HSK 5 – Nouns 541 to 575 541 智慧/zhìhuì Wisdom/Intelligence Wǒ de xǔduō tóngshì dōu jùbèi fēifán de zhìhuì. 我的许多同事都具备非凡的智慧。 I have many colleagues with exceptional intelligence. 542 秩序/zhìxù Order (social order) Tā jiǎoluàn le kètáng de zhìxù. 他搅乱了课堂的秩序。 He disrupted the order of the classroom. 543 志愿者/zhìyuànzhě Volunteer Qīngnián zhìyuànzhě men dōu láizì bùtóng de guójiā. 青年志愿者们都来自不同的国家。 The young volunteers come from different countries. 544 钟/zhōng Clock Wŏmen de zhōng kuài le 10 fēnzhōng. 我们的钟快了10分钟。 Our clock is ten minutes fast. 545 中介/zhōngjiè Intermediary/Agency Zhè jiā zhōngjiè de fúwù fēicháng hǎo. 这家中介的服务非常好。 This agency offers superior service. 546 中心/zhōngxīn Center Gāi Jiǔdiàn wèiyú shìzhōngxīn. 该酒店位于市中心。 The hotel is located in the center of the city. 547 重量/zhòngliàng Weight Zhège xiāngzi de zhòngliàng shì duōshao? 这个箱子的重量是多少? How much does the box weigh? 548 中旬/zhōngxún The Middle Ten Days of a Month Liùyuè zhōngxún, wŏmen zhèlĭ yŏu guò yī chăng dà fēngxuĕ. 六月中旬, 我们这里有过一场大风雪。 We had a snowstorm in the middle of June. 549 竹子/zhúzi Bamboo Hěnduō dōngxi shì yóu zhúzi zuò de. 很多东西是由竹子做的。 Many things are made from bamboo. 550 主观/zhǔguān Subjectivity/Subjective Nǐ kàn wèntí tài zhǔguān le. 你看问题太主观了。 You are too subjective in analyzing problems. Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 551 主人/zhǔrén Owner Nǐ shì zhè dòng fángzi de zhǔrén ma? 你是这栋房子的主人吗? Are you the owner of this house? 552 主席/zhǔxí Chairman Tā líkāi hòu, wǒ bèi rènmìng wéi zhǔxí. 他离开后,我被任命为主席。 I was appointed to be the chairman after he left. 553 主张/zhǔzhāng Proposal/Viewpoint Wǒ gēnběn jiù bù zànchéng nǐ de zhǔzhāng. 我根本就不赞成你的主张。 I don’t agree with your viewpoint at all. 554 祝福/zhùfú Blessing Qĭng jiēshòu wŏ duì nĭmen hūnyīn de zhùfú. 请接受我对你们婚姻的祝福。 Please accept my blessing for your marriage. 555 专家/zhuānjiā Expert Tā shì jiǔdiàn guǎnlǐ fāngmiàn de zhuānjiā. 他是酒店管理方面的专家。 He is an expert in hotel management. 556 状况/zhuàngkuàng State/Condition Tā de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng fēicháng hǎo. 他的健康状况非常好。 His health is in excellent condition. 557 状态/zhuàngtài State Zìcóng nà cì chēhuò, tā de jīngshén zhuàngtài yīzhí bù zhèngcháng. 自从那次车祸,她的精神状态一直不正常。 Ever since that car accident, her state of mind has been abnormal. 558 资格/zīgé Qualification Fāxiàn zuòbì zhīhòu, zhè míng cáipàn qǔxiāo le cānsàizhě de zīgé. 发现作弊之后,这名裁判取消了参赛者的资格。 The judge disqualified the racers after they were caught cheating. 559 资金/zījīn Fund Wèntí de héxīn zàiyú quēfá zījīn. 问题的核心在于缺乏资金。 The core of the problem is a lack of funds. 560 资料/zīliào Data/Information Nǐ gěi wǒ de zīliào méiyǒu duō dà de yòngchù. 你给我的资料没有多大的用处。 The information you gave me is of little use. 561 姿势/zīshì Gesture/Position/Posture Nĭ zhīdao ná pútaojiŭ bēi de zhèngquè zīshì ma? 你知道拿葡萄酒杯的正确姿势吗? Do you know the proper position to hold a wine glass? 562 资源/zīyuán Resource Yóuyú quēfá zīyuán, tā de xiàngmù bèi tíngzhǐ le. 由于缺乏资源,他的项目被停止了。 His project was brought to a stop due to the lack of resources. 563 紫/zǐ Purple Tā qì de liǎn dōu zǐ le. 他气得脸都紫了。 His face turned purple with rage. Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 564 自豪/zìháo Pride/Pround Nĭ shìfǒu zuò guò shĭ zìjĭ juéde zìháo de shìqing? 你是否做过使自己觉得自豪的事情? Have you done anything that makes you proud of yourself? Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 565 字幕/zìmù Subtitle Wǒ méifǎ kàn méiyǒu zìmù de diànyǐng. 我没法看没有字幕的电影。 I can’t watch movies without subtitles. 566 自由/zìyóu Freedom Wǒ juéde rén yīdàn jiéhūn jiù huì shīqù zìyóu. 我觉得人一旦结婚就会失去自由。 I think you will lose freedom once you get married. 567 宗教/zōngjiào Religion Wǒ bù xìnyǎng rènhé zōngjiào. 我不信仰任何宗教。 I do not believe in any religion. 568 总裁/zŏngcái CEO Tā huăngchēng zìjĭ shì nà jiā qĭyè de zŏngcái. 她谎称自己是那家企业的总裁。 She made fraudulent claims that she was the company’s CEO. 569 总理/zǒnglǐ Prime Minister Zǒnglǐ de sīrén mìshū yǐjīng cízhí le. 总理的私人秘书已经辞职了。 The Prime Minister’s personal secretary has resigned. 570 总统/zǒngtǒng President Shuí jiāng shì měiguó xià yī jiè zǒngtǒng? 谁将是美国下一届总统? Who is gonna be the next president of the United State? 571 祖国/zǔguó Motherland Tā wèi zìjǐ de zǔguó zuòchū le hěn dà de gòngxiàn. 他为自己的祖国做出了很大的贡献。 He made a great contribution to the motherland. 572 祖先/zǔxiān Ancestor Jùshuō wǒmen de zǔxiān shì hóuzi. 据说我们的祖先是猴子。 It is said that our ancestors were monkeys. 573 罪犯/zuìfàn Criminal Zhège zuìfàn bèi chǔyǐ sǐxíng. 这个罪犯被处以死刑。 The criminal was sentenced to death. 574 作品/zuòpǐn Work (of literature or art) Tā de zuòpǐn zài diànyǐngjiè fēicháng zhīmíng. 她的作品在电影界非常知名。 She was well-known for her work in film. 575 作文/zuòwén Composition/Essay Tā bǎ zuòwén chóngxiě le yī biàn. 他把作文重写了一遍。 He wrote his essay all over again.
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HSK 5 - Nouns 541 to 575
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