HSK 5 – Verbs 1 to 30 1 爱护/àihù To Care/To Cherish Qǐng àihù gōnggòng huánjìng, wù luàn diū zhǐxiè, suídì tǔtán. 请爱护公共环境, 勿乱丢纸屑, 随地吐痰。 Please cherish the environment. Do not throw wastepaper randomly or spit everywhere. 2 爱惜/àixī To Value/To Treasure Māma gĕi wŏ măi le gè xīn bēizi, wŏ hĕn àixī. 妈妈给我买了个新杯子, 我很爱惜。 Mother bought me a new cup which I treasure very much. 3 安慰/ānwèi To Comfort Péngyou de zhàngfu qùshì le, wǒ bùzhī gāi rúhé ānwèi tā. 朋友的丈夫去世了,我不知该如何安慰她。 My friend’s husband passed away. I don’t know how to comfort her. 4 安装/ānzhuāng To Install Wǒ xiǎng zài wǒ de fángjiān lǐ ānzhuāng yī tái kōngtiáo. 我想在我的房间里安装一台空调。 I want to install an air-conditioner in my room. 5 把握/băwò To Grasp/To Seize Wŏmen yīnggāi shèfă băwò zhù zhè cì jīhuì. 我们应该设法把握住这次机会。 We should try to seize the opportunity. 6 摆/bǎi To Put/To Arrange Wèile fāngbiàn, wǒ bǎ shūzhuō bǎi dào le shūjià pángbiān. 为了方便,我把书桌摆到了书架旁边。 I put my desk next to the book shelf for the sake of convenience. 7 办理/bànlǐ To Conduct/To Handle Wǒ xiàbànnián zhǔnbèi qù Niǔyuē, xiànzài zhèngzài bànlǐ qiānzhèng. 我下半年准备去纽约,现在正在办理签证。 I plan to go to New York the second half of this year, and so I am currently trying to get my visa. 8 包含/bāohán To Include/To Contain Qǐngwèn zhège jiàgé bāohán le nǎxiē fúwù? 请问这个价格包含了哪些服务? Excuse me, what services are included in the price? 9 保持/bǎochí To Keep Wèile bǎochí shēncái, tā měitiān jiānchí pǎobù. 为了保持身材,他每天坚持跑步。 In order to keep in shape, he runs everyday. 10 保存/bǎocún To Save/To Keep Wǒ bǎ suǒyǒu de zīliào dōu bǎocún zài zhège yìngpán lǐ. 我把所有的资料都保存在这个硬盘里。 I saved all the data on this hardisk. 11 保留/bǎoliú To Retain/To Keep Rúguǒ nǐ bǎoliú le shōujù dehuà, zhè jiàn shāngpǐn kěyǐ tuìhuò. 如果你保留了收据的话,这件商品可以退货。 This merchandise is returnable if you have kept the receipt. 12 保险/bǎoxiǎn To Insure Nǐ de chē bǎo le xiǎn méiyǒu? 你的车保了险没有? Is your car insured? 13 避免/bìmiǎn To Avoid Yīshēng gàosu tā yào bìmiǎn chī kuàicān. 医生告诉他要避免吃快餐。 The doctor told him to avoid fast food. 14 编辑/biānjí To Edit Wǒ kěyǐ yòng nǐ de diànnǎo biānjí shìpín ma? 我可以用你的电脑编辑视频吗? Can I use your computer to edit the videos? 15 辩论/biànlùn To Argue Wǒ bù xiǎng jiù zhège wèntí yǔ nǐ biànlùn. 我不想就这个问题与你辩论。 I don’t want to argue with you about this problem. 16 表明/biǎomíng To Indicate Yīyuàn de jiǎnchá jiéguǒ biǎomíng, tā bùxìng huànshàng le rǔxiàn’ái. 医院的检查结果表明,她不幸患上了乳腺癌。 The examination report indicates that unfortunately she has breast cancer. 17 表示/biǎoshì To Show Suīrán xǔduō rén biǎoshì chū le xìngqù, dàn què hěnshǎo yǒurén mǎi. 虽然许多人表示出了兴趣,但却很少有人买。 A lot of people showed interest, but few have bought it. 18 表扬/biăoyáng To Praise Tā jìnbù hĕnkuài, lăoshī biăoyáng le tā. 他进步很快, 老师表扬了他。 He made such rapid progress that he was praised by the teacher. 19 表演/biǎoyǎn To Perform/Performance Wǒ kàn le tā de biǎoyǎn, wánquán bǎ wǒ zhènzhù le. 我看了她的表演,完全把我震住了。 I watched her performance and it completely blew me away. Hanban stressed this word as a verb. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as a noun, because in normal speech, it is usually used as a noun. 20 补充/bǔchōng To Replenish/To Add Zhè piān wénzhāng wǒ gǎidòng le jǐ chù, lìngwài yòu bǔchōng le yī xiǎoduàn. 这篇文章我改动了几处,另外又补充了一小段。 This article I changed a few, in addition to add a short paragraph. 21 不必/bùbì To not Need To Shíjiān hái láidejí, nǐ bùbì zháojí. 时间还来得及,你不必着急。 There is still time. You don’t need to hurry. 22 不如/bùrú Not Equal To/It Would Be Better To Yǔqí měitiān fā láosāo, bùrú xiǎng bànfǎ gǎibiàn xiànzhuàng. 与其每天发牢骚,不如想办法改变现状。 Rather than grumbling all the time, it would be better to find a way to change the situation. 23 不足/bùzú Not Enough/Lacking Yīn diànliàng bùzú, shǒujī zìdòng guānjī le. 因电量不足,手机自动关机了。 Because the battery power was not enough, the cell phone automatically turned off. 24 拆/chāi To Tear Apart Tā yĭqián cháng qù de nà jiā diànyĭngyuàn bèi chāi le. 她以前常去的那家电影院被拆了。 The cinema she used to go to has been torn apart. 25 踩/cǎi To Step On A! nǐ cǎidào wǒ de jiǎo le. 啊!你踩到我的脚了。 Ouch! You stepped on my foot. 26 采访/cǎifǎng To Interview Wǒ cǎifǎng le yī míng zhùmíng de yǎnyuán. 我采访了一名著名的演员。 I interviewed a famous actor. 27 采取/cǎiqǔ To Take Qǐng zài cǎiqǔ xíngdòng qián huā shíjiān kǎolǜ yīxià. 请在采取行动前花时间考虑一下。 Please take your time to think before you take action. 28 参与/cānyǔ To Participate Wǒmen xīwàng dàjiā dōu néng cānyǔ zhège huódòng. 我们希望大家都能参与这个活动。 We hope everyone will participate in this activity. 29 插/chā To Stick Xiànzài ràng wǒmen bǎ làzhú chājìn shēngrì dàngāo ba. 现在让我们把蜡烛插进生日蛋糕吧。 Let’s stick the candles into the birthday cake. 30 产生/chǎnshēng To Produce/To Develop (feelings such as love,trust,interest, etc.) Jīngguò cháng shíjiān jiēchù, tā duì tā chǎnshēng le xìnrèn gǎn. 经过长时间接触,她对他产生了信任感。 After a long period of contact, she developed trust in him.
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HSK 5 – Verbs 1 to 30
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