HSK 5 – Nouns 511 to 540 511 优势/yōushì Advantage Wǒmen yào jǐnliàng fāhuī chū zìjǐ de yōushì. 我们要尽量发挥出自己的优势。 We have to do our best to use our own advantages. 512 邮局/yóujú Post Office Zhèxiē dōu gāi dǎbāo sòngdào yóujú qù. 这些都该打包送到邮局去。 These have to be packaged up and taken to the post office. 513 幼儿园/yòu’éryuán Kindergarden Nĭ jīntiān zài yòu’éryuán zuò le shénme? 你今天在幼儿园做了什么? What did you do at kindergarten today? 514 娱乐/yúlè Amusement/Pleasure Wǒ hěn nán tóngshí jiāngù gōngzuò hé yúlè. 我很难同时兼顾工作和娱乐。 I have a difficult time mixing work and pleasure. 515 预报/yùbào Prediction/Forecast Jù tiānqìyùbào bàodào, míngzǎo jiāng yǒu dàyǔ. 据天气预报报道,明早将有大雨。 The weather forecast reported that there will be heavy rain tomorrow morning. 516 语气/yǔqì Tone (manner of speaking) Tā zài dàoqiàn shí yǔqì lǐ chōngmǎn le àohuǐ. 他在道歉时语气里充满了懊悔。 His voice assumed a remorseful tone as he apologized. 517 宇宙/yǔzhòu Universe Yǔzhòu shì zěnyàng xíngchéng de? 宇宙是怎样形成的? How was the universe formed? 518 玉米/yùmǐ Corn Nǐ xiǎng chī diǎnr yùmǐ ma? 你想吃点儿玉米吗? Would you like some corn? 519 元旦/yuándàn New Year’s Day Jīnnián yuándàn guò de tài kuàilè le, tài yŏu yìyì le. 今年元旦过得太快乐了, 太有意义了。 This year’s New Year’s Day was very happy and meaningful. 520 缘故/yuángù Cause/Reason Yīnwèi yǔshuǐ de yuángù, lùmiàn yīrán shīhuá. 因为雨水的缘故,路面依然湿滑。 The reason the streets are still slippery is because it rained. 521 原料/yuánliào Raw Material Zhège guójiā yuánliào dàbùfen kào jìnkǒu. 这个国家原料大部分靠进口。 The country has to import most of its raw materials. 522 原则/yuánzé Principle Tā shì gè fēicháng yǒu yuánzé de rén. 他是个非常有原则的人。 He was a man of the highest principles. 523 愿望/yuànwàng Wish Gàosu wǒ nǐ de yuànwàng shì shénme? 告诉我你的愿望是什么? Tell me what’s your wish? 524 运气/yùnqi Luck (good or bad) Wǒ yǐjīng jìn le lì, zhìyú xíngbuxíng, jiù quán píng yùnqi le. 我已经尽了力,至于行不行,就全凭运气了。 I’ve done what I can, so as to whether or not it will work relies on luck. 525 灾害/zāihài Damage/Disaster Zài Zhōngguó nánfāng, měinián dōu yǒu hěnduō rén huì bèi zìránzāihài duóqù shēngmìng. 在中国南方,每年都有很多人会被自然灾害夺去生命。 Many people are killed each year from natural disasters in Southern China. 526 展览/zhǎnlǎn Exhibition Tā zhèng jìhuà wèi tā zuìxīn de zuòpǐn jǔbàn yī cì zhǎnlǎn. 他正计划为他最新的作品举办一次展览。 He is planning an exhibition of his latest work. 527 战争/zhànzhēng War Zhànzhēng bùnéng jiějué rènhé wèntí. 战争不能解决任何问题。 Wars can’t solve any problems. 528 账户/zhànghù Account Tā zhànghù shàng cún le xiāngdāng duō de qián. 他账户上存了相当多的钱。 He’s got quite a bit of money in his account. 529 哲学/zhéxué Philosophy Wǒ xǐhuan kàn guānyú zhéxué de shū. 我喜欢看关于哲学的书。 I like to read about philosophy. 530 真理/zhēnlǐ Truth Nénggòu jīngdezhù shíjiān kǎoyàn de cáishì zhēnlǐ. 能够经得住时间考验的才是真理。 It is a truth which has stood the test of time. 531 枕头/zhěntou Pillow Gěi wǒ yī gè zhěntou hé máotǎn hǎo ma? 给我一个枕头和毛毯好吗? Could I have a pillow and blanket? 532 整体/zhěngtǐ Whole Cóng zhěngtǐ kàn, zhège jìhuà sìhū hěn hǎo. 从整体看,这个计划似乎很好。 As a whole, the plan seems to be good. 533 政策/zhèngcè Policy Zhège zhèngcè kěnéng dǎozhì jīngjì gèng shēn yī bù de xiàhuá. 这个政策可能导致经济更深一步的下滑。 The policy could drive the economy into an even deeper slump. 534 政府/zhèngfǔ Government Zhèngfǔ juédìng xīnjiàn yī zuò túshūguǎn. 政府决定新建一座图书馆。 The government has decided to build a new library. 535 证件/zhèngjiàn Credentials Qĭng chūshì nín de yŏuxiào zhèngjiàn. 请出示您的有效证件。 Please show your valid credentials. 536 证据/zhèngjù Proof/Evidence Zhèngjù chōngfèn zhèngmíng wǒmen de huáiyí shì zhèngquè de. 证据充分证明我们的怀疑是正确的。 The evidence fully confirms our suspicions. 537 政治/zhèngzhì Politics Tā yīzhí dōu duì zhèngzhì hěn gǎn xìngqù. 他一直都对政治很感兴趣。 He has always had an interest in politics. 538 支票/zhīpiào Cheque/Check (bank) Wǒ xiǎng yào bǎ zhè zhāng zhīpiào duì chéng xiànjīn. 我想要把这张支票兑成现金。 I would like to cash this cheque, please! 539 执照/zhízhào License Nǐ de zhízhào shì wúxiào de, yīnwèi tā dàoqī le. 你的执照是无效的,因为它到期了。 Your license is invalid, because it expired. 540 制度/zhìdù System Xīn zhìdù héshí shēngxiào? 新制度何时生效? When does the new system become effective?
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HSK 5 - Nouns 511 to 540
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