HSK 5 – Verbs 31 to 60 31 抄/chāo To Copy Bă zhè jĭ jù chāo zài nĭ de bĭjìbĕn shàng. 把这几句抄在你的笔记本上。 Copy these sentences in your notebook. 32 朝/cháo To Face/Towards Tā cháo lóushàng dàhǎn, ràng tā kuàidiǎn. 他朝楼上大喊,让她快点。 He yelled towards the stairs for her to hurry up. 33 炒/chăo To Stir-fry Nĭ néng yòng diăn yóu bă ròu chăo yīxià ma? 你能用点油把肉炒一下吗? Could you stir-fry the meat in a little oil? 34 吵架/chǎojià To Quarrel Xiǎo de shíhou wǒ zǒng hé jiějie chǎojià. 小的时候我总和姐姐吵架。 I always quarrel with my sister when I was young. 35 趁/chèn To Take Advantage Of Chèn niánqīng duō xué diǎn zhīshi. 趁年轻多学点知识。 Take advantage of being young to learn more. 36 称/chēng To Call Wǒmen dōu chēng tā lǎo lǐ. 我们都称他老李。 We all call him Lao Li. 37 称赞/chēngzàn To Praise Rénrén dōu chēngzàn zhè bù yĭngpiàn. 人人都称赞这部影片。 Everybody praises the film. 38 乘/chéng To Ride Zài yǔtiān chéng gōngjiāochē shì hěn wēixiǎn de shìr. 在雨天乘公交车是很危险的事儿。 It’s very dangerous to take the bus during a rainy day. 39 承担/chéngdān To Undertake/To Bear Wŏmen jiāng chéngdān suŏyŏu de fèiyòng. 我们将承担所有的费用。 We will bear all the expenses. 40 成立/chénglì To Establish Zhè jiā gōngsī chénglì yú 1990 nián. 这家公司成立于1990年。 This company was established in 1990. 41 承认/chéngrèn To Admit Wǒ chéngrèn wǒ cuò le. 我承认我错了。 I admit that I was wrong. 42 承受/chéngshòu To Bear Zhè míng fùnǚ wúfă chéngshòu shēnghuó de yālì hé jĭnzhāng. 这名妇女无法承受生活的压力和紧张。 The woman couldn’t bear the stresses and strains of life. 43 成长/chéngzhǎng To Grow Up Fùmǔ xīwàng háizi jiànkāng de chéngzhǎng. 父母希望孩子健康地成长。 Parents hope their children grow up healthy. 44 吃亏/chīkuī To Suffer Losses Yī gè rén kòngzhì bùzhù zìjĭ de gănqíng, jiù yào chīkuī. 一个人控制不住自己的感情, 就要吃亏。 When somebody can’t control his emotion, he will suffer loss. 45 持续/chíxù To Last Diànyǐng chíxù le liǎng gè xiǎoshí. 电影持续了两个小时。 The film lasted 2 hours. 46 冲/chōng To Rush Wǒmen xiàng dírén chōng le guòqù. 我们向敌人冲了过去。 We rushed towards the enemy. 47 充满/chōngmǎn To Be Filled Tā de yǎnjing lǐ chōngmǎn le lèishuǐ. 她的眼睛里充满了泪水。 Her eyes were filled with tears. 48 重复/chóngfù To Repeat Nǐ néng chóngfù yī biàn ma? Wǒ gānggāng méi tīngdào. 你能重复一遍吗?我刚刚没听到。 Could you please repeat that? I didn’t hear you. 49 出版/chūbǎn To Publish Zhè běn shū shénme shíhou chūbǎn? 这本书什么时候出版? When will the book be published? 50 出口/chūkǒu To Export Wǒmen de chǎnpǐn chūkǒu dào le shí duō gè guójiā. 我们的产品出口到了十多个国家。 Our products are exported to more than ten countries. 51 出席/chūxí To Attend Yīnwèi shēntǐ bù shì, tā bùnéng chūxí jīntiān de huìyì le. 因为身体不适,他不能出席今天的会议了。 He’s unable to attend the meeting today due to health problems. 52 除/chú To Divide/Except For Wǒ néng zuò zài nǐ pángbiān ma? Zhèr chúle nǐ wǒ shuí yě bù rènshi. 我能坐在你旁边吗?这儿除了你我谁也不认识。 Can I sit beside you? I don’t know anybody else here except for you. 53 处理/chǔlǐ To Deal With Wǒmen yīnggāi zěnme chǔlǐ zhège wèntí ne? 我们应该怎么处理这个问题呢? How shall we deal with this matter? 54 传播/chuánbō To Spread Cāngying néng chuánbō jíbìng. 苍蝇能传播疾病。 Flies can spread disease. 55 传递/chuándì To Deliver/Transfer Diànzǐ yóujiàn kěyǐ hěn kuài de chuándì xìnxī. 电子邮件可以很快地传递信息。 E-mail can quickly transfer information. 56 传染/chuánrăn To Infect Nĭ bă gănmào chuánrăn gĕi wŏ le. 你把感冒传染给我了。 You gave me your cold. 57 闯/chuăng To Rush Dāng tāmen zhèngzài kāihuì shí, tā chuăng le jìnlái. 当他们正在开会时, 他闯了进来。 While they were holding a meeting, he rushed in. 58 创造/chuàngzào To Creat Wǒmen nénggòu chuàngzào chū wǒmen xiǎng yào de yīqiè. 我们能够创造出我们想要的一切。 We have the ability to create whatever we want. 59 吹/chuī To Puff/To Blow Wǒ bǎ shū shàng de huī chuīdiào le. 我把书上的灰吹掉了。 I blew the dust off the book. 60 辞职/cízhí To Resign Wǒ xiǎng cízhí, kāi jiān jiǔbā, dàn wǒ méi nà dǎnliàng. 我想辞职,开间酒吧,但我没那胆量。 I would like to resign my job and open a bar, but I’m not brave enough.
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HSK 5 – Verbs 31 to 60
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