pinyin is jīngshén, the word 精神 means spirit. But when the pinyin is jīngshen, the word means vigour which is used in the sample sentence. 100 经验/jīngyàn Experience Tā méiyǒu zúgòu de jīngyàn. 她没有足够的经验。 She doesn’t have enough experience. 101 警察/jǐngchá Police Tā yīn jiǔjià bèi jǐngchá zhuā qǐlái le. 他因酒驾被警察抓起来了。 He was arrested by the police for drunk driving. 102 镜子/jìngzi Mirror Nǚrén dōu hěn xǐhuan zhào jìngzi. 女人都很喜欢照镜子。 Women all like looking themselves in the mirror. 103 究竟/jiūjìng (What) On Earth… Nǐ jiūjìng zài gǎo shénme guǐ? Zhème shénmì! 你究竟在搞什么鬼?这么神秘! What on earth are you up to? You’re being so mysterious. 104 距离/jùlí Distance Cóng zhèlǐ dào gōngyuán de jùlí shì liǎng gōnglǐ. 从这里到公园的距离是两公里。 It is two kilometers from here to the park. 105 看法/kànfǎ View/Opinion Tā duì zhège wèntí de kànfǎ jíqí huāngtáng. 他对这个问题的看法极其荒唐。 His views on this subject are absolutely ridiculous. 106 科学/kēxué Science Méiyǒu kēxué jiù méiyǒu wèilái. 没有科学就没有未来。 Without science, there is no future. 107 咳嗽/késou Cough Wǒ gǎnmào hǎo xiē le, dàn késou hǎoxiàng lǎo yě bù hǎo. 我感冒好些了,但咳嗽好像老也不好。 My cold’s better, but I can’t seem to shake off this cough. 108 空气/kōngqì Air Wǒ xiǎng chūqù hūxī hūxī xīnxiān kōngqì. 我想出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气。 I want to go out and get some fresh air. 109 困难/kùnnán Diffficulty Bùlùn nǐ yùdào duōshao kùnnan, dōu bùyào fàngqì. 不论你遇到多少困难,都不要放弃。 Never give up no matter how difficult it gets. 110 垃圾桶/lājī tǒng Trash Can Qǐng bǎ lājī rēng dào lājī tǒng lǐ qù! 请把垃圾扔到垃圾桶里去! Please throw the garbage in the trash can. 111 浪费/làngfèi Waste Nǐ zhèyàng huāqián shì làngfèi. 你这样花钱是浪费。 Spending money this way is a waste. 112 老虎/lǎohǔ Tiger Lǎohǔ lái le, xiǎo dòngwù yào zāoyāng le. 老虎来了,小动物要遭殃了。 The tiger has come and the small animals are going to be in trouble. 113 理发/lǐfà Haircut Tóufa cháng le, wǒ děi qù lǐfà le. 头发长了,我得去理发了。 My hair is getting long, I need to get a haircut. 114 礼貌/lǐmào Courtesy/Manners Tā jiàoyù háizimen yào yǒu lǐmào. 他教育孩子们要有礼貌。 He teaches his children to have good manners. 115 力气/lìqi Power/Strength Tā yǐjīng jīnpí-lìjìn le, lián shuōhuà de lìqi yě méiyǒu le. 她已经筋疲力尽了,连说话的力气也没有了。 She was so tired that she didn’t even have the strength to speak. 116 俩/liǎ Two Jǐnguǎn wǒ liǎ xiàngmào bùtóng, dàn dōu tǎo rén xǐhuan. 尽管我俩相貌不同,但都讨人喜欢。 Although our appearance is different, but we are both likeable. 117 联系/liánxì Contact Wǒmen yǐjīng hé tā shīqù liánxì le. 我们已经和他失去联系了。 We have lost contact with him. 118 律师/lǜshī Lawyer Wǒ xūyào jǐnkuài liánxi yī míng lǜshī. 我需要尽快联系一名律师。 I need to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. 119 麻烦/máfan Trouble Yěxǔ wǒ bù gāi jiǎng nàxiē huà, wǒ kěnéng huì rě lái máfan. 也许我不该讲那些话,我可能会惹来麻烦。 Perhaps I shouldn’t say that, I might get into trouble. 120 毛巾/máojīn Towel Yòng zhè tiáo máojīn bǎ shǒu cā gān. 用这条毛巾把手擦干。 Dry your hands with this towel.
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HSK 4 – Nouns 91 to 120
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