HSK 5 – Nouns 91 to 120 91 动画片/dònghuàpiàn Animation Xiànzài de rìběn dònghuàpiàn yuè lái yuè sèqíng le! 现在的日本动画片越来越色情了! Japanese animation these days is becoming more and more like pornography. 92 豆腐/dòufu Bean Curd/Toufu Wǒ wàngjì mǎi dòufu le. 我忘记买豆腐了。 I forgot to buy tofu. 93 毒素/dúsù Poison Zhè yào yǒuzhùyú qīngchú nǐ xuěyè zhōng de dúsù. 这药有助于清除你血液中的毒素。 This medicine will help you to get rid of the poison in your blood. 94 短信/duǎnxìn Message wǒ tīng bu qīngchu, nǐ gěi wǒ fā duǎnxìn ba. 我听不清楚,你给我发短信吧。 I can’t hear clearly, send me a short message. 95 对方/duìfāng Opposite Side/Person Tāmen zhàn zài nà, hùxiāng nùshìzhe duìfāng. 他们站在那,互相怒视着对方。 They stood there, glaring at each other. 96 对手/duìshǒu Opponent Tā bǎ duìshǒu jīdǎo le. 他把对手击倒了。 He knocked his opponent out. 97 对象/duìxiàng Object/Target Diàochá duìxiàng shì suíjī tiāoxuǎn de. 调查对象是随机挑选的。 The subjects for this investigation were selected randomly. 98 吨 /dūn Ton Zhèzhǒng kǎchē zuìdà zàizhòngliàng shì yī dūn. 这种卡车最大载重量是一吨。 The maximum load for this truck is one ton. 99 发票/fāpiào Invoice Nàge wénjiàn guì zhōng de fāpiào shì àn rìqī shùnxù zhěnglǐ hǎo de. 那个文件柜中的发票是按日期顺序整理好的。 That filing cabinet contains invoices ordered by date. 100 法院/fǎyuàn Court (of law) Wǒmen céng qǐngqiú fǎyuàn diàochá. 我们曾请求法院调查。 We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 101 方/fāng Direction Zhè tiáo hé liúxiàng dōngnánfāng. 这条河流向东南方。 The river runs toward the southeast. 102 方案/fāng’àn Scheme Gāi fāng’àn shíxiàn jiǎndān, zàojià dīlián, jīng shìyàn zhèngmíng shì kěxíng de. 该方案实现简单,造价低廉,经试验证明是可行的。 The proposed design scheme is low cost and easy to implement. Test results show that it is feasible 103 方式/fāngshì Way (of doing something) Wǒ xǐhuan nǐ shuōhuà de fāngshì. 我喜欢你说话的方式。 I like the way you talk. 104 房东/fángdōng Landlord Wǒ de fángdōng ràng wǒ yuèdǐ bānzǒu. 我的房东让我月底搬走。 My landlord is kicking me out at the end of the month. 105 肥皂/Féizào Soap Féizào cóng wǒ shǒushang huáluò le. 肥皂从我手上滑落了。 The soap slipped out of my hand. 106 肺/Fèi Lungs Fèi shì hūxī qìguān. 肺是呼吸器官。 The lungs are respiratory organs. 107 废话/fèihuà Superfluous Words/Nonsense Nǐ shuō de quán shì fèihuà. 你说的全是废话。 You are talking complete nonsense. 108 费用/fèiyòng Cost Wǒ yuàn yǔ nǐ fēndān fèiyòng. 我愿与你分摊费用。 I will share the cost with you. 109 愤怒/fènnù Indignation Tā yīn fènnù ér liǎnhóng. 他因愤怒而脸红。 His face was red with indignation. 110 风格/fēnggé Style Zhè kuài dìtǎn shì éguó fēnggé de. 这块地毯是俄国风格的。 This carpet is of a Russian style. 111 风俗/fēngsú Custom Tāmen de fēngsú shì zài fénmù shàng sǎ huā. 他们的风俗是在坟墓上撒花。 Their custom is to throw flowers over the graves. 112 风险/fēngxiǎn Risk Tóuzīzhě wèi zhè yī fēngxiǎn ér dānxīn. 投资者为这一风险而担心。 Investors were unhappy about the risk. 113 服装/fúzhuāng Dress/Clothing Nǚrén de fúzhuāng shì tā wàimào de yī bùfen. 女人的服装是她外貌的一部分。 A woman’s dress is a part of her apperance. 114 妇女/fùnǚ Woman Lièchēzhǎng yuánlái shì yī wèi qīngnián fùnǚ. 列车长原来是一位青年妇女。 The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. 115 改革/gǎigé Reform Zhōngguó de yīliáo gǎigé gōngrèn shì shībài de. 中国的医疗改革公认是失败的。 The reform of the Chinese healthcare system is an acknowledgment of its failure. 116 概念/gàiniàn Concept Wǒ juéde zhège wǎngzhàn de gàiniàn fēicháng hǎo. 我觉得这个网站的概念非常好。 I really like the concept of this website. 117 感受/gǎnshòu Feeliing Tā shuōhuà cónglái bù lǐ biéren de gǎnshòu. 他说话从来不理别人的感受。 He says what he thinks regardless of other people’s feeling. 118 感想/gǎnxiǎng Thoughts/Feelings Nǐ duì zhè chǎng bǐsài yǒu shéme gǎnxiǎng? 你对这场比赛有什么感想? What are your thoughts about the game? 119 钢铁/gāngtiě Steel Gāngtiě shì zhòngdiǎn chǎnyè. 钢铁是重点产业。 Steel is a key industry. 120 高速公路/gāosù gōnglù Expressway Tāmen xiàng jǐngchá bàoyuàn gāosù gōnglù shàng de zàoyīn. 他们向警察抱怨高速公路上的噪音。 They complained to the police about the noise of the expressway.
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HSK 5 – Nouns 91 to 120
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