The Man Behind The Scandal That Shocked China 1.大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner,我是Eileen 2.前两天有位学生看了我们的视频 3.说太实用了 4.然后马上分享到一个社交网站上 5.第二天我们奇迹般地获得了100多位学生 6.所以在这里我要向那位学生说声谢谢! 7.都说好的东西值得分享 8.我希望更多的同学 9.能够踊跃向你的朋友分享我们的视频! 10.好,那接下来就请大家准备好跟我一起学习汉语! 11.现在的生意人做广告是无孔不入 12.就连电梯里都贴满了宣传海报 13.我每天上下楼 14.站在电梯里无聊就喜欢研究这些广告的设计 15.因为我对平面设计挺感兴趣的 16.其中一张买卖二手车的海报就引起了我的注意 17.起初我只是被这张海报的颜色 18.和整洁的设计所吸引 19.它的背景色是大橙色 20.代言人的衣服也是橙色的 21.非常大胆的设计 22.同时也达到了广告的目的,吸引眼球 23.后来我就注意到代言人是当红影星王宝强 24.我也非常喜欢他的电影 25.算是他的粉丝之一 26.他带给观众的形象一直都是 27.憨厚老实,也很努力! 28.我想这应该就是这家公司让他代言的原因吧! 29.但不久前在他身上发生了一件很不幸的事 30.引得全国人民都在议论他 31.打开电脑,手机 32.看到的都是关于他的新闻 33.甚至到现在粉丝们还是不停关注这个事件 34.那具体发生了什么我先不讲 35.等我给你们介绍完他的背景我再揭晓 36.王宝强来自一个普通的农村家庭 37.小时候经常被其他孩子欺负 38.自己又比较淘气 39.父亲曾经是个军人 40.所以没少挨父亲的打 41.有一次,他在电视上看到李连杰的《少林寺》 42.武功很厉害 43.八岁的他就有了去学武术 44.当英雄,拍电影的想法 45.于是他跑去跟妈妈说自己想练武 46.长大了要拍电影 47.挣很多钱,给家里盖房子 48.妈妈听完了很开心 49.但也没当真 50.可没想到王宝强非常坚持 51.说自己一定要去少林寺练武功,拍电影 52.最后没办法,爸妈只好让他去了 53.到了少林寺之后,剃了光头 54.每天一早起来跑步,练功 55.六年后,他发现在少林寺里 56.是无法实现自己拍电影的梦想的 57.于是决定去北京试一试 58.他一个人独自来到北京 59.一下火车就去找拍电影的地方 60.到了电影厂 61.碰到人就问这是不是拍电影的地方? 62.接着他在附近租了个便宜的房间住 63.每天一大早就往电影厂跑 64.见到导演就说自己练过武术,想拍电影 65.有时候也能接个群众演员的工作 66.但不稳定,工资也不高 67.很快身上的钱就花得差不多了 68.可他还是得要继续生活啊! 69.没办法,只能去工地上干活赚取生活费 70.王宝强个子不高 71.长相也不出众 72.要想被导演挑中可不是件容易的事 73.更别提出名了 74.身边的人都笑他傻 75.可他心中就只有一个信念 76.那就是拍电影,赚钱 77.所以他也不在乎别人说什么! 78.一段时间后,群演的工作没有了 79.工地上的工作又苦又累,工资又不高 80.他就在考虑是否要放弃 81.然后回家种田 82.可他不想一辈子当农民 83.因为他知道当农民改变不了人生 84.恰巧这个时候有人告诉他 85.有个剧组在挑选群众演员 86.让他去试试 87.第二天他就和工地上的朋友一起去了 88.到了剧组,导演不在 89.只有几个工作人员和一台摄像机 90.他和朋友们就开始对着镜头一一做自我介绍 91.轮到王宝强了 92.他站在那儿结结巴巴地说自己从小练武 93.唯一的梦想就是拍电影 94.然后留下联系方式就离开了 95.也不知道是因为紧张还是激动 96.这段自我介绍说得一点都不好 97.还带家乡口音 98.回去的路上他很难过 99.心想这下肯定没有希望了 100.晚上导演回来了 101.白天录的带子堆了一桌 102.顺手就拿了一盘带子塞进去 103.然后躺在沙发上看 104.就在他快要睡着的时候 105.王宝强出现在镜头面前 106.导演一下子精神了 107.返回去又看了一遍他的自我介绍 108.然后问工作人员 109.这小伙子什么时候来的? 110.有没有联系方式? 111.第二天导演就和王宝强联系了 112.问他会不会讲河南话 113.王宝强出生在河北 114.但是在河南长大 115.所以河南话说得很好 116.然后约了见面 117.说有一个角色很适合他,让他来演 118.原来这个角色需要一个会讲河南话的演员 119.他正好合适! 120.拍电影的过程 121.导演一直夸他是演得最好的 122.演完第一部电影 123.王宝强在电影界也就有点知名度了 124.随后又被著名导演冯小刚挑中出演《天下无贼》 125.电影票房大卖 126.王宝强朴实的形象受到了众多观众的喜爱 127.曾经的群众演员摇身一变成了电影明星 128.从小拍电影的梦想就这么实现了 129.身边的朋友不再笑话他了 130.家人也为他感到骄傲 131.此后,他的片约不断 132.事业如日中天! 133.当演员还不够 134.他又成立了自己的电影公司 135.当上了老板 136.就在大家认为王宝强长得傻傻的 137.个子不高,也不帅 138.肯定没有谈过恋爱的时候 139.他竟向媒体爆料说自己已经结婚了 140.还当了爸爸。 141.更没想到他的老婆马蓉长得如花似玉 142.两个人也很聊得来 143.王宝强真的过得很幸福 144.现在是又有钱 145.又有漂亮的妻子 146.而且还有一个非常可爱的儿子 147.他对老婆也很体贴 148.在家会帮忙干家务活 149.赚到的钱都会交给老婆保管 150.还给了她公司一部分的股份 151.从此王宝强和妻子过上了幸福的生活。。。 152.直到有一天 153.王宝强在微博上发了一条声明 154.大致内容是:妻子马蓉背叛家庭 155.与他的经纪人宋哲有婚外情 156.他要与妻子离婚并解雇经纪人 157.微博发出,几个小时内 158.就被各大媒体转发报道 159.一下子网络上到处都是王宝强离婚的新闻 160.全国上下都因为这条消息而陷入震惊中 161.真没想到 162.老实体贴的王宝强竟被妻子戴了绿帽子 163.而且出轨的对象还是自己公司的经纪人! 164.粉丝们纷纷表示支持王宝强 165.并斥责马蓉和经纪人不要脸 166.不久后,媒体又爆料说 167.马蓉试图婚内转移夫妻共同财产 168.律师说如果情况属实 169.她很有可能会净身出户 170.一分钱都拿不到 171.关于这件事的报道网上太多了 172.近期的传闻说他的儿子也不是亲生的 173.还有亲子鉴定报告证明 174.也不知道消息是否可靠 175.如果这些传闻是真的 176.那他的妻子也太坏了! 177.王宝强也太倒霉了吧! 178.不管怎样,我希望他能早点摆脱这个困境 179.然后重新站起来开始自己的新生活!
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The Man Behind The Scandal That Shocked China
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The Man Behind The Scandal That Shocked China
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大家 dàjiā everyone
好 hǎo good
欢迎 huānyíng to welcome
来到 láidào to come
我 wǒ I
是 shì am
前 qián ago
两 liǎng two
天 tiān day
有 yǒu tthere is
位 wèi classifier for people (honorific)
学生 xuésheng student
看 kàn to watch
了 le completed action marker
我们 wǒmen our
的 de of
视频 shìpín video
说 shuō to say
太 tài very
实用 shíyòng practical
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
马上 mǎshàng right away
分享 fēnxiǎng to share
到 dào to (a place)
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
社交 shèjiāo social contact
网站 wǎngzhàn website
上 shàng on
第二天 dì’èrtiān next day
我们 wǒmen we
奇迹 qíjì miracle
般 bān same as, just like
地 de used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
获得 huòdé to get
了 le completed action marker
多 duō more
位 wèi classifier for people (honorific)
学生 xuésheng student
所以 suǒyǐ so
在 zài (located) at
这里 zhèlǐ here
我 wǒ I
要 yào to want
向 xiàng towards
那 nà that
位 wèi classifier for people (honorific)
学生 xuésheng student
说 shuō to say
声 shēng classifier for sounds
谢谢 xièxie thank you
都 dōu all
说 shuō to say
好 hǎo good
的 de used after an attribute
东西 dōngxi stuff
值得 zhíde to deserve
分享 fēnxiǎng to share
我 wǒ I
希望 xīwàng to wish for
更 gèng more
多 duō many
的 de used after an attribute
同学 tóngxué fellow student
能够 nénggòu can
踊跃 yǒngyuè enthusiastically
向 xiàng towards
你 nǐ you
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
朋友 péngyou friend
分享 fēnxiǎng to share
我们 wǒmen our
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
视频 shìpín video
好 hǎo well
那 nà then (in that case)
接下来 jiēxiàlái following
就 jiù then
请 qǐng please (do sth)
大家 dàjiā everyone
准备 zhǔnbèi to prepare
好 hǎo well
跟 gēn with
我 wǒ me
一起 yīqǐ together
学习 xuéxí to study
汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese language
现在 xiànzài nowadays
的 de used after an attribute
生意 shēngyi business
人 rén people
做 zuò to do
广告 guǎnggào a commercial
是 shì is
无孔不入 wúkǒngbùrù seize every opportunity / get in by every opening
就 jiù just (emphasis)
连 lián (used with 也, 都 etc) even
电梯 diàntī elevator
里 lǐ inside
都 dōu (used for emphasis) even
贴 tiē to stick
满 mǎn full
了 le completed action marker
宣传 xuānchuán to give publicity to
海报 hǎibào poster
我 wǒ I
每天 měitiān every day
上下 shàngxià up and down
楼 lóu floor
站 zhàn to stand
在 zài (to be) in
电梯 diàntī elevator
里 lǐ inside
无聊 wúliáo bored
就 jiù then
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
研究 yánjiū research / a study
这些 zhèxiē these
广告 guǎnggào advertisement
的 de used after an attribute
设计 shèjì design
因为 yīnwèi because
我 wǒ I
对 duì towards
平面设计 píngmiànshèjì Graphic design
挺 tǐng quite
感兴趣 gǎnxìngqù to be interested
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
其中 qízhōng among / in
一 yī one
张 zhāng classifier for flat objects, sheet
买卖 mǎimài buying and selling
二手车 èrshǒuchē second-hand car
的 de used to form a nominal expression
海报 hǎibào poster
就 jiù just (emphasis)
引起 yǐnqǐ to cause
了 le completed action marker
我 wǒ my
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
注意 zhùyì to pay attention to
起初 qǐchū at first
我 wǒ I
只是 zhǐshì simply
被 bèi (indicates passive-voice clauses)
这 zhè this
张 zhāng classifier for flat objects, sheet
海报 hǎibào poster
的 de used after an attribute
颜色 yánsè color
和 hé and
整洁 zhěngjié neatly
的 de used after an attribute
设计 shèjì design
所 suǒ particle introducing a relative clause or passive / CL:個|个[gè]
吸引 xīyǐn to attract (interest, investment etc)
它 tā it
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
背景 bèijǐng background
色 sè color
是 shì is
大 dà deep
橙色 chéngsè orange (color)
代言人 dàiyánrén spokesperson
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
衣服 yīfu clothes
也 yě also
是 shì is
橙色 chéngsè orange (color)
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
非常 fēicháng very
大胆 dàdǎn bold
的 de used after an attribute
设计 shèjì design
同时 tóngshí at the same time
也 yě also
达 dá to reach
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
了 le completed action marker
广告 guǎnggào a commercial
的 de used after an attribute
目的 mùdì goal
吸引 xīyǐn to attract (interest, investment etc)
眼球 yǎnqiú eyeball
后来 hòulái later
我 wǒ I
就 jiù then
注意 zhùyì to take note of
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
代言人 dàiyánrén spokesperson
是 shì is
当红 dānghóng currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc)
影星 yǐngxīng film star
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
我 wǒ I
也 yě also
非常 fēicháng very
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
电影 diànyǐng movie
算是 suànshì considered to be
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
粉丝 fěnsī fan (loanword)
之一 zhīyī one of (sth)
他 tā he or him
带给 dàigěi to bring to
观众 guānzhòng audience
的 de used to form a nominal expression
形象 xíngxiàng image
一直 yīzhí always
都 dōu all
是 shì is
憨厚 hānhou simple and honest
老实 lǎoshi honest / sincere
也 yě also
很 hěn very
努力 nǔlì to try hard
我 wǒ I
想 xiǎng to think
这 zhè this
应该 yīnggāi should
就 jiù just (emphasis)
是 shì is
这 zhè this
家 jiā measure word for business
公司 gōngsī company
让 ràng to let sb do sth
他 tā he or him
代言 dàiyán to be a spokesperson
的 de used to form a nominal expression
原因 yuányīn reason
吧 ba modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise
但 dàn but
不久前 bùjiǔqián not long ago
在 zài (to be) in
他 tā he or him
身上 shēnshang on the body
发生 fāshēng to happen
了 le completed action marker
一 yī one
件 jiàn classifier for events, things, clothes etc
很 hěn very
不幸 bùxìng unfortunate
的 de used after an attribute
事 shì thing
引得 yǐnde to cause
全国 quánguó whole nation
人民 rénmín the people
都 dōu all
在 zài indicating an action in progress
议论 yìlùn to talk about
他 tā he or him
打开 dǎkāi to open
电脑 diànnǎo computer
手机 shǒujī cell phone
看 kàn to see
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
的 de used to form a nominal expression
都 dōu all
是 shì is
关于 guānyú about
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
新闻 xīnwén news
甚至 shènzhì even
到现在 dàoxiànzài up until now
粉丝 fěnsī fan (loanword)
们 men plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
还是 háishi still
不停 bùtíng incessant
关注 guānzhù to follow sth closely
这个 zhège this
事件 shìjiàn event
那 nà then (in that case)
具体 jùtǐ specific
发生 fāshēng to happen
了 le completed action marker
什么 shénme what?
我 wǒ I
先 xiān in advance
不 bù not
讲 jiǎng to speak
等 děng when
我 wǒ I
给 gěi to
你们 nǐmen you (plural)
介绍 jièshào to introduce (sb to sb)
完 wán to finish
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
背景 bèijǐng background
我 wǒ I
再 zài then (after sth, and not until then)
揭晓 jiēxiǎo to make known
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
普通 pǔtōng ordinary
的 de used after an attribute
农村 nóngcūn village
家庭 jiātíng family
小时候 xiǎoshíhou in one’s childhood
经常 jīngcháng constantly
被 bèi by
其他 qítā other
孩子 háizi child
欺负 qīfu to bully
自己 zìjǐ oneself
又 yòu also
比较 bǐjiào quite
淘气 táoqì naughty / mischievous
父亲 fùqīn father
曾经 céngjīng once
是 shì is
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
军人 jūnrén soldier / military personnel
所以 suǒyǐ so
没 méi not
少 shǎo seldom
挨 ái to suffer
父亲 fùqīn father
的 de used after an attribute
打 dǎ to beat
有一次 yǒuyīcì once
他 tā he or him
在 zài (to be) in
电视 diànshì television
上 shàng on top
看 kàn to see
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
李连杰 Lǐ Liánjié Li Lianjie or Jet Li
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
《少林寺》 Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple (a movie)
武功 wǔgōng Martial art
很 hěn very
厉害 lìhai difficawesome
八 bā eight
岁 suì years old
的 de used to form a nominal expression
他 tā he or him
就 jiù then
有 yǒu to have
了 le completed action marker
去 qù to go
学 xué to learn
武术 wǔshù also called kungfu
当 dāng to be
英雄 yīngxióng hero
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
的 de used to form a nominal expression
想法 xiǎngfǎ way of thinking
于是 yúshì thus
他 tā he or him
跑 pǎo to run
去 qù after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker
跟 gēn with / towards
妈妈 māma mother
说 shuō to say
自己 zìjǐ oneself
想 xiǎng to want
练 liàn to practice
武 wǔ martial
长大 zhǎngdà to grow up
了 le completed action marker
要 yào to want
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
妈妈 māma mother
听 tīng to hear
完 wán to finish
了 le completed action marker
很 hěn very
开心 kāixīn to feel happy
但 dàn yet
也 yě also
没 méi not
当真 dāngzhēn to take seriously
可 kě but
没想到 méixiǎngdào didn’t expect
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
非常 fēicháng very
坚持 jiānchí to insist on
说 shuō to say
自己 zìjǐ oneself
一定要 yīdìngyào must
去 qù to go to (a place)
少林寺 Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks
练 liàn to practice
武功 wǔgōng Martial art
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
最后 zuìhòu finally
没办法 méibànfǎ one can’t do anything about it
爸妈 bàmā dad and mom
只好 zhǐhǎo without any better option
让 ràng to let sb do sth
他 tā he or him
去 qù to go
了 le completed action marker
到 dào to arrive
了 le completed action marker
少林寺 Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks
之后 zhīhòu after
剃 tì to shave
了 le completed action marker
光头 guāngtóu bald head
每天 měitiān every day
一早 yīzǎo early in the morning
起来 qǐlai to get up
跑步 pǎobù to run
练功 liàngōng to practice KongFu
六 liù six
年 nián year
后 hòu later
他 tā he or him
发现 fāxiàn to find
在 zài (to be) in
少林寺 Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks
里 lǐ inside
是 shì is
无法 wúfǎ unable
实现 shíxiàn to achieve
自己 zìjǐ one’s own
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
的 de used to form a nominal expression
梦想 mèngxiǎng dream
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
于是 yúshì thus
决定 juédìng to decide (to do something)
去 qù to go to (a place)
北京 Běijīng Beijing, capital of People’s Republic of China
试一试 shìyīshì to have a try
他 tā he or him
一个人 yīgèrén by oneself (without assistance)
独自 dúzì alone
来到 láidào to come
北京 Běijīng Beijing, capital of People’s Republic of China
一 yī as soon as
下 xià to go down
火车 huǒchē train
就 jiù then
去 qù to go
找 zhǎo to look for
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
的 de used after an attribute
地方 dìfang place
到 dào to arrive
了 le completed action marker
电影 diànyǐng movie / film
厂 chǎng factory
碰到 pèngdào to run into / to meet
人 rén people
就 jiù then
问 wèn to ask
这 zhè this
是不是 shìbùshì is or isn’t
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
的 de used after an attribute
地方 dìfang place
接着 jiēzhe then
他 tā he or him
在 zài (located) at
附近 fùjìn nearby
租 zū to rent
了 le completed action marker
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
便宜 piányi cheap
的 de used after an attribute
房间 fángjiān room
住 zhù to live
每天 měitiān every day
一大早 yīdàzǎo first thing in the morning
就 jiù as early as
往 wǎng to go (in a direction)
电影 diànyǐng movie / film
厂 chǎng factory
跑 pǎo to run
见到 jiàndào to see
导演 dǎoyǎn director (film etc)
就 jiù as soon as
说 shuō to say
自己 zìjǐ oneself
练 liàn to practice
过 guò experienced action marker
武术 wǔshù also called kungfu 功夫
想 xiǎng to want
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
有时候 yǒushíhou sometimes
也 yě also
能 néng can
接 jiē to receive
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
群众演员 qúnzhòng yǎnyuán an extra
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
但 dàn but
不稳定 bùwěndìng unstable
工资 gōngzī pay
也 yě also
不 bù not
高 gāo high
很 hěn very
快 kuài quick
身上 shēnshang on the body
的 de used after an attribute
钱 qián money
就 jiù then
花 huā to spend (money, time)
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
差不多 chàbuduō almost
了 le completed action marker
可 kě but
他 tā he or him
还是 háishi still
得要 děiyào to need
继续 jìxù to continue
生活 shēnghuó to live
啊 a modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent
没办法 méibànfǎ there is nothing to be done
只能 zhǐnéng can only
去 qù to go
工地 gōngdì building / construction site
上 shàng on top
干活 gànhuó to work
赚取 zhuànqǔ to earn a packet
生活费 shēnghuófèi living expenses
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
个子 gèzi height
不 bù not
高 gāo tall
长相 zhǎngxiàng appearance
也 yě also
不 bù not
出众 chūzhòng outstanding
要 yào if
想 xiǎng to want
被 bèi by
导演 dǎoyǎn to dirdirector (film etc)
挑中 tiāozhòng to pick upon
可 kě (particle used for emphasis) certainly
不 bù not
是 shì is
件 jiàn classifier for events, things, clothes etc
容易 róngyì easy
的 de used after an attribute
事 shì thing
更 gèng even more
别 bié do not
提 tí to mention
出名 chūmíng be famous
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
身边 shēnbiān at one’s side
的 de used after an attribute
人 rén people
都 dōu all
笑 xiào laugh
他 tā he or him
傻 shǎ foolish
可 kě but
他 tā he or him
心中 xīnzhōng in one’s heart
就 jiù just (emphasis)
只 zhǐ only
有 yǒu to have
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
信念 xìnniàn belief / conviction
那 nà that
就是 jiùshì emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
赚钱 zhuànqián to earn money
所以 suǒyǐ so
他 tā he or him
也 yě also
不在乎 bùzàihu not to care
别人 biéren other people
说 shuō to say
什么 shénme what?
一 yī one
段 duàn classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc
时间 shíjiān period
后 hòu later
群演 qúnyǎn an extra actor in a movie set
的 de used after an attribute
工作 gōngzuò job
没有 méiyǒu to not have
了 le completed action marker
工地 gōngdì building / construction site
上 shàng on top
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
又 yòu both… and…
苦 kǔ bitter / hardship
又 yòu both… and…
累 lèi tired
工资 gōngzī pay
又 yòu also
不 bù not
高 gāo high
他 tā he or him
就 jiù then
在 zài indicating an action in progress
考虑 kǎolǜ to consider
是否 shìfǒu whether (or not)
要 yào will
放弃 fàngqì to give up
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
回家 huíjiā to return home
种田 zhòngtián to farm
可 kě but
他 tā he or him
不想 bùxiǎng do not want
一辈子 yībèizi (for) a lifetime
当 dāng to be
农民 nóngmín farmer
因为 yīnwèi because
他 tā he or him
知道 zhīdào to know
当 dāng to be
农民 nóngmín farmer
改变 gǎibiàn to change
不了 bùliǎo unable to
人生 rénshēng life (one’s time on earth)
恰巧 qiàqiǎo fortunately / by coincidence
这个 zhège this
时候 shíhou period / time
有人 yǒurén someone
告诉 gàosu to tell
他 tā he or him
有 yǒu there is
个 gè classifier for people or objects
剧组 jùzǔ cast and crew
在 zài indicating an action in progress
挑选 tiāoxuǎn to select
群众演员 qúnzhòngyǎnyuán an extra
让 ràng to let sb do sth
他 tā he or him
去 qù to go
试试 shìshi to have a try
第二天 dì’èrtiān next day
他 tā he or him
就 jiù then
和 hé together with
工地 gōngdì building / construction site
上 shàng on top
的 de used to form a nominal expression
朋友 péngyou friend
一起 yīqǐ together
去 qù to go
了 le completed action marker
到 dào to arrive
了 le completed action marker
剧组 jùzǔ cast and crew
导演 dǎoyǎn to director (film etc)
不在 bùzài not to be present
只有 zhǐyǒu only
几个 jǐge a few
工作人员 gōngzuòrényuán staff member
和 hé and
一 yī one
台 tái classifier for vehicles or machines
摄像机 shèxiàngjī video camera
他 tā he or him
和 hé and
朋友 péngyou friend
们 men plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
就 jiù then
开始 kāishǐ to start
对 duì towards
着 zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
镜头 jìngtóu camera lens
一一 yīyī one after another
做 zuò to make
自我介绍 zìwǒjièshào self-introduction
轮到 lúndào Now it’s (your) turn.
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
了 le completed action marker
他 tā he or him
站 zhàn to stand
在 zài (to be) in
那儿 nàr there
结结巴巴 jiējiēbāba stammeringly
地 de structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
说 shuō to speak
自己 zìjǐ oneself
从小 cóngxiǎo from childhood
练 liàn to practice
武 wǔ martial
唯一 wéiyī only
的 de used after an attribute
梦想 mèngxiǎng dream
就 jiù just (emphasis)
是 shì is
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
留下 liúxià to leave behind
联系方式 liánxìfāngshì contact details
就 jiù then
离开 líkāi to leave
了 le completed action marker
也 yě also
不 bù not
知道 zhīdào to know
因为 yīnwèi because
是 shì is
紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous
还是 háishi or
激动 jīdòng to excite
这 zhè this
段 duàn classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc
自我介绍 zìwǒjièshào self-introduction
说 shuō to speak
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
一点 yīdiǎn a bit
都 dōu (not) at all
不好 bùhǎo no good
还 hái even
带 dài to take along
家乡 jiāxiāng hometown
口音 kǒuyin accent
回去 huíqu to return
的 de used after an attribute
路上 lùshang on the road
他 tā he or him
很 hěn very
难过 nánguò to feel sad
心想 xīnxiǎng to think to oneself
这下 zhèxià this time
肯定 kěndìng to be sure
没有 méiyǒu to not have
希望 xīwàng hope
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
晚上 wǎnshang night
导演 dǎoyǎn director (film etc)
回来 huílai to come back
了 le completed action marker
白天 báitiān daytime
录 lù record
的 de used to form a nominal expression
带子 dàizi (coll.) audio or video tape
堆 duī to pile up
了 le completed action marker
一 yī one
桌 zhuō table
顺手 shùnshǒu without trouble / while one is at it
就 jiù then
拿 ná to take
了 le completed action marker
一 yī one
盘 pán classifier for tapes
带子 dàizi (coll.) audio or video tape
塞 sāi to squeeze in / to stuff
进去 jìnqù (used after a verb) in (there)
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
躺 tǎng to lie down
在 zài (to be) in
沙发 shāfā sofa (loanword)
上 shàng on top
看 kàn to watch
就 jiù just (emphasis)
在 zài in the middle of doing sth
他 tā he or him
快要 kuàiyào almost
睡着 shuìzháo to fall asleep
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
时候 shíhou time (when)
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
出现 chūxiàn to appear
在 zài (to be) in
镜头 jìngtóu camera lens / camera shot (in a movie etc)
面前 miànqián in front of
导演 dǎoyǎn director (film etc)
一下子 yīxiàzi all of a sudden
精神 jīngshen vigor
了 le completed action marker
返 fǎn to come (or go) back
回去 huíqù go back
又 yòu (once) again
看 kàn to watch
了 le completed action marker
一遍 yībiàn one time (all the way through)
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
自我介绍 zìwǒjièshào self-introduction
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
问 wèn to ask
工作人员 gōngzuòrényuán staff member
这 zhè this
小伙子 xiǎohuǒzi young man
什么时候 shénmeshíhou when?
来 lái to come
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
有 yǒu to have
没有 méiyǒu to not have
联系方式 liánxìfāngshì contact details
第二天 dì’èrtiān next day
导演 dǎoyǎn director (film etc)
就 jiù then
和 hé with
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
联系 liánxì to contact
了 le completed action marker
问 wèn to ask
他 tā he or him
会不会 huìbùhuì (posing a question: whether sb, something) can or cannot?
讲 jiǎng to speak
河南 Hénán Henan province
话 huà language
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
出生 chūshēng to be born
在 zài (to be) in
河北 Héběi Hebei province
但是 dànshì but
在 zài (to be) in
河南 Hénán Henan province
长大 zhǎngdà to grow up
所以 suǒyǐ so
河南 Hénán Henan province
话 huà language
说 shuō to speak
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
很 hěn very
好 hǎo good
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
约 yuē to make an appointment
了 le completed action marker
见面 jiànmiàn to meet
说 shuō to say
有 yǒu there is
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
角色 juésè role
很 hěn very
适合 shìhé to fit
他 tā he or him
让 ràng to let sb do sth
他 tā he or him
来 lái used before a verb, indicating an intended or suggested action
演 yǎn to act
原来 yuánlái so, actually, as it turns out
这个 zhège this
角色 juésè role
需要 xūyào to need
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
会 huì can
讲 jiǎng to speak
河南 Hénán Henan province
话 huà language
的 de used to form a nominal expression
演员 yǎnyuán actor or actress
他 tā he or him
正好 zhènghǎo just right
合适 héshì suitable
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
的 de used after an attribute
过程 guòchéng process
导演 dǎoyǎn to director (film etc)
一直 yīzhí always
夸 kuā to praise
他 tā he or him
是 shì is
演 yǎn to act
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
最好 zuìhǎo best
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
演 yǎn to act
完 wán to finish
第一 dìyī first
部 bù classifier for works of literature, films, machines etc
电影 diànyǐng movie
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
在 zài (to be) in
电影界 diànyǐngjiè the world of movies / film circles
也 yě also
就 jiù then
有 yǒu to have
点 diǎn a little
知名度 zhīmíngdù reputation / familiarity in the public consciousness
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
随后 suíhòu soon after
又 yòu (once) again
被 bèi by
著名 zhùmíng famous
导演 dǎoyǎn director (film etc)
冯小刚 Féngxiǎogāng name of the director
挑中 tiāozhòng to pick upon
出演 chūyǎn to act / to play the part of
《天下无贼》 tiānxiàwúzéi
电影 diànyǐng movie
票房 piàofáng box office
大 dà big
卖 mài to sell
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
朴实 pǔshí sincere and honest
的 de used after an attribute
形象 xíngxiàng image
受到 shòudào to receive
了 le completed action marker
众多 zhòngduō numerous
观众 guānzhòng audience
的 de used to form a nominal expression
喜爱 xǐ’ài to like
曾经 céngjīng former
的 de used after an attribute
群众演员 qúnzhòngyǎnyuán an extra
摇身一变 yáoshēnyībiàn to change shape in a single shake
成 chéng to become
了 le completed action marker
电影 diànyǐng movie
明星 míngxīng star
从小 cóngxiǎo from childhood
拍电影 pāidiànyǐng to make a movie
的 de used to form a nominal expression
梦想 mèngxiǎng dream
就 jiù just (emphasis)
这么 zhème like this
实现 shíxiàn to achieve
了 le completed action marker
身边 shēnbiān at one’s side
的 de used after an attribute
朋友 péngyou friend
不再 bùzài no longer
笑话 xiàohuà to laugh at
他 tā he or him
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
家人 jiārén (one’s) family
也 yě also
为 wèi for
他 tā he or him
感到 gǎndào to feel
骄傲 jiāo’ào proud of sth
此后 cǐhòu after this
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
片约 piànyuē invitation to act in a movie
不断 bùduàn unceasingly
事业 shìyè career
如日中天 rúrìzhōngtiān like the sun at high noon – at the apex of one’s power, career, etc.
当 dāng to be
演员 yǎnyuán actor or actress
还 hái still
不够 bùgòu not enough
他 tā he or him
又 yòu also
成立 chénglì to establish
了 le completed action marker
自己 zìjǐ one’s own
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
电影 diànyǐng movie
公司 gōngsī (business) company
当上 dāngshang to take on (an office)
了 le completed action marker
老板 lǎobǎn boss
就 jiù just (emphasis)
在 zài indicating an action in progress
大家 dàjiā everyone
认为 rènwéi to think
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
长得 zhǎngde to look (pretty, the same etc)
傻 shǎ foolish
的 de used after an attribute
个子 gèzi height
不 bù not
高 gāo tall
也 yě also
不 bù not
帅 shuài handsome
肯定 kěndìng to be sure
没有 méiyǒu haven’t
谈 tán to talk
过 guò experienced action marker
恋爱 liàn’ài (romantic) love
的 de used to form a nominal expression
时候 shíhou time (when)
Note: 谈恋爱 means to be dating
他 tā he or him
竟 jìng unexpectedly
向 xiàng towards
媒体 méitǐ media, esp. news media
爆料 bàoliào to expose (in the media)
说 shuō to say
自己 zìjǐ oneself
已经 yǐjīng already
结婚 jiéhūn to marry
了 le completed action marker
还 hái also
当 dāng to be
了 le completed action marker
爸爸 bàba (informal) father
更 gèng even more
没想到 méixiǎngdào didn’t expect
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
老婆 lǎopó (coll.) wife
马蓉 mǎróng name of his wife
长得 zhǎngde to look (pretty, the same etc)
如花似玉 rúhuāsìyù (of a woman) exquisite
两 liǎng two
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
人 rén people
也 yě also
很 hěn quite
聊 liáo to chat
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
来 lái to come
Note: 聊得来 means two people have common interests, get along.
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
真 zhēn really
的 de used after an attribute
过 guò to live
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
很 hěn very
幸福 xìngfú happy
现在 xiànzài now
是 shì is
又 yòu both… and…
有钱 yǒuqián well-off / wealthy
又 yòu also
有 yǒu to have
漂亮 piàoliang pretty
的 de used after an attribute
妻子 qīzi wife
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
还 hái even more
有 yǒu to have
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people or objects in general
非常 fēicháng very
可爱 kě’ài cute
的 de used after an attribute
儿子 érzi son
他 tā he or him
对 duì towards
老婆 lǎopó (coll.) wife
也 yě also
很 hěn very
体贴 tǐtiē considerate (of other people’s needs)
在 zài (located) at
家 jiā home
会 huì will
帮忙 bāngmáng to help
干 gàn to do
家务活 jiāwùhuó housework
赚 zhuàn to earn
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
的 de used to form a nominal expression
钱 qián money
都 dōu all
会 huì will
交给 jiāogěi to give
老婆 lǎopó (coll.) wife
保管 bǎoguǎn to take care of / to safeguard
还 hái even more
给 gěi to give
了 le completed action marker
她 tā she
公司 gōngsī (business) company
一部分 yībùfèn part of
的 de used to form a nominal expression
股份 gǔfèn a share (in a company)
从此 cóngcǐ since then
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
和 hé together with
妻子 qīzi wife
过 guò to live
上 shàng used as a complement to a verb
了 le completed action marker
幸福 xìngfú happy
的 de used after an attribute
生活 shēnghuó life
直到 zhídào until
有一天 yǒuyītiān one day
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
在 zài (to be) in
微博 wēibó microblog
上 shàng on top
发 fā to send out
了 le completed action marker
一 yī one
条 tiáo classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
声明 shēngmíng statement
大致 dàzhì roughly
内容 nèiróng content
是 shì is
妻子 qīzi wife
马蓉 mǎróng name of his wife
背叛 bèipàn to betray
家庭 jiātíng family
与 yǔ together with
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
经纪人 jīngjìrén agent
宋哲 Sòngzhé name of his agent
有 yǒu to have
婚外情 hūnwàiqíng extramarital affair
他 tā he or him
要 yào will
与 yǔ and
妻子 qīzi wife
离婚 líhūn to divorce
并 bìng and
解雇 jiěgù to fire
经纪人 jīngjìrén agent
微博 wēibó microblog
发出 fāchū to send out
几个 jǐge several
小时 xiǎoshí hour
内 nèi within
就 jiù right away
被 bèi by
各 gè every
大 dà big
媒体 méitǐ media, esp. news media
转发 zhuǎnfā to pass on / to reprint (an article from another publication)
报道 bàodào to report (news)
一下子 yīxiàzi all of a sudden
网络 Wǎngluò Internet
上 shàng on top
到处 dàochù everywhere
都 dōu all
是 shì is
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
离婚 líhūn to divorce
的 de used after an attribute
新闻 xīnwén news
全国 quánguó whole nation
上下 shàngxià up and down
都 dōu all
因为 yīnwèi because
这 zhè this
条 tiáo classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
消息 xiāoxi news
而 ér and so
陷入 xiànrù to sink into
震惊 zhènjīng to shock / to astonish
中 zhōng in
真 zhēn really
没想到 méixiǎngdào didn’t expect
老实 lǎoshi honest
体贴 tǐtiē considerate (of other people’s needs)
的 de used after an attribute
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
竟 jìng unexpectedly
被 bèi by
妻子 qīzi wife
戴 dài to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc)
了 le completed action marker
绿帽子 lǜmàozi green hat
Note: 戴绿帽子 (dàilǜmàozi) means to be cuckolded by one’s wife
而且 érqiě moreover
出轨 chūguǐ fig. to have an extramarital affair
的 de used after an attribute
对象 duìxiàng target
还 hái even
是 shì is
自己 zìjǐ one’s own
公司 gōngsī (business) company
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
经纪人 jīngjìrén agent
粉丝 fěnsī fan (loanword)
们 men plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
纷纷 fēnfēn one after another
表示 biǎoshì to to show
支持 zhīchí to support
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
并 bìng and
斥责 chìzé to lash out / to reprimand
马蓉 mǎróng name of his wife
和 hé and
经纪人 jīngjìrén agent
不要脸 bùyàoliǎn shameless
不久 bùjiǔ not long (after)
后 hòu after
媒体 méitǐ media, esp. news media
又 yòu (once) again
爆料 bàoliào to expose (in the media)
说 shuō to say
马蓉 mǎróng name of his wife
试图 shìtú to attempt
婚 hūn marriage
内 nèi within
转移 zhuǎnyí tto transform
夫妻 fūqī husband and wife
共同 gòngtóng joint
财产 cáichǎn property
律师 lǜshī lawyer
说 shuō to say
如果 rúguǒ if
情况 qíngkuàng situation
属实 shǔshí to turn out to be true
她 tā she
很 hěn very
有可能 yǒukěnéng possible
会 huì will
净身出户 jìngshēnchūhù to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or property)
一 yī one
分钱 fēnqián penny
都 dōu (used for emphasis) even
拿不到 nábudào be unable to attain
关于 guānyú about
这 zhè this
件 jiàn classifier for events, things, clothes etc
事 shì matter
的 de used to form a nominal expression
报道 bàodào report
网上 wǎngshàng online
太 tài too (much)
多 duō many
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
近期 jìnqī recent
的 de used after an attribute
传闻 chuánwén rumor
说 shuō to say
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
儿子 érzi son
也 yě also
不是 bùshì is not
亲生 qīnshēng one’s own (child)
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
还有 háiyǒu in addition
亲子鉴定 qīnzǐjiàndìng paternity test
报告 bàogào report
证明 zhèngmíng to prove
也 yě also
不 bù not
知道 zhīdào to know
消息 xiāoxi news
是否 shìfǒu whether (or not)
可靠 kěkào reliable
如果 rúguǒ if
这些 zhèxiē these
传闻 chuánwén rumor
是 shì are
真 zhēn true
的 de used after an attribute
那 nà then (in that case)
他 tā he or him
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
妻子 qīzi wife
也 yě also
太 tài too (much)
坏 huài bad
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
王宝强 wángbǎoqiáng The name of the film star
也 yě also
太 tài too (much)
倒霉 dǎoméi to have bad luck
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
吧 ba modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise
不管 bùguǎn no matter (what, how)
怎样 zěnyàng how
我 wǒ I
希望 xīwàng to wish for
他 tā he or him
能 néng can
早点 zǎodiǎn as soon as possible
摆脱 bǎituō to get rid of
这个 zhège this
困境 kùnjìng predicament / in difficulty
然后 ránhòu then (afterwards)
重新 chóngxīn again
站起来 zhànqǐlai to stand up
开始 kāishǐ to begin
自己 zìjǐ one’s own
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
新 xīn new
生活 shēnghuó lifeDownload