HSK 5 – Verbs 271 to 300 271 确认/quèrèn To Confirm Wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ quèrèn yīxià míngtiān jiànmiàn de shíjiān. 我想跟你确认一下明天见面的时间。 I want to confirm the time of the meeting tomorrow. 272 燃烧/ránshāo To Burn Yóuyǒng bàn xiǎoshí jiāng ránshāo diào 108 kǎlùlǐ de rèliàng. 游泳半小时将燃烧掉108卡路里的热量。 A half hour of swimming will burn up to 108 calories. 273 嚷/rǎng To Shout/To Make a Scene Shuí zài nàr rǎng? 谁在那儿嚷? Who is shouting there? 274 绕/rào To Reel/To Go Around Tā rào zhe fángzi zǒu le yī quān, xiǎng ràng zìjǐ lěngjìng xiàlái. 他绕着房子走了一圈,想让自己冷静下来。 He walked around the house to calm down. 275 热爱/rè’ài To Passionately Love Tā cóngxiǎo jiù rè’ài yīnyuè. 他从小就热爱音乐。 He has loved music since childhood. 276 融化/rónghuà To Melt Qiǎokèlì bù fàng zài bīngxiāng lǐ dehuà huì rónghuà de. 巧克力不放在冰箱里的话会融化的。 The chocolate is going to melt if you keep it out of the fridge. 277 洒/sǎ To Sprinkle/To Spill Zuótiān wǒ bù xiǎoxīn bǎ kāfēi sǎ zài le wǒ de báisè qúnzi shàng. 昨天我不小心把咖啡洒在了我的白色裙子上。 Yesterday, I accidentally spilled coffee on my white dress. 278 杀/shā To Kill Nĭ wèishénme yào shā wŏ? 你为什么要杀我? Why do you want to kill me? 279 晒/shài To Bask In (the sunshine)/To Dry (clothes, grain, etc.) In The Sun Bǎ yīfu fàng zài tàiyáng dǐxia shài shài. 把衣服放在太阳底下晒晒。 Leave the clothes to dry in the sun. 280 删除/shānchú To Delete Tā bǎ nàge wénjiàn cóng yìngpán lǐ shānchú le. 他把那个文件从硬盘里删除了。 He deleted the files from the hard disk. 281 善于/shànyú To Be Good At Tā hěn shànyú kǎnjià. 她很善于砍价。 She’s good at bargaining the prices down. 282 上当/shàngdàng To Be Fooled Nǐ huā 70 měiyuán mǎi de nà fú huà! nǐ shàngdàng le! nà zhǐshì yī gè yànpǐn. 你花70美元买的那幅画!你上当了!那只是一个赝品。 Seventy bucks for that painting! You’ve been fooled! It’s just a fake. 283 舍不得/shěbude To Hate To Use Or To Part With Wŏ shěbude bă zhème duō qián huā zài chuān yīfu shàng. 我舍不得把这么多钱花在穿衣服上。 I hate to spend so much money on clothing. 284 射击/shèjī To Shoot Wǒmen de dírén yòu jìxù xiàng wǒmen shèjī le 20 fēnzhōng. 我们的敌人又继续向我们射击了20分钟。 Our enemies continued shooting at us for another twenty minutes. 285 设计/shèjì To Design Tā xūyào chóngxīn shèjì zhè jiàn hūnshā. 她需要重新设计这件婚纱。 She needs to redesign the wedding dress. 286 摄影/shèyǐng To Take a Photograph/Photography Tā sì nián qián kāishǐ duì shèyǐng chǎnshēng xìngqù. 他四年前开始对摄影产生兴趣。 He became interested in photography four years ago. Hanban stressed this word as a verb. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as a noun, because in normal speech, it is usually used as a noun. 287 伸/shēn To Stretch/To Extend Bùyào bǎ shǒu shēnchū chuāngwài. 不要把手伸出窗外。 Don’t stretch your arm out of the window. 288 升/shēng To Rise Nĭ hái zài chuáng shàng, tàiyáng yĭjīng shēng qĭlái le. 你还在床上, 太阳已经升起来了! You’re still in bed,and the sun has already risen! 289 生产/shēngchǎn To Produce Zhè jiā gōngchǎng shēngchǎn de chǎnpǐn dōu shì huánbǎo de. 这家工厂生产的产品都是环保的。 This factory produces only environmentally-conscious products 290 省略/shěnglüè To Leave Out/To Omit Shū de zhè yī bùfen kěyǐ shěnglüè. 书的这一部分可以省略。 This part of the book may be omitted. 291 失去/shīqù To Lose Wǒ yǐjīng kāishǐ duì nǐ shīqù nàixìng le. 我已经开始对你失去耐性了。 I’m beginning to lose my patience with you. 292 失业/shīyè To Lose One’s Job Shīyè hòu, tā zhěngtiān dāi zài jiālǐ wúsuǒshìshì. 失业后,他整天呆在家里无所事事。 After he lost his job, he stayed at home all day doing nothing. 293 实习/shíxí To Practice/To Intern Wǒ de tóngxué xiànzài yǐjīng zài lǜshī shìwùsuǒ shíxí le. 我的同学现在已经在律师事务所实习了。 My classmate has already started his internship in a law office. 294 实现/shíxiàn To Realize/To Achieve Tā kào zìjǐ de nǔlì shíxiàn le mèngxiǎng. 他靠自己的努力实现了梦想。 He achieved his dreams through hard work. 295 实行/shíxíng To Put Into Practice “Yìguóliǎngzhì” de gòuxiǎng yǐ zài xiānggǎng shíxíng. “一国两制”的构想已在香港实行。 The concept of “one country, two systems” is being practiced in Hong Kong. 296 使劲儿/shĭjìn’ér To Exert All One’s Strength Tāmen tài shǐjìnr, bǎ shéngzi lā shé le. 他们太使劲儿, 把绳子拉折了。 They pulled the rope so hard that it snapped. 297 受伤/shòushāng To Suffer Injuries Tā duō chù shòushāng, qízhōng sān chù gǔzhé. 他多处受伤,其中三处骨折。 He had several injuries, including three fractures. 298 输入/shūrù To Input/To Enter Zài zhè biǎogé lǐ shūrù nǐ de míngzi gēn xìnxī. 在这表格里输入你的名字跟信息。 Enter your name and information on this form. 299 属于/shǔyú To Belong To Zhè dòng fángzi shì shǔyú wǒ zǔfùmǔ de. 这栋房子是属于我祖父母的。 This house belongs to my grandparents. 300 摔/shuāi To Fall Tā cóng mǎ shàng shuāi le xiàlái, zhǐ shòu le diǎn wàishāng. 他从马上摔了下来,只受了点外伤。 He fell off his horse, but only had a slight injury.
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HSK 5 - Verbs 271 to 300
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