HSK 5 – 391 to 420 391 寿命/shòumìng Life Span Yǒurén gàosu guò wǒ, wǒmen měi chōu yī gēn yān, shòumìng jiù huì suōduǎn qī fēnzhōng. 有人告诉过我,我们每抽一根烟,寿命就会缩短七分钟。 Someone told me that every cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes away from your life. 392 蔬菜/shūcài Vegetables Gǔlèi shípǐn, dòulèi, shuǐguǒ hé shūcài zhōng hányǒu xiānwéisù. 谷类食品、豆类、水果和蔬菜中含有纤维素。 Fiber is found in cereal foods, beans, fruit and vegetables. 393 书架/shūjià Bookshelf Wǒ yǒu dàliàng de shū zài wǒ de shūjià shàng. 我有大量的书在我的书架上。 I have numerous books on my bookshelf. 394 梳子/shūzi Comb Qǐng bǎ nà bǎ shūzi nágěi wǒ, wǒ yào shū yīxià tóufa. 请把那把梳子拿给我,我要梳一下头发。 Please get me that comb, I want to comb my hair. 395 鼠标/shǔbiāo Mouse (for computer use) Wǒ bù xiǎoxīn bǎ shǔbiāo shuāi dào dìshang le. 我不小心把鼠标摔到地上了。 I accidentally knock the mouse onto the floor. 396 数据/shùjù Data Shùjù biǎomíng niánqīngrén chōuyān de xiànxiàng méiyǒu jiǎnshǎo. 数据表明年轻人抽烟的现象没有减少。 The data shows that smoking is not decreasing among the young. 397 双方/shuāngfāng Both Sides Shuāngfāng dōu yīng àn xiéyì tiáokuǎn bànshì. 双方都应按协议条款办事。 Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement. 398 税/shuì Tax Suǒyǒu qǐyè dōu yào xiàng guójiā nàshuì. 所有企业都要向国家纳税。 All businesses must pay taxes to the state. 399 丝绸/sīchóu Silk Wǒ rènwéi sīchóu lǐngdài xiāngdāng bùcuò. 我认为丝绸领带相当不错。 I think silk ties are quite nice. 400 思想/sīxiǎng Thought/Thinking Shàng dàxué de shíhou wǒ jiēchù le yīxiē xīfāng de sīxiǎng. 上大学的时候我接触了一些西方的思想。 When I was in college, I got to know about some western thinking. 401 寺庙/sìmiào Temple Zhè zuò sìmiào shì héshí zào de? 这座寺庙是何时造的? When was this temple built? 402 宿舍/sùshè Dormitory Zhè jiān sùshè zhù zhe liǎng gè měiguó liúxuéshēng. 这间宿舍住着两个美国留学生。 Two American students live in this dormitory. 403 损失/sǔnshī Loss Wǒmen huì bǔcháng nǐ de sǔnshī. 我们会补偿你的损失。 We’ll compensate you for your loss. 404 锁/suǒ Lock Wǒ kāimén de shíhou nònghuài le suǒ. 我开门的时候弄坏了锁。 I broke the lock when I was opening the door. 405 所/suǒ Place Qǐng bùyào zài gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ dàshēng xuānhuá. 请不要在公共场所大声喧哗。 Please don’t talk loud in public places. 406 塔/tǎ Tower Cóng zhèlǐ kěyǐ kàndào nà zuò tǎ. 从这里可以看到那座塔。 The tower can be seen from here. 407 台阶/táijiē Stair Xiǎoxīn qiánmian de táijiē! 小心前面的台阶! Be careful with the front stairs! 408 太极拳/tàijí quán Tai Chi Tā rènwéi tàijí quán gǎishàn le tā de shēnghuó. 他认为太极拳改善了他的生活。 He believes that Tai Ji has improved his life. 409 太太/tàitai Mrs./Wife Wǒ tàitai gānggāng qīnglǐ le zhuōzi. 我太太刚刚清理了桌子。 My wife has just cleared the table. 410 谈判/tánpàn Negotiation Liǎng cì tánpàn dōu méiyǒu dáchéng xiéyì. 两次谈判都没有达成协议。 Twice the negotiations ended without having reached any agreement. 411 桃/táo Peach Zhèxiē táozi hái méi shú. 这些桃子还没熟。 These peaches are not ripe yet. 412 特征/tèzhēng Distinctive Feature Tā zhǔnquè de miáoshù le xiǎotōu de tèzhēng. 他准确地描述了小偷的特征。 He described the thief’s features accurately. 413 题/tí Question/Problem For Discussion Or Exam Wǒ yòng wǔ fēnzhōng jiù suàn hǎo le nà dào tí. 我用五分钟就算好了那道题。 I spent only five minutes to solve that problem. 414 提纲/tígāng Outline Zài yǎnjiǎng kāishǐ shí, tā zǒngshì xiān fā yī fèn tígāng. 在演讲开始时,他总是先发一份提纲。 At the beginning, he would always hand out an outline of the lecture. 415 题目/tímù Title/Subject Tā duì zhège tímù sìhū yīdiǎn yě bù gǎn xìngqù. 他对这个题目似乎一点也不感兴趣。 He did not seem at all interested in the subject. 416 体积/tǐjī Volume Zhège jízhuāngxiāng de tǐjī shì 20 lìfāngmǐ. 这个集装箱的体积是20立方米。 The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters. 417 天空/tiānkōng Sky Tiānkōng tūrán biàn àn le. 天空突然变暗了。 All of a sudden, the sky became dark. 418 田野/tiányě Field Wǒmen ǒu’ěr huì qù tiányě lǐ sànbù. 我们偶尔会去田野里散步。 We occasionally go for a walk in the fields. 419 挑战/tiǎozhàn Challenge Wǒ yuànyì jiēshòu gèng dà de tiǎozhàn. 我愿意接受更大的挑战。 I am willing to accept bigger challenges. 420 通讯/tōngxùn Communication Fēngbào shǐ diànhuà tōngxùn zhōngduàn le. 风暴使电话通讯中断了。 The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm.
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HSK 5 - Nouns 391 to 420
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