HSK 1 – Nouns 31 to 62 31 苹果/píngguǒ Apple Zhège píngguǒ hěn hǎochī. 这个苹果很好吃。 This apple is very tasty. 32 钱/qián Money Nǐ de qián gòu ma? 你的钱够吗? Do you have enough money? 33 前面/qiánmian Front Wǒ zài xuéxiào qiánmian děng nǐ. 我在学校前面等你。 I will wait for you in front of the school. 34 人/rén People Zhèlǐ hǎoduō rén a! 这里好多人啊! There are so many people here. 35 日/rì Day/Day Of The Month Jīntiān shì 10 yuè 18 rì. 今天是10月18日。 Today is October 18th. 36 商店/shāngdiàn Shop/Store Wǒ yào qù shāngdiàn mǎi shuǐ. 我要去商店买水。 I need to go to the store and buy some water. 37 上/shàng Above/On Top Bīngxiāng shàng yǒu yī píng hóngjiǔ. 冰箱上有一瓶红酒。 There is a bottle of wine on the top of the refrigerator. 38 上午/shàngwǔ Morning Tā zhěnggè shàngwǔ dōu zài kànshū. 他整个上午都在看书。 He spent the morning reading a book. 39 时候/shíhou Time Yǐjīng shì shíhou huíqù le. 已经是时候回去了。 It’s already time to go home. 40 书/shū Book Wǒ xǐhuan kàn shū. 我喜欢看书。 I like reading books. 41 水/shuǐ Water Wǒ yào hē shuǐ. 我要喝水。 I want to drink water. 42 水果/shuǐguǒ Fruit Nǐ yīnggāi duō chī diǎn shuǐguǒ. 你应该多吃点水果。 You should eat more fruit. 43 天气/tiānqì Weather Jīntiān tiānqì hěn rè. 今天天气很热。 The weather is hot today. 44 同学/tóngxué Classmate Tā shì wǒ de dàxué tóngxué. 他是我的大学同学。 He is my classmate at the university. 45 下/xià Below/Under Yī zhī māo zài zhuō xià. 一只猫在桌下。 A cat is under the table. 46 下午/xiàwǔ Afternoon Wǒ míngtiān xiàwǔ yǒu kòng. 我明天下午有空。 I will be free tomorrow afternoon. 47 先生/xiānsheng Mister/Husband Wǒ de xiānsheng hěn ài wǒ. 我的先生很爱我。 My husband loves me very much. 48 现在/xiànzài Now Xiànzài jǐ diǎn le? 现在几点了? What time is it now? 49 小姐/xiǎojie Miss/Young Lady Wǒ kànjian le yī gè měilì de xiǎojie. 我看见了一个美丽的小姐。 I saw a beautiful young lady. 50 星期/xīngqī Week Zhè xīngqī tā hěn máng. 这星期他很忙。 He is very busy this week. 51 学生/xuésheng Student Wǒ bù shì xuésheng. 我不是学生。 I am not a student. 52 学校/xuéxiào School Nǐ de xuéxiào zài nǎr? 你的学校在哪儿? Where is your school? 53 衣服/yīfu Clothing Bǎ yīfu tuō diào! 把衣服脱掉! Take off your clothes! 54 医生/yīshēng Doctor Wǒ xiǎng zuò yīshēng. 我想做医生。 I want to be a doctor. 55 医院/yīyuàn Hospital Zhè fùjìn yǒu yīyuàn ma? 这附近有医院吗? Is there a hospital near here? 56 椅子/yǐzi Chair Zhè bǎ yǐzi hěn shūfu. 这把椅子很舒服。 This chair is very comfortable. 57 月/yuè Month Nǐ yī gè yuè dú jǐ běn shū? 你一个月读几本书? How many books do you read per month? 58 中国/zhōngguó China Wǒ míngnián qù zhōngguó. 我明年去中国。 I will go to China next year. 59 中午/zhōngwǔ Noon Nǐ zhōngwǔ yǐqián huì zài jiā ma? 你中午以前会在家吗? Will you be at home before noon? 60 桌子/zhuōzi Table Wǒ de shǒujī zài zhuōzi shàng. 我的手机在桌子上。 My cellphone is on the table. 61 字/zì Chinese Character Wǒ yǒu hěnduō zì bù rènshi. 我有很多字不认识。 There are many Chinese characters I don’t recognize. 62 昨天/zuótiān Yesterday Zuótiān xià yǔ le. 昨天下雨了。 It rained yesterday.
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HSK 1 – Nouns 31 to 62
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