HSK 5 – Adverbs 1 to 30 1 不得了/bùdéliǎo Extremely Zhè liǎng tiān wǒ kāixīn de bùdéliǎo. 这两天我开心得不得了。 I have been extremely happy these last few days. 2 不断/bùduàn Constantly Wèile yǎnghuo quánjiā, tā zhǐnéng bùduàn de zhèngqián. 为了养活全家,他只能不断地挣钱。 To support the family, he has to make money constantly. 3 不见得/bùjiànde Not Likely/Not Necessarily Lǎoshī shuō de huà bùjiànde dōu shì duì de. 老师说的话不见得都是对的。 The teachers’ words are not necessarily right. 4 曾经/céngjīng Once(indicating that an action once happened or a state once existed) Wǒ céngjīng zài měiguó zhùguò liǎng nián. 我曾经在美国住过两年。 I lived in the United States for two years. 5 彻底/chèdǐ Thoroughly Nǐ yào chèdǐ gǎibiàn nǐ de huài xíguàn, bùrán nǐ yǒngyuǎn bùhuì chénggōng de. 你要彻底改变你的坏习惯,不然你永远不会成功的。 You need to thoroughly change your bad habits, or you will never succeed. 6 匆忙/cōngmán Hastily Nàozhōng yī xiǎng, wǒmen jiù cōngmáng de qǐchuáng le. 闹钟一响,我们就匆忙地起床了。 We got up in a hurry when the alarm clock went off. 7 从前/cóngqián Formerly/In The Past Zhè běn shū cóngqián hěn chūmíng, xiànzài méi rén kàn le. 这本书从前很出名,现在没人看了。 The book was well known in the past, but nobody reads it now. 8 的确/díquè Really/Indeed Wǒ díquè bù zhīdao tā qù nǎli le. 我的确不知道她去哪里了。 I really don’t know where she went. 9 凡是/fánshì All Fánshì nǚrén dōu xǐhuan guàngjiē. 凡是女人都喜欢逛街。 All women like to go shopping. 10 反复/fǎnfù Repeatedly Wǒ fǎnfù dú le jǐ biàn zhè piān wénzhāng cái wánquán lǐjiě tā de yìsi. 我反复读了几遍这篇文章才完全理解它的意思。 I read this article repeatedly to fully understand what it meant. 11 反正/fǎnzheng Anyway/Anyhow Fǎnzheng yánzhe zhè tiáo lù yīzhí zǒu jiù huì dào. 反正沿着这条路一直走就会到。 Anyhow, if you go along this road, you’ll get there. 12 分别/fēnbié Separately Nǐ háishi fēnbié gēn tāmen tán tán de hǎo. 你还是分别跟他们谈谈的好。 You’d better have a talk with each of them separately. 13 纷纷/fēnfēn One After Another Míngtiān wǒ jiù yào bānjiā le, péngyoumen fēnfēn dǎ diànhuà lái dàobié. 明天我就要搬家了,朋友们纷纷打电话来道别。 I’m moving tomorrow and my friends are calling me one after another to say goodbye. 14 赶紧/gǎnjǐn Hurriedly/Quickly Tā huílái hòu, gǎnjǐn tuōdiào le shītòu de yīfu. 他回来后,赶紧脱掉了湿透的衣服。 After he came back, he quickly threw off his drenched clothes. 15 赶快/gǎnkuài At Once/Quickly Nǐ gǎnkuài guòlái, dàjiā dōu zài děng nǐ ne! 你赶快过来,大家都在等你呢! Come here quickly, everyone is waiting for you! 16 格外/géwài Especially Zhèzhǒng bìng hěn róngyì fùfā, yīncǐ yào géwài zhùyì. 这种病很容易复发,因此要格外注意。 It’s very easy to have a relapse with this kind of illness, so you have to be especially careful. 17 各自/gèzì Each/Respective Sànhuì de shíhou yǐjīng hěn wǎn le, dàjiā jiù gèzì huíjiā le. 散会的时候已经很晚了,大家就各自回家了。 When the meeting ended, it was already very late, so everyone went to their home. 18 更加/gèngjiā Even More Zài nà cì shìgù hòu, tā biàn de gèngjiā xiǎoxīn jǐnshèn. 在那次事故后,他变得更加小心谨慎。 He became even more cautious after the accident. 19 广泛/guăngfàn Broad/Wide-ranging Shìjiè shàng nǎ zhǒng yǔyán shǐyòng zuìwéi guǎngfàn? 世界上哪种语言使用最为广泛? Which language in the world is the most wide-ranging? Hanban stressed this word as an adverb. However, we are using it in the sentence sample as an adjective, because in normal speech, it is usually used as an adjective. 20 急忙/jímáng In a Hurry Tā lián shēng zàijiàn dōu méi shuō jiù jímáng líkāi le. 她连声再见都没说就急忙离开了。 She left in a hurry without even saying goodbye. 21 简直/jiǎnzhí Simply/At All Zhè shuāngbāotāi zhǎng de yīmú yīyàng, jiǎnzhí fēnbuchū shuí shì shuí. 这双胞胎长得一模一样,简直分不出谁是谁。 The twins look so much alike that you simply can’t tell them apart. 22 尽管/jǐnguǎn Feel Free To Yǒu shéme wèntí jǐnguǎn wèn wǒ. 有什么问题尽管问我。 Feel free to ask me if you have any questions. 23 尽量/jìnliàng As Much As Possible Wǒ huì jǐnliàng bāngzhù nǐ de. 我会尽量帮助你的。 I will try to help you as much as possible. 24 经常/jīngcháng Often Wǒ jīngcháng wàngjì biéren de míngzi. 我经常忘记别人的名字。 I often forget people’s name. 25 居然/jūrán Unexpectedly/To One’s Surprise Wǒ yuánxiān yǐwéi tā bùhuì tóngyì, méi xiǎngdào tā jūrán dāying le. 我原先以为他不会同意,没想到他居然答应了。 Initially, I thought that he would not agree, but to my surprise he said “yes”. 26 看来/kànlái It seems Kànlái wǒ děi xiūxi jǐtiān le, bùrán wǒ de shēntǐ huì kuǎ de. 看来我得休息几天了,不然我的身体会垮的。 It seems that I will have to rest for a few days, or my body will collapse. 27 立即/lìjí Promptly/At Once Shìqing hěn jí, bìxū lìjí chǔlǐ. 事情很急,必须立即处理。 The matter is urgent and it must be dealt with at once. 28 立刻/lìkè Immediately Kèren lái le, wǒ lìkè dào le bēi shuǐ gěi tā. 客人来了,我立刻倒了杯水给他。 The guest came and I immediately gave him a glass of water. 29 连/lián Even Wǒ lián zìjǐ de shēngrì dōu bù jìde le. 我连自己的生日都不记得了。 I don’t even remember my own birthday. 30 连忙/liánmáng Promptly/Hurriedly Tīng jiàn yǒurén qiāo mén, tā liánmáng qù kāimén. 听见有人敲门,她连忙去开门。 Hearing that someone was knocking at the door, she hurriedly went to open it.
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HSK 5 – Adverbs 1 to 30
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