My Friend Got Married! 00:00:04,600 –> 00:00:08,403 00:00:08,403 –> 00:00:12,324 00:00:12,324 –> 00:00:16,951 00:00:17,461 –> 00:00:21,030 00:00:21,500 –> 00:00:23,774 00:00:23,774 –> 00:00:30,245 00:00:30,245 –> 00:00:32,440 00:00:32,440 –> 00:00:37,813 00:00:37,813 –> 00:00:41,200 12 00:00:45,773 –> 00:00:48,047 00:00:48,047 –> 00:00:54,713 00:00:54,713 –> 00:00:55,106 00:00:55,106 –> 00:00:58,674 00:00:58,674 –> 00:01:01,928 00:01:01,928 –> 00:01:02,306 00:01:02,306 –> 00:01:05,575 00:01:05,575 –> 00:01:06,612 00:01:06,612 –> 00:01:07,144 00:01:07,144 –> 00:01:09,789 Duì, – Eileen 00:01:09,789 –> 00:01:12,477 Fēicháng hǎowán – Eileen 00:01:12,477 –> 00:01:15,967 00:01:15,967 –> 00:01:19,888 00:01:19,888 –> 00:01:24,593 00:01:24,593 –> 00:01:29,181 00:01:29,181 –> 00:01:30,048 00:01:30,048 –> 00:01:32,004 00:01:32,004 –> 00:01:32,397 00:01:32,397 –> 00:01:36,400 00:01:36,400 –> 00:01:38,122 00:01:38,122 –> 00:01:39,847 nà ~ – Eileen 00:01:39,847 –> 00:01:42,513 00:01:42,513 –> 00:01:44,043 00:01:44,043 –> 00:01:47,101 00:01:47,101 –> 00:01:48,944 00:01:48,944 –> 00:01:50,827 00:01:50,827 –> 00:01:53,024 00:01:53,024 –> 00:01:55,375 00:01:55,375 –> 00:01:56,905 00:01:56,905 –> 00:02:00,224 00:02:00,224 –> 00:02:03,401 00:02:03,401 –> 00:02:06,355 00:02:06,355 –> 00:02:10,158 00:02:10,158 –> 00:02:14,237 00:02:14,903 –> 00:02:18,981 00:02:18,981 –> 00:02:24,157 00:02:24,157 –> 00:02:26,314 00:02:26,314 –> 00:02:27,608 ránhòu – Lisa 00:02:27,608 –> 00:02:33,215 00:02:33,215 –> 00:02:34,941 00:02:34,941 –> 00:02:41,960 00:02:41,960 –> 00:02:44,822 00:02:44,822 –> 00:02:51,018 00:02:51,018 –> 00:02:54,900 00:02:54,900 –> 00:03:00,547 00:03:00,547 –> 00:03:02,899 00:03:02,899 –> 00:03:07,958 00:03:07,958 –> 00:03:14,781 00:03:14,781 –> 00:03:20,624 00:03:20,624 –> 00:03:23,408 00:03:23,408 –> 00:03:27,133 00:03:27,133 –> 00:03:31,446 00:03:31,446 –> 00:03:35,485 00:03:35,485 –> 00:03:39,524 00:03:39,524 –> 00:03:44,151 xièxiè!- Lisa 00:03:44,151 –> 00:03:47,602 00:03:47,602 –> 00:03:53,209 00:03:53,209 –> 00:03:54,333 00:03:54,333 –> 00:03:56,266 00:03:56,266 –> 00:03:59,483 00:03:59,483 –> 00:04:02,620 00:04:02,866 –> 00:04:06,700 00:04:06,700 –> 00:04:13,247 00:04:13,247 –> 00:04:18,866 00:04:18,866 –> 00:04:22,344 00:04:22,344 –> 00:04:26,500 00:04:26,500 –> 00:04:28,697 00:04:28,697 –> 00:04:32,540 00:04:32,540 –> 00:04:37,755 00:04:37,755 –> 00:04:41,558 00:04:41,558 –> 00:04:45,637 00:04:45,637 –> 00:04:48,225 00:04:48,225 –> 00:04:55,165 00:04:55,165 –> 00:04:57,466 suǒyǐ,(āi) wǒ jiù kàn dào – Lisa 00:04:57,466 –> 00:05:01,086 00:05:01,086 –> 00:05:06,498 00:05:06,498 –> 00:05:10,419 00:05:10,419 –> 00:05:13,164 00:05:13,164 –> 00:05:19,320 00:05:19,320 –> 00:05:25,320 00:05:25,320 –> 00:05:30,810 duì a!-Eileen 00:05:30,810 –> 00:05:34,456 00:05:34,456 –> 00:05:36,456 00:05:36,456 –> 00:05:42,691 00:05:42,691 –> 00:05:47,632 00:05:47,632 –> 00:05:54,376 00:05:54,376 –> 00:05:55,906 00:05:55,906 –> 00:06:00,180 00:06:00,180 –> 00:06:04,336 00:06:04,689 –> 00:06:10,728 00:06:10,728 –> 00:06:18,374 00:06:18,374 –> 00:06:22,923 00:06:22,923 –> 00:06:24,413 00:06:24,413 –> 00:06:27,466 00:06:27,466 –> 00:06:29,966 00:06:29,966 –> 00:06:33,158 00:06:33,158 –> 00:06:38,412 00:06:38,412 –> 00:06:43,706 00:06:43,706 –> 00:06:51,313 00:06:51,313 –> 00:06:55,705 00:06:55,705 –> 00:07:00,724 00:07:00,724 –> 00:07:06,684 00:07:06,684 –> 00:07:11,468 00:07:11,468 –> 00:07:14,017 00:07:14,017 –> 00:07:19,507 00:07:19,507 –> 00:07:24,056 00:07:24,056 –> 00:07:29,898 00:07:30,212 –> 00:07:34,055 00:07:34,055 –> 00:07:36,682 00:07:36,682 –> 00:07:39,780 00:07:39,780 –> 00:07:42,917 00:07:42,917 –> 00:07:46,250 00:07:46,250 –> 00:07:49,818 00:07:49,818 –> 00:07:54,485 00:07:54,485 –> 00:08:00,641 00:08:00,641 –> 00:08:04,131
[addtoany buttons=”facebook,twitter,reddit,pinterest,tumblr,google_plus,wechat,email”]Video Transcript
Dàjiā hǎo! Huānyíng lái dào Mandarin Corner!
大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner!
Hello everybody! Welcome to Mandarin Corner
Jīntiān ne, wǒ tèdì lái bàifǎng wǒ de péngyǒu.
Today, I came here to visit my friend.
Zhè wèi péngyǒu ne, shì wǒ zài lǚtú dāngzhōng rènshí de, fēicháng qiǎo!
I met my friend during a trip. What a coincidence!
A ~ nà wǒmen qǐng zhè wèi péngyǒu lái jièshào xià zìjǐ ba!
啊~ 那我们请这位朋友来介绍下自己吧!
Now, let me let my friend introduce herself!
Hā luō ~ dàjiā hǎo! Wǒ shì Lisa
哈啰~ 大家好!我是Lisa
Hello~ everybody! I am Lisa.
Nàme wǒ zài zhōngguó ne, zhīqián wǒ de gōngzuò shì zuò yòu’éryuán de lǎoshī
I worked in a kindergarten as a teacher before.
Hěn gāoxìng rènshí dàjiā!
Nice to meet you all!
Eileen yě gēn wǒ shì fēicháng de yǒu yuánfèn, ránhòu wǒmen zài lǚtú zhōng xiāngshí
It was such a fate, Eileen and I met on the road.
Suǒyǐ wǒmen hòulái màn man de huí dào shēnzhèn yǐhòu
We kept in touch back in Shenzhen,
00:00:41,200 –> 00:00:44,871
jiù jīngcháng liánxì chéngwéile hǎo péngyǒu
we made contact often then became good friends.
Duì, wǒmen fēicháng yǒu yuánfèn
Yeah, it must be a fate.
A ~ wǒ jìdé zài huǒchē shàng, dāngshí wǒmen shì zuò zài bèikàobèi
啊~ 我记得在火车上,当时我们是坐在背靠背
I remember we sat back-to-back on the train.
Ránhòu ne, wǒ jiù tīng dào tāmen zài liáotiān
And I overheard their talking
Ó! Wǒ fāxiàn (yěshì zài) yěshì cóng shēnzhèn lái de
I discovered that they were also from Shenzhen.
Ránhòu wǒmen jiù kāishǐ dāshànle, hòumiàn yīqǐ chī língshí
Then we started talking and sharing snacks.
Fēicháng liáo dé lái.
We got along very well.
Fāshēngle hěnduō yǒuqù de shìqíng, – Lisa
发生了很多有趣的事情,- Lisa
Many interesting things happened.. – Lisa
对,- Eileen
Yeah! – Eileen
jìyì fēicháng shēnkè – Lisa
记忆非常深刻 – Lisa
Many unforgetable memories! – Lisa
It was very interesting. – Eileen
Wǒ jìdé nà yītiān, wǒmen dàole shēnzhèn yǐhòu ne
I remember the day we arrived in Shenzhen
Wǒ jiù yāoqǐng Eileen dào wǒjiā lǐmiàn qù zhù
I invited Eileen to my place.
Suīrán (dāng) dāngshí de tiáojiàn ne jiùshì hěn yǒuxiàn
Although my apartment was not that great at that time.
Dànshì wǒ juédé jìyì shì fēicháng (nán) nánwàng de
But we still had an unforgetable time together.
en ~ zhège shì Lisa gānggāng bānle jiā
嗯~ 这个是Lisa刚刚搬得家
Lisa just moved in this apartment.
zhège shì Lisa gānggāng bānle jiā
Lisa just moved in this apartment.
Ránhòu ne shàng yīcì, wǒ jìdé shàng yīcì lái lisa jiā de shíhòu,
I remember the last time I came here,
lisa háishì dānshēn de ō
Lisa was still single.
Duì! Shì de.- Lisa
对!是的。- Lisa
Yeah, right. – Lisa
那~ - Eileen
Then – Eileen
Xiànzài guòlái cái fāxiàn tā jiù yǐjīng jiéhūnle
I came here today, she is already married!
Wǒ dāngshí ~ ??
我当时~ ??
I was like ~
Wéi zhī yī zhèn a! Zhēn de shì, hěn zhènjīng
I was shocked! really!
Sùdù hěn kuài, duì ~
Yeah, it was fast.
Nà wǒ jiù xiǎng wèn xià Lisa le
Then I have a question for Lisa.
en ~ jiéhūn qián gēn jiéhūn hòu
嗯~ 结婚前跟结婚后
Comparing before and after marriage..
yǒu méiyǒu duì nǐ de shēnghuó yǒu hěn dà de gǎibiàn a?
has your life changed much?
A ~ qíshí hái hǎo
啊~ 其实还好
Actually it’s alright
Yīnwèi wǒ gēn wǒ de xiānshēng rènshí shì,
Because I knew my husband from..
yīnwèi wǒmen zhīqián shì gāozhōng tóngxué
from high school.
Wǒmen rènshí yǒu jiàng jìn shí nián de yàngzi
We’ve known each close to 10 years.
Nàme wǒmen yīzhí dōu shì fēicháng fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu
We were always good friends.
Nàme jiù yǒu yītiān ne wǒ de xiānshēng jiù gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà
Then one day, he called me
Ránhòu wǒmen jiù zài fēnxiǎng shēnghuó zhōng de yīxiē chéngzhǎng hé gǎnwù
We shared so much about our feelings in life.
Ránhòu tā jiù shuō:“Jìrán nǐ zhème duōnián dōu wèi jià, wǒ doū wèi qǔ
Then he said:’ Since you haven’t married, I am single
“Nà wǒmen jiù zài yīqǐ ba!”
Let’s get married!’
Hǎo làngmàn ó!- Eileen
好浪漫噢!- Eileen
So romantic! – Eileen
然后 - Lisa
Then – Lisa
Wǒ jiù shuō:“Āiyā! Nà nǐ yào hǎohǎo de zhuī wǒ ō! Yīnwèi wǒ hěn nán zhuī.”
I said:’ Then you will need to work hard, because I am not easy.’
Ránhòu tā shuō:“Hǎo a!”
He said:’ Okay!’
Ránhòu wǒmen zuìhòu jiù shuō, nà jiù tán yī chǎng yǐ jiéhūn wèi mùdì de liàn’ài
Then we agreed to start a relationship based on a goal of marriage.
Suǒyǐ zuìhòu wǒmen jiù màn man de zài yīqǐle
Eventually we are married.
Wǒmen dàgài shì tánle sān gè yuè liàn’ài, ránhòu wǒmen jiù juédìng jiéhūn
After about a three months’ relationship, we decided to get married.
Yīnwèi wǒ de pópo duì wǒ fēicháng de mǎnyì
My mother-in-law likes me,
Suǒyǐ ne wǒ yě juédé wǒ de xiānshēng fēicháng fēicháng de zhídé wǒ xìnrèn
So I think my husband is trustworthy.
A ~ suǒyǐ wǒmen jiù jiéhūnle
啊~ 所以我们就结婚了
So we are married now.
Nàme jiéhūn dào xiànzài, a wǒ juédé zài xīnlǐ shàngmiàn
Since I got married, I feel mentally
hǎoxiàng gēn dānshēn háishì chàbùduō de, méiyǒu tài dà de yīgè gǎibiàn
I feel like I’m still single, I don’t feel a big change.
Yīnwèi wǒ de xiānshēng shì fēicháng zhīchí wǒ de mèngxiǎng
Because my husband is very supportive about my dream.
Érqiě fēicháng zhàogù wǒ de shēnghuó
And he takes good care of me.
Érqiě wǒmen dōu zài yīqǐ, fēicháng de kāixīn
We are very happy to be together.
Wǒmen dōu zài fēnxiǎng shēnghuó zhōng de yīxiē měihǎo a
We always share our happiness with each other.
Rúguǒ yǒu yīxiē kùnnán (nà) wǒmen yěshì gòngtóng chéngdān
If there are difficulties, we deal with them together.
Suǒyǐ wǒ juédé yùjiàn tā fēicháng fēicháng de hǎo
So I am glad I met him.
Hǎo xìngfú a! Gōngxǐ gōngxǐle!-Eileen
How lucky you are! Congratulation!
谢谢!- lisa
Thank you! – Lisa
Nà qíshí wǒ zhīdào zài zhōngguó ne hěnduō
In fact, I know in China
Qíshí zài wǒ de guānniàn zhōng wǒ shì juédé jiéle hūn de nǚrén jiù méiyǒu zìyóule
I think married women would lose freedom.
Nà qíshí
hěn hǎnjiàn de shì
it’s very rare to meet
xiàng lisa zhèyàng jiéle hūn hái huì juédé gēn dānshēn yīyàng de
like Lisa who still feel like she is single even if she is married.
Wǒ juédé zhēn de shì hěn bùcuò
I think it’s very cool.
qíshí wǒ yuánběn ne yě jiùshì duì hūnyīn
Actually, I originally towards marriage
méiyǒu tài dà de yīgè shēwàng hé yīgè qīdài de qīdài zhí
not very high expectation
A ~shì hòulái jìnrù dào wǒ de xuéxí huánjìng yǐhòu, wǒ fāxiàn
Ah ~ later in my learning environment, I discover
zài zhè li yǒu yīqún liángshīyìyǒu
I find here a group of mentor
Zhèlǐ dōu shì (xīn) jiātíng fēicháng de xìngfú,
The new family here is very happy,
fūqī guānxì fēicháng de héxié
with very harmonious relationship between husband and wife
Wǒ màn man dì xuéxí, màn man de ěrrúmùrǎn
I’m slowly learning, slowly being influenced.
Ránhòu jiùxuéle zìjǐ zěnme qù zuò hǎo bǎi fēn zhī wǔshí
Then I learned how to do fifty percent well
(Zài a) fūqī guānxì shì yībǎi fēn dehuà
If marriage is 100%
Nàme qī zǐ dàibiǎo wǔshí fēn, zhàngfū dàibiǎo wǔshí fēn
Then the wife represents 50% and the husband represents 50%.
Nà wǒ jiù zuò hǎo wǔshí fèn jiù kěyǐle
Then I feel satisfy if I do my 50% well.
Suǒyǐ yě yǒu yītáng kèchéng jiàozuò rúhé ràng fūqī biàn chéng yībèizi de qíngrén
So there are courses that teach couples how to become lifelong lovers.
A ~ tài xìngfúle – Eileen
啊~ 太幸福了 - Eileen
Wow~ That’s really nice.- Eileen
所以,(哎)我就看到 – Lisa
So I see – Lisa
wǒ de lǎoshī, wǒ de péngyǒu tāmen dōu fēicháng xìngfú – Lisa
many of my friends and teachers are very happy. – Lisa
Suǒyǐ ne wǒ yě màn man de zài zhège huánjìng lǐmiàn gēn zài zhège quānzi lǐmiàn
So I slowly in this environment
Gēn dàjiā jiùshì jīngcháng qù tǎojiào, jīngcháng qù tǎolùn
I often go to others to seek advice and to discuss things.
Jiù dà duō dōu shì zhèng néngliàng
Most of it is positive.
Wǒ jiù juédé zhège kěnéng shì àiqíng hé hūnyīn de bǎoxiān jì
So I think this might keep love and marriage fresh.
Suǒyǐ wǒ jiù juédé nǚrén dehuà, qíshí háishì yào yǒu zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng
So I think women, we actually we need to have our own dreams.
Jiù xiàng mǎyún shuō de:“Wàn yī shíxiànle ne?”-Lisa
Like Jack Ma said:’ What if it come true?’ Lisa
Right! – Eileen
Wǒ yě fēicháng gǎnxiè wǒ de lǎoshī
Also I thank my teacher.
Jīngcháng gǔlì wǒ shuō
She often encourages me by saying
Xuǎn duì bànlǚ xìngfú yīshēng, xuǎn duì huánjìng kuàilè yīshēng
You will be happy for the rest of your life if you find the right person and environment.
Suǒyǐ wǒmen yào zài yīgè jījí zhèng néngliàng de huánjìng lǐmiàn
So we need to be in a positive environment
Ránhòu ne jiù huì gèngjiā dì měilì, gèngjiā de kuàilè, gèngjiā de xìngfú
then you can be more happy and beautiful.
Dàjiā yì qǐlái yō ~
Let’s do it together~
Wa ~ nǐ kàn wǒmen de Lisa huó dé hěn jīngcǎi, duì bù duì?
哇~ 你看我们的Lisa活得很精彩,对不对?
Wow~ Look our Lisa is having a cool life, right?
Nà qíshí wǒ yīzhí dōu juédé Lisa shìguò dé hěn xìngfú de rén
Actually, I always think Lisa is a happy person.
Zuìhòu dehuà, nà Lisa yǒu méi yǒu shé me huà duì wǒmen dānshēn nǚxìng shuō de?
Finally, Lisa, do you have anything to say to single women?
Wǒ juédé jiùshì rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng zuò yīgè xìngfú zhǐshù fēicháng gāo de nǚrén
In my opinion, if you want to be a happy woman,
Shǒuxiān ne nǐ yào, yào zuò (sān yǎng) sān lì nǚrén
First of all, you need to have three abilities.
Shénme jiào sān lì ne?
What are these three abilities?
Jiùshì yào sīxiǎng yào dúlì,
Your thinking needs to be independent,
ránhòu ne jīngjì yào dúlì,
then your finances need to be independent
zuìhòu ne nǐ de réngé cái huì dúlì
then eventually your character can be independent.
Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng yào zài nǐ de shēnghuó zhōng yǒu yīxiē surprise a
If you want some surprise in your life
Huò shì nǐ de hūnyīn shēnghuó huì gèngjiā de xìngfú
Or you want your marriage to be happier
Nà nǐ jiù yào zuò dào, nǚrén yào dì yī yào zhùyì yíngyǎng, dì èr ne yào zhùyì bǎoyǎng
Then you need to pay attention to your nutrition and health.
Zuìhòu ne jiùshì yào tíshēng zìjǐ, yào tígāo wǒmen de hányǎng
Lastly, improve yourself, improve your self-restraint.
Zhè jiùshì wǒ shuō de, duì yīxiē wèihūn nǚxìng, wǒmen yào ràng zìjǐ
That is what I wanted to say to some single woman, we need to make ourselves
hūnqián ne yào shēngzhí, nàme hūn hòu ne wǒmen jiù yào bǎozhí
We need to improve ourselves before marriage, and keep it up after it.
Zhèyàng dehuà, wǒmen de àiqíng, wǒmen de hūnyīn jiù xiàng
In this way, our love and marriage will be like
en~ wǒmen de hóngjiǔ yīyàng de
嗯~ 我们的红酒一样的
a bottle of wine
Yù jiǔ yù xiāng, yuè lái yuè jiùshì (a) měiwèi
The longer time it takes, the tastier it will be.
Yuè lái yuè jiùshì tiánměi de, yuánmǎn de zhèyàng de gǎnjué
It will be more and more sweet and satisfying.
Duì! wa ~ nǐ kàn wǒmen de Lisa róngguāng huànfā, jiéle hūn jiùshì bù yīyàng a ~
对!哇~ 你看我们的Lisa容光焕发,结了婚就是不一样啊~
Wow! Look at our Lisa, she is really different now after marriage.
Nà wǒ xiāngxìn lisa dehuà yě nénggòu gǎndòng gèwèi
I believe what Lisa said can touch your guys.
Qíshí wǒ yǐjīng juédé fēicháng gǎndòng
Actually I am already moved.
Wǒ jiù juédé, a! Wǒ shì bù shì yě yīnggāi zhǎo gèrén jiàle ne
I am thinking that should I also find someone?
Hāhā ~ ?? gǎnkuài gǎnkuài, hǎo qídài
哈哈~ ?? 赶快赶快,好期待
Haha! Hurry up!
Hǎo ~ nà jīntiān jiù dào zhèlǐle
好~ 那今天就到这里了
Alright~ that’s all.
Nà qǐng dàjiā yě gěi wǒmen diǎn gè zàn ?hǎobù hǎo?
Please give us a thumb up.
Wèi wǒmen měilì de Lisa, xìngfú de Lisa diǎn gè zàn ?
Give our beautiful and happy lisa a thumb up.
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