HSK 5 – Remaining Words 1 幅/fú Measure Word For Drawing Wǒ wúlùn rúhé yě bù mài nà fú huà. 我无论如何也不卖那幅画。 I wouldn’t sell that picture for all the world. 2 届/jiè Measure Word For Conferences Dì yī jiè àoyùnhuì shì zài xīlà yădiăn jŭxíng de. 第一届奥运会是在希腊雅典举行的。 The first Olympic Games were in Athens, Greece. 3 节/jié Measure Word For Classes Zhè jié kè duō cháng shíjiān ? 这节课多长时间? How long is the class? 4 卷/juăn Measure Word For Small Rolled Things (wad of paper money, movie reel, etc.) Wǒ xūyào yī juăn wèishēngzhǐ. 我需要一卷卫生纸。 I need a roll of toilet paper. 5 颗/kē Measure Word (small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites, etc.) Wǒ zhǎng le yī kē zhìchǐ. 我长了一颗智齿。 I have a wisdom tooth. 6 匹/pǐ Measure Word (for horses, mules, bolts of cloth, etc.) Tā mǎi le yī pǐ mǎ. 他买了一匹马。 He bought a horse. 7 批/pī Measure Word (for batches, lots, military flights, etc.) Zhè pī huò bù hégé. 这批货不合格。 This batch of commodities doesn’t meet the standard. 8 片/piàn Measure Word For Slices Wǒ chī le liǎng piàn kǎo miànbāo dāng zǎocān. 我吃了两片烤面包当早餐。 I had two slices of toast as breakfast. 9 套/tào Measure Word (for sets, collections, apartments, etc.) Nà tào yīfu nĭ chuān hĕn héshì. 那套衣服你穿很合适。 That cloth looks very good on you. 10 阵/zhèn Measure Word (for events or states of short duration) Tā bìng le hǎo yī zhèn le. 她病了好一阵了。 She has been ill for quite a long time. 11 支/zhī Measure Word (for long, thin, inflexible objects) Wǒ dǎsuan mǎi zhī bǐ sòng gěi tā. 我打算买支笔送给他。 I plan to buy a pen for him. 12 比如/bǐrú Such As Wǒ xǐhuan chī shuǐguǒ, bǐrú píngguǒ, lízi, xiāngjiāo děng děng. 我喜欢吃水果,比如苹果、梨子、香蕉等等。 I like fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, etc. 13 毕竟/bìjìng After All Bié tài zébèi tā, tā bìjìng háishi gè háizi. 别太责备他, 他毕竟还是个孩子。 Don’t scold him too much. After all, he is still a child. 14 对于/duìyú With Regard To/Regarding Duìyú tā de gōngzuò wǒ méiyǒu shéme yìjiàn. 对于他的工作我没有什么意见。 I have no complaints with regard to his work. 15 凭/píng In The Name Of/On The Basis Of Nǐ píng shénme dé chū zhège jiélùn? 你凭什么得出这个结论? What do you base this conclusion on? 16 与其/yŭqí Rather Than Yŭqí péiqián, bùrú tíngyè. 与其赔钱, 不如停业。 Rather than lose money, it would be better to close the business. 17 至今/zhìjīn Up To Now Zhìjīn wŏ hái méiyŏu chūguò guó. 至今我还没有出过国。 Up till now, I have never been abroad. 18 至于/zhìyú As To Wǒ yǐjīng jìn le lì, zhìyú xíngbuxíng, jiù quán píng yùnqi le. 我已经尽了力,至于行不行,就全凭运气了。 I’ve done what I can, so as to whether or not it will work, all I can rely on is luck. 19 丙/bǐng Third In Order Bǐng zǔ de yùndòngyuán xiān shàng. 丙组的运动员先上。 The athletes in group three are to go first. 20 丁/dīng Fourth In Order/Small Cubes of Meat or Vegetable Bǎ huángguā qiē chéng dīng. 把黄瓜切成丁。 Cut the cucumber into cubes. 21 甲/jiǎ First/Letter A In List “A,B,C”. Jiǎ duì zhànshèng le yǐ duì. 甲队战胜了乙队。 Team A beat Team B. 22 唉/āi Alas/To Sigh Āi! Wǒ yùnqi zěnme zhème chà! 唉!我运气怎么这么差! Alas! Why am I so unlucky? 23 哈/hā Ah/Ha Hāhā! Wǒ yíng le. 哈哈!我赢了。 Haha! I won. 24 彼此/bǐcǐ Each Other Wǒmen yīqǐ zhǎngdà, bǐcǐ zhīgēnzhīdǐr. 我们一起长大,彼此知根知底儿。 We grew up together and we know each other very well. 25 别人/biéren Others Bié dīngzhe biéren kàn. 别盯着别人看。 Don’t stare at others. 26 未必/wèibì May Not/Not Necessarily Yŏuqiánrén wèibì kuàilè. 有钱人未必快乐。 The rich are not necessarily happy. 27 一路平安/yīlù píng’ān Have a Pleasant Journey Zhù nǐ yīlù píng’ān! 祝你一路平安! Have a pleasant trip! 28 必须/bìxū Must Míngtiān wǒ bìxū zǎoqǐ. 明天我必须早起。 I must get up early tomorrow.
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