HSK 5 – Verbs 361 to 390 361 宣布/xuānbù To Declare/To Announce Gōngsī bùdébù xuānbù pòchǎn. 公司不得不宣布破产。 The company had to declare bankruptcy. 362 宣传/xuānchuán To Propagandize/To Publicize Tā huā le hěnduō qián xuānchuán tā de xīnshū. 她花了很多钱宣传她的新书。 She spent a lot of money publicizing her new book. 363 询问/xúnwèn To Inquire Wǒ dǎ diànhuà shì xiǎng xúnwèn yīxià nǐmen de chǎnpǐn. 我打电话是想询问一下你们的产品。 I’m calling to inquire about your products. 364 寻找/xúnzhǎo To Seek/To Look For Tā sìchù xúnzhǎo diūshī de yàoshi. 他四处寻找丢失的钥匙。 He looked here and there for the missing keys. 365 训练/xùnliàn To Train Tā zhèngzài wèi xiàchǎng bǐsài fēicháng kèkǔ de xùnliàn. 他正在为下场比赛非常刻苦地训练。 He is training really hard for the next competition. 366 延长/yáncháng To Extend Bĕncì huìyì zài yáncháng shí fēnzhōng. 本次会议再延长十分钟。 The meeting will be extended for another ten minutes. 367 摇/yáo To Shake Yīshēng yáo le yáotóu zŏu le. 医生摇了摇头走了。 The doctor shook his head and walked away. 368 咬/yǎo To Bite Wénzi zhěngwǎn yīzhí bùtíng de yǎo wǒ. 蚊子整晚一直不停地咬我。 Mosquitoes were biting me the whole night. 369 移动/yídòng To Move Wǒ lián yídòng shuāng jiǎo de lìqi dōu méiyǒu le. 我连移动双脚的力气都没有了。 I hardly have any strength left to move my feet. 370 移民/yímín To Immigrate/To Emigrate Tā suízhe fùmǔ yímín Jiānádà le. 他随着父母移民加拿大了。 Following his parents, he emigrated to Canada. 371 议论/yìlùn To Discuss/To Talk About Bié shuō le! Bùyào zài bèihòu yìlùn biéren. 别说了!不要在背后议论别人。 Cut it out! Stop talking behind other people’s backs. 372 调整/tiáozhěng To Adjust Tā gēnjù zhè háizi de shēngāo tiáozhěng le yǐzi gāodù. 他根据这孩子的身高调整了椅子高度。 He adjusted the seat to the boy’s height. 373 应用/yìngyòng To Apply Bǎ lǐlùn yìngyòng dào shíjì zhōng qù. 把理论应用到实际中去。 Apply theories to reality. 374 迎接/yíngjiē To Welcome/To Greet Tā rèqíng de yíngjiē le kèrén. 她热情地迎接了客人。 She welcomed the visitors warmly. 375 营业/yíngyè To Do Business Yínháng zhōurì bù yíngyè. 银行周日不营业。 The bank is not open for business on Sundays. 376 应付/yìngfu To Deal With/To Cope With Tāmen fāxiàn zhè júshì bù hăo yìngfu. 他们发现这局势不好应付。 They found it difficult to cope with the situation. 377 应聘/yìngpìn To Employ/To Apply For An Advertised Position Wŏ yìngpìn zhège zhíwèi de shíhou tāmen zhème gàosu wŏ de. 我应聘这个职位的时候他们这么告诉我的。 I was told this when I applied for this position. 378 油炸/yóuzhá To Fry/To Deep Fry Kĕyĭ shuĭzhŭ, yĕ kĕyĭ yóuzhá. 可以水煮,也可以油炸。 It can be boiled or fried. 379 预定/yùdìng To Book/To Schedule In Advance Wǒ yùdìng le yī zhāng míngtiān wǎnshang qù zhōngguó de jīpiào. 我预定了一张明天晚上去中国的机票。 I booked a ticket to China for tomorrow night. 380 预防/yùfáng To Prevent Bìyùntào kěyǐ yǒuxiào yùfáng àizībìng. 避孕套可以有效预防艾滋病。 Using condoms can prevent AIDS effectively. 381 推广/tuīguǎng To Popularize/To Promote Rúguǒ zhè fāngfǎ quèshí yǒu shíxiào, jiù yīnggāi tuīguǎng. 如果这方法确实有实效,就应该推广。 If the method proves to be really effective, it should be popularized. 382 运输/yùnshū To Transport Yī xiāng dúpǐn zài yùnshū túzhōng bèi jiéhuò le. 一箱毒品在运输途中被截获了。 A box of drugs was seized during transportation. 383 运用/yùnyòng To Use Yùnyòng nǐ de cōngming cáizhì, nǐ yīdìng huì kèfú zhèxiē kùnnan de. 运用你的聪明才智,你一定会克服这些困难的。 Use your intelligence and you will overcome these difficulties. 384 赞成/zànchéng To Agree/To Approve Lǎoshi shuō, wǒ hěn bù zànchéng zhège xiǎngfǎ. 老实说,我很不赞成这个想法。 To be frank, I don’t agree with this idea at all. 385 赞美/zànmĕi To Praise Rénmen jīngcháng zànmĕi mŭài de wúsī. 人们经常赞美母爱的无私。 People often praise selfless maternal love. 386 造成/zàochéng To Cause Yìxiē chéngshì de wūrǎn gěi dāngdì jūmín zàochéng le jiànkāng wèntí. 一些城市的污染给当地居民造成了健康问题。 The pollution of some cities is causing a lot of health problems for its residents. 387 责备/zébèi To Blame Bùyào zébèi tā, tā bìjìng shì gè xīnshǒu. 不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。 Don’t blame him, after all, he is inexperienced. 388 摘/zhāi To Pick (flowers, fruit, etc.) Tā zhāi le yī kē pútao fàng zài zuǐba lǐ. 她摘了一颗葡萄放在嘴巴里。 She picked a grape and put it into her mouth. 389 粘贴/zhāntiē To Stick Wŏ wàng le zài xìn shàng zhāntiē yóupiào. 我忘了在信上粘贴邮票。 I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter. 390 展开/zhǎnkāi To Unfold Tā mànmàn de zhǎnkāi le dìtú. 她慢慢地展开了地图。 She slowly unfolded the map.
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HSK 5 - Verbs 361 to 390
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