HSK 1 – Remaining Words 1 不/bù No Wǒ bù xǐhuan kàn diànshì. 我不喜欢看电视。 I don’t like watching TV. 2 都/dōu All Wǒmen dōu shì xuésheng. 我们都是学生。 We are all students. 3 很/hěn Very Wǒ hěn máng. 我很忙。 I am very busy. 4 没/méi Not Wǒ méi hē shuǐ. 我没喝水。 I didn’t drink water. 5 太/tài Too/Very Zhè dào cài tài měiwèi le! 这道菜太美味了! This dish is very delicious. ADJECTIVES Big Nǐ de fángjiān zhēn dà. 你的房间真大。 Your room is really big. 7 多/duō Many/Much Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō rén. 这里有很多人。 There are many people here. 8 高兴/gāoxìng Happy Jīntiān wǒ hěn gāoxìng. 今天我很高兴。 I am very happy today. 9 好/hǎo Good/Nice Nǐ shì yī gè hǎo rén. 你是一个好人。 You are a good person. 10 冷/lěng Cold Jīntiān hěn lěng. 今天很冷。 It’s cold today. 11 热/rè Hot Wǒ juéde hěn rè. 我觉得很热。 I feel very hot. 12 少/shǎo Few/Little Shātān shàng de rén fēicháng shǎo. 沙滩上的人非常少。 There were few people on the beach. 13 小/xiǎo Small Nàge chuáng fēicháng xiǎo. 那个床非常小。 That bed is very small. CONJUNCTION And Tā hé wǒ shì hǎo péngyou. 她和我是好朋友。 She and I are good friends. Measure Word 15 本/běn Volume/Measure Word Wǒ mǎi le liǎng běn shū. 我买了两本书。 I bought two books. 16 个/gè Measure Word Wǒ yǒu yī gè dìdi. 我有一个弟弟。 I have a brother. 17 岁/suì Years/Age Wǒ èr shí sì suì. 我二十四岁。 I am 24 years old. 18 块/kuài Piece Wǒ yǒu yī kuài dì. 我有一块地。 I have a piece of land. 19 些/xiē A Few Wǒ mǎi le xiē xiāngjiāo. 我买了些香蕉。 I bought a few bananas. Preposition At/(to be) In Wǒ xiànzài zài bàngōngshì. 我现在在办公室。 I am in the office now. Auxiliary Subordinating Particle/Of,~’s(Possessive Particle) Nàge shǒujī shì shuí de? 那个手机是谁的? Whose cellphone is that? 22 了/le (Past Tense) Wǒ xǐ le zǎo. 我洗了澡。 I took a shower. 23 吗/ma Represents a Question Marker Nǐ kùn ma? 你困吗? Are you sleepy? 24 呢/ne Indicates a Suggestion Shuí huì xìn ne? 谁会信呢? Who’s going to believe that?
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HSK 1 - Remaining Words 1 to 24
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HSK 1 - Remaining Words 1-24
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6 大/dà
14 和/hé
20 在/zài
21 的/deFlashcards
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