HSK 5 – Nouns 421 to 450 421 铜/tóng Copper Tóng hé jīn dōu shì jīnshǔ. 铜和金都是金属。 Copper and gold are both metals. 422 痛苦/tòngkǔ Pain/Suffering Qùshì qián, tā zāoshòu le hěnduō tòngkǔ. 去世前,他遭受了很多痛苦。 He suffered a lot before his death. 423 土地/tǔdì Land Wǒguó tǔdì liáokuò, zīyuán fēngfù. 我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。 Our country has a vast land and abundant resources. 424 土豆/tǔdòu Potato Wǒ yào xiāodiào tǔdòu pí ránhòu bǎ tāmen zhǔshú. 我要削掉土豆皮然后把它们煮熟。 I will peel and boil the potatoes. 425 兔子/tùzi Rabbit Tā pǎo de xiàng tùzi yīyàng kuài. 他跑得像兔子一样快。 He runs as fast as a rabbit. 426 团/tuán Round/Ball Tā yī bǎ chě xià nà nǚhái de zhàopiàn, bǎ tā róuchéng yī tuán. 他一把扯下那女孩的照片,把它揉成一团。 He tore down the girl’s photograph, and crumpled it into a ball. 427 外交/wàijiāo Diplomacy Tā shòuguò yǎnyuán de xùnliàn, dàn gǎiháng zuò le wàijiāo gōngzuò. 他受过演员的训练,但改行做了外交工作。 He was trained as an actor, but diverted to diplomacy. 428 玩具/wánjù Toy Zhège wánjù shì yòng mùtou zuò de. 这个玩具是用木头做的。 This toy is made of wood. 429 完整/wánzhěng Full/Completely Nǐ néng bǎ zhège gùshi wánzhěng de jiǎng yī biàn ma? 你能把这个故事完整地讲一遍吗? Can you tell the story completely? Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adverb, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adverb or an adjective. 430 王子/wángzǐ Prince Cóng chūshēng de nà yīkè qǐ, wángzǐ de mìngyùn jiù yǐjīng bèi yùxiān juédìng le. 从出生的那一刻起,王子的命运就已经被预先决定了。 The prince’s destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth. 431 危害/wēihài Harm Yānguǐmen sìhū bù zàihu xīyān dàilái de zhǒngzhǒng wēihài. 烟鬼们似乎不在乎吸烟带来的种种危害。 Chain smokers don’t care about the harm of smoking. 432 微笑/wēixiào Smile Tā yǒuzhe tiānshǐ bān de wēixiào. 她有着天使般的微笑。 She has an angelic smile. 433 围巾/wéijīn Scarf Tā bózi shàng wéi zhe yī tiáo wéijīn. 他脖子上围着一条围巾。 He tied a scarf around his neck. 434 尾巴/wěiba Tail Tùzi yǒu cháng ěrduo hé duǎn wěiba. 兔子有长耳朵和短尾巴。 A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. 435 伟大/wěidà Great Bèiduōfēn shì yī gè wěidà de yīnyuèjiā. 贝多芬是一个伟大的音乐家。 Beethoven was a great musician. Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 436 胃/wèi Stomach Wǒ de wèi ǒu’ěr huì tòng. 我的胃偶尔会痛。 I have occasional pains in the stomach. 437 未来/wèilái Future Wǒ zhēn de hěn guānxīn nǐ de wèilái. 我真的很关心你的未来。 I’m really concerned about your future. 438 卫生间/wèishēngjiān Washroom Wèishēngjiān de xiàshuǐdào dǔzhù le. 卫生间的下水道堵住了。 The sewer in the toilet was blocked. 439 位置/wèizhi Location Wǒ bù zhīdao zhè jiā gōngchǎng de quèqiè wèizhi. 我不知道这家工厂的确切位置。 I don’t know the exact location of the factory. 440 温度/wēndù Temperature Jīntiān de wēndù hěn dī. 今天的温度很低。 Today’s temperature is very low. 441 文件/wénjiàn Document Tā jiào mìshū bǎ wénjiàn fùzhì yī fèn. 他叫秘书把文件复制一份。 He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document. 442 文具/wénjù Stationery Qù fùjìn nà jiā shāngdiàn jiù néng mǎidào nǐ xūyào de wénjù le. 去附近那家商店就能买到你需要的文具了。 You will be able to buy the stationery you need if you go to the nearby shop. 443 文明/wénmíng Civilization Měi gè wénmíng dōu yǒu tā de dǐngshèng shíqī. 每个文明都有它的鼎盛时期。 Each civilization has its golden age. 444 文学/wénxué Literature Tā hěn xǐhuan wénxué hé yīnyuè. 他很喜欢文学和音乐。 He likes literature and music. 445 卧室/wòshì Bedroom Tā qīngqīng de zǒujìn wòshì, shēngpà jīngxǐng le háizi. 她轻轻地走进卧室,生怕惊醒了孩子。 She went into the bedroom softly so as not to wake up her child. 446 屋子/wūzi House/Room Tā bǎ wūzi chóngxīn zhuāngxiū le. 他把屋子重新装修了。 He redecorated his room. 447 武器/wǔqì Weapon Tā yòng tā de yǔsǎn dàngzuò wǔqì. 他用他的雨伞当作武器。 He used his umbrella as a weapon. 448 武术/wǔshù Martial Arts Wǔshù kěyǐ duànliàn jīngǔ. 武术可以锻炼筋骨。 Practicing martial arts strengthens the body. 449 雾/wù Fog Wǒmen zài wù zhōng mí le lù. 我们在雾中迷了路。 We got lost in the fog. 450 物理/wùlǐ Physics Wùlǐ hé huàxué nǐ gèng xǐhuan nǎge? 物理和化学你更喜欢哪个? Which do you like better, physics or chemistry?
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HSK 5 - Nouns 421 to 450
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HSK 5 – Nouns 421 to 450
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