HSK 5 – Nouns 301 to 330 301 棉花/miánhua Cotton Jīnnián de miánhua chǎnliàng dàdà chāoguò le qùnián. 今年的棉花产量大大超过了去年。 This year’s cotton production exceeded last year’s by a big margin. 302 面积/miànji Acreage/Area (of a floor, piece of land, etc.) Zhège chúfáng de miànji dàyuē shì 12 píngfāngmǐ. 这个厨房的面积大约是12平方米。 The kitchen’s area is about 12 square meters. 303 面条/miàntiáo Noodle Wǒ xǐhuan zài miàntiáo lǐ fàng cù. 我喜欢在面条里放醋。 I like to put vinegar in the noodles. 304 秒/miǎo Second Shíjiān jiùshì jīnqián, yī miǎo dōu bùnéng làngfèi. 时间就是金钱,一秒都不能浪费。 Time is money, don’t waste even a second. 305 民主/mínzhǔ Democracy Měiguó mínzhǔ de zhōngxīn sīxiǎng shì zìyóu. 美国民主的中心思想是自由。 Freedom is the center of American democracy. 306 毛病/máobing Illness/Fault Jiékè hěn xǐhuan tiāo biéren de máobing, suǒyǐ méiyǒu rén yuànyì hé tā jiāo péngyou. 杰克很喜欢挑别人的毛病,所以没有人愿意和他交朋友。 Jack always finds fault with others. That’s why nobody is willing to be friends with him. 307 目录/mùlù Catalogue Nǐ kěyǐ zài túshūguǎn de túshū mùlù shàng cházhǎo zhè běn shū. 你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书。 You can look for the book in the library’s catalogue. 308 木头/mùtou Wood Mùtou néng fú zài shuǐmiàn shàng. 木头能浮在水面上。 Wood can float on water. 309 脑袋/nǎodai Head Tā de nǎodai lǐ chōngmǎn le diǎnzi. 她的脑袋里充满了点子。 Her head is bursting with ideas. 310 内科/nèikē Medical Department /Internal Medicine Zhè yīyuàn yǒu nèikē bìngfáng hé wàikē bìngfáng. 这医院有内科病房和外科病房。 The hospital has an internal medicine ward and a surgical ward. 311 能源/néngyuán Energy Tàiyángnéng shì yī zhǒng xīnxíng néngyuán. 太阳能是一种新型能源。 Solar energy is a new kind of energy. 312 年代/niándài Years Zhànzhēng niándài de wǎngshì réng cháng fúxiàn zài wǒ de nǎohǎi. 战争年代的往事仍常浮现在我的脑海。 The years of the war are still in my mind. 313 年纪/niánjì Age Tā suīrán shàng le niánjì, shǒujiǎo dào hěn língbian. 他虽然上了年纪,手脚倒很灵便。 Though getting on in years, he is still nimble. 314 牛仔裤/niúzǎikù Close-fitting Pants/Jeans Wǒ jiějie hé wǒ doū xǐhuan chuān niúzǎikù. 我姐姐和我都喜欢穿牛仔裤。 Both my sister and I like to wear jeans. 315 农民/nóngmín Farmer Wǒ yéye shì gè nóngmín, yīshēng dōu zhù zài nóngcūn. 我爷爷是个农民,一生都住在农村。 My grandfather was a farmer and he spent all his life living in the countryside. 316 农业/nóngyè Agriculture/Farming Nóngchǎnpǐn jiàgé de tígāo yǒuzhùyú nóngyè. 农产品价格的提高有助于农业。 The improvement of farm product prices encourages farming. 317 女士/nǚshì Lady Qǐng wèi zhè wèi nǚshì jiào liàng chūzūchē. 请为这位女士叫辆出租车。 Please call a taxi for this lady. 318 排球/páiqiú Volleyball Páiqiú shì wǒ zuì xǐhuan de yùndòng. 排球是我最喜欢的运动。 Volleyball is my favorite sport. 319 盆/pén Pot/Basin Tā bǎ miànfěn dào jìn pén lǐ. 她把面粉倒进盆里。 She poured the flour into the basin. 320 脾气/píqi Temper Wǒ xīwàng tā néng kèzhì zhù zìjǐ de píqi. 我希望他能克制住自己的脾气。 I hope he can control his temper. 321 皮鞋/píxié Leather Shoes Tā mǎi le yī shuāng hēisè píxié. 他买了一双黑色皮鞋。 He bought a pair of black leather shoes. 322 频道/píndào Channel Wǒ bù xǐhuan zhège píndào de jiémù. 我不喜欢这个频道的节目。 I do not like the programs in this channel. 323 品种/pǐnzhǒng Variety Nǐ néng jiāng zhè liǎng gè pǐnzhǒng qūbié kāi lái ma? 你能将这两个品种区别开来吗? Can you differentiate one variety from the other? 324 平常/píngcháng Usually Wǒ ǒu’ěr hē bēi kāfēi, dàn píngcháng dōu hē chá. 我偶尔喝杯咖啡, 但平常都喝茶。 I occasionally drink a cup of coffee; but usually I drink tea. Hanban stressed this word as a noun. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adverb, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adverb. 325 平衡/pínghéng Balance Tā zhuāzhù fúshǒu yǐ bǎochí pínghéng. 她抓住扶手以保持平衡。 She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 326 平均/píngjūn Average Cānjiā miànshì de nǚxìng píngjūn niánlíng cái 21 suì. 参加面试的女性平均年龄才21岁。 The average age of the women interviewed was only 21 years old. 327 期间/qījiān Period of Time Tā zài zhùyuàn qījiān dú le hěnduō xiǎoshuō. 他在住院期间读了很多小说。 While in the hospital, he read a lot of novels. 328 奇迹/qíjì Miracle Bìngrén huīfù de zhèyàng kuài, jiǎnzhí shì qíjì. 病人恢复得这样快,简直是奇迹。 It’s really a miracle that the patient has recovered so quickly. 329 其余/qíyú All The Other (persons or things) Zhǐyǒu yī jiān wūzi liàng zhe dēng, qíyú dōu shì hēi de. 只有一间屋子亮着灯,其余都是黑的。 There’s a light on in only one room, all the others are dark. 330 企业/qǐyè Enterprise Tāmen de qǐyè yuè bàn yuè xīngwàng. 他们的企业越办越兴旺。 Their enterprise is growing more and more prosperous.
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HSK 5 - Nouns 301 to 330
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