HSK 4 – Nouns 121 to 150 121 美丽/měilì Beauty/Beautiful Wǒ cóng méi jiàn guò zhème měilì de nǚrén. 我从没见过这么美丽的女人。 I have never seen such a beautiful woman. Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 122 梦/mèng Dream Zuówǎn wǒ zuò le yī gè qíguài de mèng. 昨晚我做了一个奇怪的梦。 I had a strange dream last night. 123 密码/mìmǎ Password Wǒ lǎoshì wàngjì yínháng kǎ mìmǎ. 我老是忘记银行卡密码。 I always forget my bank card password. 124 民族/mínzú Ethnic Group Zhōngguó yǒu wǔshíliù gè mínzú. 中国有五十六个民族。 China has 56 ethnic groups. 125 母亲/mǔqīn Mother Mǔqīn jiào tā zuò shénme, tā cónglái bù jùjué. 母亲叫他做什么,他从来不拒绝。 He never refuses to do what his mother asks him to do. 126 目的/mùdì Purpose Wǒ pāizhào de mùdì shì wèile jìlù xià měihǎo de shùnjiān. 我拍照的目的是为了记录下美好的瞬间。 My purpose in taking photos is to record the beautiful moments. 127 内/nèi Inside Wǒ bǎ shǒujī là zài chē nèi le. 我把手机落在车内了。 I left my cellphone inside the car. 128 能力/nénglì Ability Tā xiězuò de nénglì méiyǒu rènhé de jìnbù. 他写作的能力没有任何的进步。 He made no progress in his writing ability. 129 年龄/niánlíng Age Tā de dǎbàn hé tā de niánlíng hěn bù xiāngpèi. 她的打扮和她的年龄很不相配。 Her clothes and make-up do not fit her age. 130 内容/nèiróng Content Nǐ nà piān wénzhāng de nèiróng hǎo jí le, dànshì biǎodá fāngshì bùtài hǎo. 你那篇文章的内容好极了, 但是表达方式不太好。 The content of your article is excellent, but it’s not very well expressed. 131 农村/nóngcūn Countryside Tā zài nóngcūn dùguò le kuàilè de tóngnián. 他在农村度过了快乐的童年。 He had a happy childhood in the countryside. 132 皮肤/pífū Skin Tā zài yángguāng xià zhǐ shài le yīhuǐr, pífū jiù kāishǐ biàn hóng le. 他在阳光下只晒了一会儿,皮肤就开始变红了。 After only a short exposure to sunlight his skin began to turn red. 133 脾气/píqi Temper Tā de píqi hěn bàozào, yǒushí huì wánquán shīkòng. 他的脾气很暴躁,有时会完全失控。 He has a terrible temper and sometimes will completely lose control. 134 品质/pǐnzhì Quality Wǒmen yīnggāi xuéxí tā de yōuxiù pǐnzhì. 我们应该学习他的优秀品质。 We should learn from his fine qualities. 135 乒乓球/pīngpāngqiú Ping-Pong Wǒ bùhuì dǎ pīngpāngqiú, dànshì wǒ xǐhuan kàn biéren dǎ. 我不会打乒乓球,但是我喜欢看别人打。 I can’t play Ping-Pong, but I like to watch other people play. 136 瓶子/píngzi Bottle Zhège píngzi shì kōng de. 这个瓶子是空的。 This bottle is empty. 137 气候/qìhòu Climate Wǒ yǐjīng xíguàn le běifāng de qìhòu. 我已经习惯了北方的气候。 I’ve got used to the northern climate. 138 签证/qiānzhèng Visa Wǒ de qiānzhèng háiyǒu yī gè yuè guòqī. 我的签证还有一个月过期。 My visa will expire in a month. 139 墙/qiáng Wall Qiáng shàng yǒu yī fú huà. 墙上有一幅画。 There is a picture on the wall. 140 桥/qiáo Bridge Nà zuò qiáo zhìliàng bù hǎo, yǐjīng dǎotā le. 那座桥质量不好,已经倒塌了。 The bridge is of poor quality and has collapsed. 141 巧克力/qiǎokēlì Chocolate Wǒ tèdì wèi nǐ zuò le yī gè qiǎokēlì dàngāo. 我特地为你做了一个巧克力蛋糕。 I made a chocolate cake specially for you. 142 亲戚/qīnqi Relative Wǒ bù xǐhuan gēn qīnqi zài yīqǐ gōngzuò. 我不喜欢跟亲戚在一起工作。 I dislike working with relatives. 143 情况/qíngkuàng Condition/Situation Nà jiā gōngsī de jīngjì qíngkuàng bùtài lèguān. 那家公司的经济情况不太乐观。 The financial situation of that company is not very good. 144 区别/qūbié Difference Qǐngwèn zhè liǎng gè dāncí yǒu shéme qūbié? 请问这两个单词有什么区别? Excuse me, what is the difference between these two words? 145 全部/quánbù Whole/All Tā bǎ shēnshang quánbù de qián dōu diū le. 他把身上全部的钱都丢了。 He lost all the money he had on. 146 缺点/quēdiǎn Shortcoming/Weak Point Cóng xiànshí de jiǎodù kàn, tā de jìhuà yǒu hěnduō quēdiǎn. 从现实的角度看,他的计划有很多缺点。 Looking at it practically, there are many shortcomings in his plan. 147 人民币/rénmínbì RMB Rénmínbì xiànzài méiyǒu yǐqián zhíqián le. 人民币现在没有以前值钱了。 The RMB has gone down in value. 148 任务/rènwù Task Wǒ méiyǒu wánchéng rènwù, gǎndào hěn cánkuì. 我没有完成任务,感到很惭愧。 I feel ashamed that I did not complete the task. 149 日记/rìjì Diary Tā yǒu yòng yīngwén xiě rìjì de xíguàn. 他有用英文写日记的习惯。 He has the habit of writing his diary in English. 150 入口/rùkǒu Entrance Qǐngwèn dìtiě de rùkǒu zài nǎr? 请问地铁的入口在哪儿? Excuse me, where is the entrance to the subway?
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HSK 4 - Nouns 121 to 150
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HSK 4 – Nouns 121 to 150
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