Choosing An English Teaching Job in China 1.大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner,我是Eileen 2.随着中国的家长对英语教育越来越重视, 3.中国的外教市场也日益发展壮大。 4.对英语培训机构来说, 5.外教是他们吸引消费者的重要卖点。 6.这也给外国朋友们创造了很多工作的机会。 7.会讲英语,来中国就能找份工资丰厚的工作。 8.还能顺便旅游学习,确实是不错! 9.但面对挑选学校和工作的城市时, 10.你是不是感觉不知如何选择? 11.不用担心! 12.我会根据我在英语培训学校工作的经验 13.将这个视频分为两个部分 14.来解答你心中可能存在的疑问。 15.第一部分是关于工作本身的。 16.第二部分是关于生活的。 17.好,那我们现在就开始吧! 18.第一部分有四个关键点 19.是你在挑选学校时需要考虑的。 1) 学校聘请外教的要求 20.我们首先来看下 21.第一点:学校聘请外教的要求 22.下面我列出了四个常见的问题。 23.我们就来一一看一下。 24.1)来自非英语为母语国家的外国人 25.能在中国找到教英语的工作吗? 26.通常国际学校或英语培训机构在招外教时, 27.会优先聘请来自英语为母语国家的外教。 28.比如:英国,美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰等等。 29.但由于现在学校对外教的需求量大, 30.而符合要求的外教又不够。 31.所以有时候对外教国籍的要求不会那么严格。 32.只要英语水平高,没有太重的口音, 33.而且对英语语法知识相当熟悉,有教学经验, 34.那么来自欧洲,非洲,南美洲等国家的外国人, 35.也是可以找到教英语的工作的。 36.可因为大部分学校的广告声称 37.他们所有的外教都是来自英语为母语国家的。 38.所以有的学校可能会 39.让你们假装是来自其它国家的,比如美国, 40.或假装混血,父母其中一位是来自美国的。 41.2)需要有教学资格证书吗?比如:TEFL 42.一般一线城市的学校对教学资格证书的要求会严格一点。 43.二线城市或更小的城市要求相对灵活一些。 44.有的学校可能会招没有这些证书的外教。 45.但多数是会优先聘请有资格证书的外教。 46.而且申请工作签证的时候 47.也是要求有教学资格证书的。 48.所以有肯定比没有好! 49.3) 需要工作签证吗? 50.不管去哪个国家工作, 51.工作签都是必需的。 52.中国也不例外! 53.一般在找到工作后, 54.学校会帮你办理工作签, 55.但不一定会承担费用。 56.所以一定要提前问清楚 57.办理工作签证的费用是多少,又是由谁付。 58.没有正规的工作签证在中国工作是违法的, 59.而且也很危险。 60.被抓到不仅要罚款, 61.还有可能会被遣返回国,上黑名单, 62.以后都不能来中国工作了。 63.虽然现在确实有很多外国人 64.拿着旅游签,商务签就在中国开始工作赚钱。 65.但我是绝对不推荐的。 66.为了安全还是请大家合法来中国工作! 67.4)白人会比非白人好找工作吗? 68.很不幸! 69.白人在中国找工作确实比非白人有优势 。 70.为什么呢? 71.因为在多数中国人的眼里 72.来自美国,英国等英语为母语国家的人都是白人, 73.而非白人是来自其它国家的。 74.比如:黑人都是来自非洲的 75.棕色皮肤的人都是来自印度的等等。 76.大部分学校或培训机构的卖点是 77.他们的外教都是来自英语为母语国家的。 78.所以学校的理想外教是 79.来自英语为母语国家的金发碧眼的白人。 80.甚至有些招聘广告上会直接说只招白人。 81.只要你是白人, 82.不管来自哪个国家, 83.在中国找工作时都会比非白人有优势。 84.当然,很多学校在找不到白人外教的时候 85.他们也会接受非白人外教, 86.特别是来自英语为母语国家的非白人。 87.长着中国脸的外国人,像ABCs, 88.恐怕是最难找到教英语的工作的。 89.因为外教收费比中国老师贵, 90.所以很多家长不愿意接受 91.一个英语说得好的“中国人”。 92.学校也不会冒险招一个长着中国脸的外国人, 93.除非没有更好的选择。 94.所以在中国找教英语的工作的难易程度 95.多数情况下取决于你的肤色和长相。 96.我个人并不认为 97.肤色和长相是评判一个老师的标准。 98.英语水平,教学能力和态度才是最重要的。 99.第二点:公立学校对比私人培训机构 100.公立学校和私人培训机构 101.最大的差别在于上班时间和假期。 102.公立学校不需要晚上工作, 103.周末休息两天,而且有寒暑假。 104.私人培训机构工作的时间 105.通常是下午到晚上,周末全天, 106.周一,周二休息。 107.寒暑假是最忙的时候 108.所以一般没有假期 109.而且私人培训机构除了要求上课,还有坐班时间。 110.公立学校也可能有,但相对会少一些。 111.通常私人培训机构的工资比公立学校高, 112.但不提供住宿,需要自己租房住。 113.而公立学校一般都会免费提供不错的公寓。 114.公立学校的每个班的学生人数一般是40到50个 115.而私人培训机构包括幼儿园 116.每个班的学生人数一般不会超过15个 117.私人培训机构除了教小孩,也有教成人的。 118.如果你希望能与学生沟通,交到朋友, 119.那可以考虑去成人英语培训机构。 120.不过他们对外教的标准可能会高一些。 121.每个类型的学校都各有优劣势。 122.所以就看你想要什么了。 123.第三点:教哪个年龄段的学生? 124.越小的学生越需要精力和耐心, 125.所以幼儿园的孩子是最耗精力的。 126.但幼儿园对外教的英语水平要求不会那么高, 127.重点是要会玩游戏,有耐心, 128.让他们开口说简单的英语, 129.而且在幼儿园工作有双休日和寒暑假, 130.工资一般都还不错。 131.小学和初中的学生稍微大一点, 132.需要学的知识也会复杂一点, 133.所以学校会要求外教在课前准备好教案。 134.而且这个年龄的学生都比较调皮, 135.可能也不是很好管理。 136.高中的学生有高考的压力, 137.所以重点会放在考试技巧和语法上。 138.同样地需要准备教案, 139.但他们相比小孩子会好管理一些。 140.最后是大学生,这应该是最轻松的, 141.因为工作时间是最少的, 142.也需要准备教案,但比较灵活, 143.不像教小孩那么严格。 144.而且教小孩很难跟他们建立友情, 145.大学生可以跟你做朋友, 146.讨论有意思的话题, 147.他们也不会像小孩子那么调皮, 148.所以会轻松很多。 149.唯一的缺点就是工资会少很多, 150.但学校会提供一个不错的公寓。 151.第四点:去一线城市还是二线城市? 152.一线城市的工资会比二线城市的高一点, 153.但对外教的要求也会比二线城市严格些! 154.好,关于挑选工作的四个点已经讨论完了 155.那接下来这个部分是关于生活的 156.也是非常重要的哦! 157.这个部分也有四个关键点 1.一线城市还是二线城市? 158.好,我们现在来看下 159.第一点:一线城市还是二线城市? 160.一线城市的工资高, 161.但生活水平也高,房租贵。 162.所以如果你不想把一半的工资都花在房租上, 163.那可能需要被迫跟别人合租, 164.那就意味着你可能会碰到 165.不讲卫生,吵闹,没有礼貌的室友。 166.而二线城市虽然工资低一点, 167.但你能享受一个人自由快乐地 168.住在自己的公寓里。 169.吃的也会便宜些 170.一线城市里,外国人会多一些, 171.容易交到会说英语的朋友。 172.很多咖啡厅、餐厅的服务员 173.都能说一些基本的英文, 174.所以不想花时间学汉语的人 175.可以选择留在一线城市。 176.如果你的目的是 177.要找一个需要被迫学习汉语的地方, 178.那二线城市会更好一点。 179.因为在二线城市,相对来说, 180.外国人和会说英语的中国人会少一些, 181.你能避免交太多会说英语的朋友 182.而没有练习汉语的机会。 183.而且每次去超市购物,餐厅,理发,等 184.都需要会说一些基本的汉语。 185.三线或更小的城市是不推荐的, 186.因为小城市的外来人口少, 187.他们都听得懂方言, 188.所以他们没有必要讲普通话。 189.那么对于想学汉语的人, 190.不是很有帮助, 191.也会让你们觉得很受打击, 192.因为很多人可能听不懂你说的普通话, 193.你也听不懂他们的方言。 194.还有购买西方食物, 195.大家都知道在中国存在一些食品安全的问题, 196.比如地沟油, 197.所以自己做饭会安全健康一点。 198.我也是喜欢自己做饭,吃得放心点! 199.一线城市相比二线城市, 200.购买西方食材的地方会多一些。 201.而且偶尔懒,不想自己下厨, 202.一线城市的外国餐厅也会多一些。 203.第二点:天气 204.中国各个城市的夏天都差不多,很热, 205.但冬天却是非常不同。 206.比如南方城市深圳, 207.冬天是湿冷,而且没有暖气, 208.所以冬天会很不好受。 209.北方家家户户都有暖气, 210.所以在北方的冬天可能会好过一些, 211.但空气很干燥! 212.第三点:空气污染 213.在中国,一般北方城市的空气质量 214.会比南方城市的差一些, 215.因为北方有暖气系统, 216.所以如果你担心这个问题, 217.可以在做决定之前, 218.先查一下各个城市的空气质量。 219.据我所知,广东省的空气还不错! 220.第四点:网络 221.中国的网络情况跟其它国家不一样, 222.很多国外网站在中国是被禁了的, 223.比如:Youtube,facebook,twitter等。 224.你可以购买VPN翻墙软件, 225.但有的软件不稳定,经常断线 226.有的呢相对稳定一些, 227.所以要慎重选择VPN公司!
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Choosing An English Teaching Job in China
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Choosing An English Teaching Job in China
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Hello Everyone! Welcome to Mandarin Corner. I am Eileen.
大家 dàjiā everyone
好 hǎo good
欢迎 huānyíng to welcome
来到 láidào to come to
Mandarin Corner
我 wǒ I
是 shì am
As Chinese parents are paying more and more attention to English education,
随着 suízhe along with
中国 Zhōngguó China
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
家长 jiāzhǎng parent or guardian of a child
对 duì towards
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
教育 jiàoyù education
越来越 yuèláiyuè more and more
重视 zhòngshì to value
China’s foreign teachers market is growing bigger and bigger.
中国 Zhōngguó China
的 de of
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
市场 shìchǎng market (also in abstract)
也 yě also
日益 rìyì day by day / more and more
发展 fāzhǎn to grow
壮大 zhuàngdà to expand
For English training schools,
对 duì for
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
来 lái to come
说 shuō to speak
Note: 对+(somebody)来说 = For somebody’s point of view, …
having foreign teahcers is their key selling point to attract customers.
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
是 shì is
他们 tāmen they
吸引 xīyǐn to attract
消费者 xiāofèizhě consumer
的 de used to form a nominal expression
重要 zhòngyào important
卖点 màidiǎn selling point
It also gives foreigners a lot of job opportunities in China.
这 zhè this
也 yě also
给 gěi for
外国 wàiguó foreign (country)
朋友 péngyou friend
们 men plural marker for pronouns
创造 chuàngzào to create
了 le completed action marker
很 hěn very
多 duō many
工作 gōngzuò job
的 de used to form a nominal expression
机会 jīhuì opportunity
You can find a high-salary job as long as you can speak good English.
会 huì to be able to
讲 jiǎng to speak
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
来 lái to come
中国 Zhōngguó China
就 jiù then
能 néng can
找 zhǎo to find
份 fèn classifier for jobs
工资 gōngzī pay
丰厚 fēnghòu ample
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
You can also travel and study along the way. It is fantastic, right?
还 hái also
能 néng can
顺便 shùnbiàn conveniently
旅游 lǚyóu to travel
学习 xuéxí to study
确实 quèshí indeed
是 shì is
不错 bùcuò pretty good
But when it comes to selecting a school or a city,
但 dàn but
面对 miànduì to face
挑选 tiāoxuǎn to select
学校 xuéxiào school
和 hé and
工作 gōngzuò job
的 de used after an attribute
城市 chéngshì city
时 shí when
do you feel that you don’t know how to choose?
你 nǐ you
是不是 shìbùshì is or isn’t
感觉 gǎnjué to feel
不知 bùzhī not to know
如何 rúhé how
选择 xuǎnzé to select
Don’t worry! (I can help you.)
不用 bùyòng need not
担心 dānxīn to worry
I will, based on my experience working in an English training school,
我 wǒ I
会 huì will
根据 gēnjù based on
我 wǒ I
在 zài (to be) in
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
培训 péixùn training
学校 xuéxiào school
工作 gōngzuò to work
的 de used to form a nominal expression
经验 jīngyàn experience
divide this video into two parts
将 jiāng used in the same way as 把[bǎ]
这个 zhège this
视频 shìpín video
分为 fēnwéi to divide sth into (parts)
两 liǎng two
个 gè classifier for objects in general
部分 bùfen part
to answer the questions you might have.
来 lái to come
解答 jiědá answer
你 nǐ you
心中 xīnzhōng in one’s heart
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
存在 cúnzài to exist
的 de used to form a nominal expression
疑问 yíwèn question
The first part will be about the job itself.
第一 dìyī first
部分 bùfen part
是 shì is
关于 guānyú about
工作 gōngzuò job
本身 běnshēn itself
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
And the second part will be about living conditions.
第二 dì’èr second
部分 bùfen part
是 shì is
关于 guānyú about
生活 shēnghuó livelihood
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
Alright, let’s get started!
好 hǎo well
那 nà then (in that case)
我们 wǒmen we
现在 xiànzài now
就 jiù then
开始 kāishǐ to start
吧 ba modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise
There are 4 key points in part one
第一 dìyī first
部分 bùfen part
有 yǒu to have
四 sì four
个 gè classifier for objects in general
关键 guānjiàn key
点 diǎn point
that you need to consider when you’re selecting a school.
是 shì are
你 nǐ you
在 zài in (a place or time)
挑选 tiāoxuǎn to select
学校 xuéxiào school
时 shí when
需要 xūyào to need
考虑 kǎolǜ to consider
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
Xuéxiào pìnqǐng wàijiào de yāoqiú
The requirements that the schools have when choosing foreign teachers.
2) 选择公立学校还是私人培训学校?
Xuǎnzé gōnglì xuéxiào háishì sīrén péixùn xuéxiào?
Public schools or private training schools?
3) 教哪个年龄段的学生
Jiāo nǎge niánlíng duàn de xuéshēng
Which age group of students to teach?
Qù yīxiàn chéngshì gōngzuò háishi qù èrxiàn chéngshì?
First-tire cities or second-tire cities?
Let’s first take a look at
我们 wǒmen we
首先 shǒuxiān first (of all)
来 lái to come
看 kàn to look at
下 xià measure word to show the frequency of an action
the first point: the requirements that the schools have when choosing foreign teachers.
第一 dìyī first
点 diǎn point
学校 xuéxiào school
聘请 pìnqǐng to hire
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
的 de used to form a nominal expression
要求 yāoqiú to require
The following are four common questions foreigners might have.
下面 xiàmian the following
我 wǒ I
列出 lièchū to list
了 le completed action marker
四 sì four
个 gè classifier for objects in general
常见 chángjiàn commonly seen
的 de used after an attribute
问题 wèntí question
Let’s take a look at them one by one!
我们 wǒmen we
就 jiù then
来 lái to come
一一 yīyī one by one
看 kàn to look at
一下 yīxià (used after a verb) give it a go
Can non-native English speakers
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
非 fēi non-
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as (in the capacity of)
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
find a teaching job in China?
能 néng can
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
找到 zhǎodào to find
教 jiāo to teach
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
吗 ma question particle for “yes-no” questions
In general, international schools or English training schools
通常 tōngcháng normally
国际 guójì international
学校 xuéxiào school
或 huò or
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
在 zài in (a place or time)
招 zhāo to recruit
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
时 shí when
will place priority on hiring native English speakers.
会 huì will
优先 yōuxiān priority
聘请 pìnqǐng to hire
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
For example: England, America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and so on.
比如 bǐrú for example
英国 Yīngguó United Kingdom
美国 Měiguó United States
澳大利亚 Àodàlìyà Australia
加拿大 Jiānádà Canada
新西兰 Xīnxīlán New Zealand
等等 děngděng and so on …
However, because the current demand for foreign teachers is so great,
但 dàn however
由于 yóuyú because
现在 xiànzài nowadays
学校 xuéxiào school
对 duì towards
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
的 de used after an attribute
需求 xūqiú demand
量 liàng amount
大 dà big
and there are not enough English native speakers seeking teaching jobs in China,
而 ér yet (not)
符合 fúhé to accord with
要求 yāoqiú to demand / to require
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
又 yòu and yet
不够 bùgòu not enough
therefore, the requirement for the teacher being a native English speaker is sometimes not that strict.
所以 suǒyǐ therefore
有时候 yǒushíhou sometimes
对 duì towards
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
国籍 guójí nationality
的 de used after an attribute
要求 yāoqiú to require
不会 bùhuì will not (act, happen etc)
那么 nàme like that
严格 yángé strict
As long as your English level is high, you don’t have a strong accent,
只要 zhǐyào so long as
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
水平 shuǐpíng level
高 gāo high
没有 méiyǒu to not have
太 tài too (much)
重 zhòng heavy
的 de used after an attribute
口音 kǒuyin accent
you’re fairly familar with English grammar and have teaching experience,
而且 érqiě moreover
对 duì towards
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
语法 yǔfǎ grammar
知识 zhīshi knowledge
相当 xiāngdāng fairly
熟悉 shúxī to be familiar with
有 yǒu to have
教学 jiàoxué education
经验 jīngyàn experience
then people from Europe, Africa, South America and so on
那么 nàme in that case
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe
非洲 Fēizhōu Africa
南美洲 Nánměizhōu South America
等 děng and so on
国家 guójiā country
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
can also find an English teaching job.
也 yě also
是 shì is
可以 kěyǐ possible
找到 zhǎodào to find
教 jiāo to teach
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
However, because most schools claim that
可 kě but
因为 yīnwèi because
大部分 dàbùfen in large part
学校 xuéxiào school
的 de used to form a nominal expression
广告 guǎnggào advertisement
声称 shēngchēng to claim
all their teachers are from English speaking countries,
他们 tāmen they
所有 suǒyǒu all
的 de used after an attribute
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
都 dōu all
是 shì is
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
some schools might
所以 suǒyǐ so
有的 yǒude (there are) some
学校 xuéxiào school
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
会 huì will
ask you to pretend that you’re from one of these countries, for example, United States.
让 ràng to let sb do sth
你们 nǐmen you (plural)
假装 jiǎzhuāng to pretend
是 shì is
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
其它 qítā other
国家 guójiā country
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
比如 bǐrú for example
美国 Měiguó United States
Moreover, they might ask you to pretend that one of your parents is from English speaking country.
或 huò or
假装 jiǎzhuāng to pretend
混血 hùnxuè hybrid
父母 fùmǔ parents
其中 qízhōng among
一 yī one
位 wèi classifier for people (honorific)
是 shì is
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
美国 Měiguó United States
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
Is a teaching certificate, like TEFL, needed?
需要 xūyào to need
有 yǒu to have
教学 jiàoxué education
资格 zīgé qualifications
证书 zhèngshū certificate
吗 ma (question particle for “yes-no” questions)
比如 bǐrú such as
Usually, schools in first-tier cities will be stricter about teaching certificates.
一般 yībān generally
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
的 de used after an attribute
学校 xuéxiào school
对 duì towards
教学 jiàoxué education
资格 zīgé qualifications
证书 zhèngshū certificate
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
要求 yāoqiú to require
会 huì will
严格 yángé strict
一点 yīdiǎn a little
Second-tier or smaller cities will be more flexible.
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
或 huò or
更 gèng more
小 xiǎo small
的 de used after an attribute
城市 chéngshì city
要求 yāoqiú to require
相对 xiāngduì relatively
灵活 línghuó flexible
一些 yīxiē a little
Some schools might hire foreign teachers without certificates,
有的 yǒude (there are) some
学校 xuéxiào school
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
会 huì will
招 zhāo to recruit
没有 méiyǒu to not have
这些 zhèxiē these
证书 zhèngshū certificate
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
but most of them will give priority to teachers with certificates.
但 dàn but
多数 duōshù most
是 shì are
会 huì will
优先 yōuxiān priority
聘请 pìnqǐng to hire
有 yǒu to have
资格 zīgé qualifications
证书 zhèngshū certificate
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
When you apply for a working visa (in a first-tier city),
而且 érqiě moreover
申请 shēnqǐng to apply for sth
工作 gōngzuò work
签证 qiānzhèng visa
的 de used to form a nominal expression
时候 shíhou time (when)
a teaching certificate is also required,
也 yě also
是 shì is
要求 yāoqiú to require
有 yǒu to have
教学 jiàoxué education
资格 zīgé qualifications
证书 zhèngshū certificate
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
so it’s best to have one!
所以 suǒyǐ so
有 yǒu to have
肯定 kěndìng to be sure
比 bǐ to compare
没有 méiyǒu to not have
好 hǎo good
Is a working visa needed?
需要 xūyào to need
工作 gōngzuò work
签证 qiānzhèng visa
吗 ma (question particle for “yes-no” questions)
Any country you are going to work in
不管 bùguǎn no matter
去 qù to go to (a place)
哪个 nǎge which
国家 guójiā country
工作 gōngzuò to work
requires a working visa for foreigners working in the country.
工作 gōngzuò work
签 qiān visa
都 dōu all
是 shì is
必需 bìxū to require / essential
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
China is no exception.
中国 Zhōngguó China
也不例外 yěbùlìwài is no exception
Usually after you get a job,
一般 yībān generally
在 zài in (a place or time)
找到 zhǎodào to find
工作 gōngzuò job
后 hòu after
the school that you will teach in will help you get one.
学校 xuéxiào school
会 huì will
帮 bāng to help
你 nǐ you
办理 bànlǐ to handle
工作 gōngzuò work
签 qiān visa
But they won’t necessarily pay for it.
但 dàn but
不一定 bùyīdìng not necessarily
会 huì will
承担 chéngdān to assume (responsibility etc)
费用 fèiyòng cost / expense
So you should verify
所以 suǒyǐ so
一定要 yīdìngyào must
提前 tíqián in advance
问 wèn to ask
清楚 qīngchu to be clear about
how much is the working visa and who’s gonna pay for it.
办理 bànlǐ to handle
工作 gōngzuò work
签证 qiānzhèng visa
的 de used to form a nominal expression
费用 fèiyòng cost
是 shì is
多少 duōshao how much
又 yòu also
是 shì is
由 yóu by (introduces passive verb)
谁 shéi who
付 fù to pay
It’s illegal to work in China without a proper working visa.
没有 méiyǒu to not have
正规 zhèngguī according to standards
的 de used after an attribute
工作 gōngzuò work
签证 qiānzhèng visa
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
工作 gōngzuò to work
是 shì is
违法 wéifǎ illegal
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
It can also be very dangerous!
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
也 yě also
很 hěn very
危险 wēixiǎn dangerous
If you get caught, not only will you receive a fine,
被 bèi (indicates passive-voice clauses)
抓 zhuā to catch
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
不仅 bùjǐn not only (this one)
要 yào will
罚款 fákuǎn (impose a) fine
but you might also be sent back to your country and be put on a black list,
还 hái also
有可能 yǒukěnéng might
会 huì will
被 bèi indicates passive-voice clauses
遣返 qiǎnfǎn to send back
回国 huíguó to return to one’s home country
上 shàng to get onto
黑名单 hēimíngdān blacklist
that will prevent you from working in China again.
以后 yǐhòu in the future
都 dōu all
不能 bùnéng cannot
来 lái to come
中国 Zhōngguó China
工作 gōngzuò to work
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
Although there are a lot of foreigners
虽然 suīrán although
现在 xiànzài nowadays
确实 quèshí indeed
有 yǒu there are
很 hěn very
多 duō many
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
working in China with only a travel or business visa,
拿 ná to hold
着 zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
旅游 lǚyóu travel
签 qiān visa
商务 shāngwù business
签 qiān visa
就 jiù just (emphasis)
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
开始 kāishǐ to start
工作 gōngzuò to work
赚钱 zhuànqián to earn money
it’s defintely not recommended.
但 dàn but
我 wǒ I
是 shì am
绝对 juéduì absolute
不 bù no
推荐 tuījiàn to recommend
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
Please work in China legally for your own safety!
为了 wèile for the purpose of
安全 ānquán safety
还是 háishi had better
请 qǐng please (do sth)
大家 dàjiā everyone
合法 héfǎ legal
来 lái to come
中国 Zhōngguó China
工作 gōngzuò to work
Is it easier for a white person to find a teaching job in China than a non-white person?
白人 báirén white man or woman
会 huì will
比 bǐ to compare
非 fēi non-
白人 báirén white man or woman
好 hǎo easy to
找 zhǎo to find
工作 gōngzuò job
吗 ma question particle for “yes-no” questions
很 hěn very
不幸 bùxìng unfortunately
a white person has more advantages in finding a good teaching job in China compare to a non-white.
白人 báirén white man or woman
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
找 zhǎo to look for
工作 gōngzuò job
确实 quèshí indeed
比 bǐ to compare
非 fēi non-
白人 báirén white man or woman
有 yǒu to have
优势 yōushì advantage
Why is that?
为什么 wèishénme why?
呢 ne used at the end of a special, alternative, or rhetorical question
Because of Chinese stereotypes of foreigners, most Chinese believe that
因为 yīnwèi because
在 zài (to be) in
多数 duōshù most
中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese person
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
眼 yǎn eye
里 lǐ inside
white people come from English speaking countries
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
美国 Měiguó United States
英国 Yīngguó United Kingdom
等 děng and so on
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used to form a nominal expression
人 rén people
都 dōu all
是 shì is
白人 báirén white man or woman
and non-whites come from non-English speaking countries.
而 ér and
非 fēi non-
白人 báirén white man or woman
是 shì is
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
其它 qítā other
国家 guójiā country
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
For example, all blacks come from Africa,
比如 bǐrú for example
黑人 hēirén black person
都 dōu all
是 shì is
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
非洲 Fēizhōu Africa
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
all brown people come from India, and so on.
棕色 zōngsè brown
皮肤 pífū skin
的 de used to form a nominal expression
人 rén people
都 dōu all
是 shì is
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
印度 Yìndù India
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
等等 děngděng and so on …
The main selling point of most English school is that
大部分 dàbùfen the majority
学校 xuéxiào school
或 huò or
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
卖点 màidiǎn selling point
是 shì is
their foreign teachers all come from English speaking countries.
他们 tāmen they
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
都 dōu all
是 shì are
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
So their ideal teacher is
所以 suǒyǐ so
学校 xuéxiào school
的 de of
理想 lǐxiǎng ideal
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
是 shì is
someone who is from an English speaking country and obviously white.
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used to form a nominal expression
金发碧眼 jīnfàbìyǎn fair-haired and blue-eyed
的 de used to form a nominal expression
白人 báirén white man or woman
You will find that even in job ads, employers will sometimes list caucasians as a requirement.
甚至 shènzhì even
有些 yǒuxiē some
招聘 zhāopìn recruitment
广告 guǎnggào advertisement
上 shàng on
会 huì will
直接 zhíjiē directly
说 shuō to say
只 zhǐ only
招 zhāo to recruit
白人 báirén white man or woman
As long as you’re white,
只要 zhǐyào so long as
你 nǐ you
是 shì are
白人 báirén white man or woman
no matter where you come from,
不管 bùguǎn no matter
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
哪个 nǎge which
国家 guójiā country
you will have advantages in finding jobs in China.
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
找 zhǎo to look for
工作 gōngzuò job
时 shí when
都 dōu all
会 huì will
比 bǐ to compare
非 fēi non-
白人 báirén white man or woman
有 yǒu to have
优势 yōushì advantage
Of course, a lot of schools, when they can’t find white teachers,
当然 dāngrán of course
很 hěn very
多 duō many
学校 xuéxiào school
在 zài in (a place or time)
找不到 zhǎobudào can’t find
白人 báirén white man or woman
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
的 de used to form a nominal expression
时候 shíhou time (when)
will also accept non-whites.
他们 tāmen they
也 yě also
会 huì will
接受 jiēshòu to accept
非 fēi non-
白人 báirén white man or woman
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
Especially if the non-white come from an English speaking country.
特别 tèbié especially
是 shì are
来自 láizì to come from (a place)
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
为 wéi as
母语 mǔyǔ native language
国家 guójiā country
的 de used to form a nominal expression
非 fēi non-
白人 báirén white man or woman
Foreigners with Asian faces, like ABCs (American born Chinese)
长 zhǎng to grow
着 zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
中国 Zhōngguó China
脸 liǎn face
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
像 xiàng like
will find it the hardest to get an English teaching job in China.
恐怕 kǒngpà I’m afraid that…
是 shì is
最 zuì the most
难 nán difficult
找到 zhǎodào to find
教 jiāo to teach
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
Because foreigners get paid much more than chinese teachers,
因为 yīnwèi because
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
收费 shōufèi to charge a fee
比 bǐ to compare
中国 Zhōngguó China
老师 lǎoshī teacher
贵 guì expensive
a lot of parents have to pay a high tuition fee, so they don’t want to accept
所以 suǒyǐ so
很 hěn very
多 duō many
家长 jiāzhǎng parent or guardian of a child
不 bù not
愿意 yuànyì willing (to do sth)
接受 jiēshòu to accept
a Chinese-looking English speaker as a teacher.
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
说 shuō to speak
得 de inserted between a verb and its complement to express possibility or capability
好 hǎo well
的 de used to form a nominal expression
中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese person
So many schools will not take a risk in hiring a Chinese-looking foreigner,
学校 xuéxiào school
也 yě also
不会 bùhuì will not (act, happen etc)
冒险 màoxiǎn to take risks
招 zhāo to recruit
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people
长 zhǎng to grow
着 zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
中国 Zhōngguó China
脸 liǎn face
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
unless there are no other choices.
除非 chúfēi unless
没有 méiyǒu to not have
更 gèng more
好 hǎo good
的 de used after an attribute
选择 xuǎnzé choice
Therefore, in most cases, the degree of difficulty in finding an English teaching job in China
所以 suǒyǐ so
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
找 zhǎo to find
教 jiāo to teach
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工作 gōngzuò job
的 de used to form a nominal expression
难易 nányì degree of difficulty or ease
程度 chéngdù degree (level or extent)
will depend on your skin color and appearance.
多数 duōshù most
情况 qíngkuàng situation
下 xià below
取决 qǔjué to depend upon
于 yú at
你 nǐ you
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
肤色 fūsè skin color (race)
和 hé and
长相 zhǎngxiàng appearance
In my opinion, I feel it’s very wrong
我 wǒ I
个人 gèrén personal
并不 bìngbù emphatically not
认为 rènwéi to believe
to use skin color or appearance as a hiring standard.
肤色 fūsè skin color (race)
和 hé and
长相 zhǎngxiàng appearance
是 shì is
评判 píngpàn to judge
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for people
老师 lǎoshī teacher
的 de used to form a nominal expression
标准 biāozhǔn (an official) standard
A foreigner’s English level, teaching ability and attitude is the most important thing.
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
水平 shuǐpíng level (of achievement etc)
教学 jiàoxué education
能力 nénglì ability
和 hé and
态度 tàidu attitude
才 cái only
是 shì are
最 zuì the most
重要 zhòngyào important
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
The second point: public schools vs private training schools
第二 dì’èr second
点 diǎn point
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
对比 duìbǐ to contrast
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
Regarding public and private training schools,
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
和 hé and
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
the biggest difference is the working hours and the amount of holidays you get.
最 zuì the most
大 dà big
的 de used after an attribute
差别 chābié difference
在于 zàiyú to be in
上班时间 shàngbānshíjiān time of going to work
和 hé and
假期 jiàqī vacation
In public school, you don’t need to work at night.
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
不 bù no
需要 xūyào to need
晚上 wǎnshang night
工作 gōngzuò to work
Also you will have weekends, summer and winter vacations.
周末 zhōumò weekend
休息 xiūxi rest
两 liǎng two
天 tiān day
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
有 yǒu to have
寒 hán cold
暑假 shǔjià summer vacation
Working hours in private training schools, on the other hand,
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
工作 gōngzuò to work
的 de used to form a nominal expression
时间 shíjiān time
is usually from the afternoon till night and all day on weekends.
通常 tōngcháng usually
是 shì is
下午 xiàwǔ afternoon
到 dào until (a time)
晚上 wǎnshang night
周末 zhōumò weekend
全天 quántiān whole day
In private training schools, your days off is usually Mondays and Tuesdays.
周一 Zhōuyī Monday
周二 Zhōu’èr Tuesday
休息 xiūxi rest
Summer and winter vacation time is usually the busiest in private training schools,
寒 hán cold
暑假 shǔjià summer vacation
是 shì is
最 zuì the most
忙 máng busy
的 de used after an attribute
时候 shíhou period
so you will need to work the most during this period.
所以 suǒyǐ so
一般 yībān generally
没有 méiyǒu to not have
假期 jiàqī vacation
Moreover, in private training schools you will have to keep office hours.
而且 érqiě moreover
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
除了 chúle besides
要求 yāoqiú to request
上课 shàngkè to go to teach a class
还有 háiyǒu also
坐班 zuòbān to work office hours / on duty
时间 shíjiān time
There might be office hours in public schools as well, but relatively less.
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
也 yě also
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
有 yǒu to have
但 dàn but
相对 xiāngduì relatively
会 huì will
少 shǎo less
一些 yīxiē some
Generally, the salary is higher in private training schools than in public schools,
通常 tōngcháng normally
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
的 de used to form a nominal expression
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
比 bǐ to compare
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
高 gāo high
but they don’t provide apartments. You will need to rent and pay for an apartment yourself,
但 dàn but
不 bù no
提供 tígōng to provide
住宿 zhùsù accommodation
需要 xūyào to need
自己 zìjǐ oneself
租房 zūfáng to rent an apartment
住 zhù to live
whereas in public schools, free apartments are usually provided.
而 ér indicates contrast
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
一般 yībān generally
都 dōu all
会 huì will
免费 miǎnfèi free (of charge)
提供 tígōng to provide
不错 bùcuò pretty good
的 de used after an attribute
公寓 gōngyù apartment building
In public schools, the number of students in each class is usually 40 to 50.
公立学校 gōnglìxuéxiào public school
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
每 měi each
个 gè classifier for objects
班 bān class
的 de used after an attribute
学生 xuésheng student
人数 rénshù number of people
一般 yībān generally
是40 shì are
到50 dào up to
个 gè classifier for people
In private training schools, including their kindergardens
而 ér indicates contrast
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
包括 bāokuò to include
幼儿园 yòu’éryuán kindergarten
the number of students in each class won’t usually be more than 15.
每 měi each
个 gè classifier for objects
班 bān class
的 de used to form a nominal expression
学生 xuésheng student
人数 rénshù number of people
一般 yībān generally
不会 bùhuì will not (act, happen etc)
超过15 chāoguò to surpass / to exceed
个 gè classifier for people
There are also adult English private traning schools.
私人 sīrén private
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
除了 chúle apart from (… also…)
教 jiāo to teach
小孩 xiǎohái child
也 yě also
有 yǒu to have
教 jiāo to teach
成人 chéngrén adult
的 de used to form a nominal expression
If you want to communicate with students and make friends,
如果 rúguǒ if
你 nǐ you
希望 xīwàng to wish for
能 néng to be able to
与 yǔ together with
学生 xuésheng student
沟通 gōutōng to communicate
交 jiāo to make friends
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
朋友 péngyou friend
then adult English private training schools are the best places to go to.
那 nà then (in that case)
可以 kěyǐ can
考虑 kǎolǜ to consider
去 qù to go
成人 chéngrén adult
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
培训 péixùn training
机构 jīgòu organization
However, their requirements towards hiring foreign teachers might be higher.
不过 bùguò but
他们 tāmen they
对 duì towards
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
的 de used to form a nominal expression
标准 biāozhǔn (an official) standard
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
会 huì will
高 gāo high
一些 yīxiē a little
Every type of school has its pros and cons,
每 měi every
个 gè classifier for objects
类型 lèixíng type
的 de used to form a nominal expression
学校 xuéxiào school
都 dōu all
各 gè each
有 yǒu to have
优劣 yōuliè good and bad
势 shì situation
so it just depends on what you want.
所以 suǒyǐ so
就 jiù just (emphasis)
看 kàn to depend on
你 nǐ you
想要 xiǎngyào to want to
什么 shénme what?
了 le modal particle intensifying preceding clause
The third point: Which age group of students to teach?
第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
三 sān three
点 diǎn point
教 jiāo to teach
哪个 nǎge which
年龄 niánlíng (a person’s) age
段 duàn section
的 de used to form a nominal expression
学生 xuésheng student
The younger the students are, the more energy and patiences is required from the teacher,
越 yuè the more… the more
小 xiǎo young
的 de used after an attribute
学生 xuésheng student
越 yuè the more… the more
需要 xūyào to need
精力 jīnglì energy
和 hé and
耐心 nàixīn patience
so teaching kids in kindergardens will require the most energy.
所以 suǒyǐ so
幼儿园 yòu’éryuán kindergarten
的 de used after an attribute
孩子 háizi child
是 shì is
最 zuì the most
耗 hào to spend
精力 jīnglì energy
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
However, the standard of English level for the English teacher won’t be that high.
但 dàn however
幼儿园 yòu’éryuán kindergarten
对 duì towards
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
水平 shuǐpíng level (of achievement etc)
要求 yāoqiú to require
不会 bùhuì will not (act, happen etc)
那么 nàme so very much
高 gāo high
You will need to play games with them and be patient,
重点 zhòngdiǎn important point / focus
是 shì is
要 yào must
会 huì to be able to
玩 wán to play
游戏 yóuxì game
有 yǒu to have
耐心 nàixīn patience
and encourage them open their mouths to speak simple English.
让 ràng to let sb do sth
他们 tāmen they
开口 kāikǒu to open one’s mouth
说 shuō to speak
简单 jiǎndān simple
的 de used after an attribute
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
You will be able to have weekends, summer and winter vacations teaching in kindergardens as oppose to teaching to other age groups in private training schools.
而且 érqiě in addition
在 zài (to be) in
幼儿园 yòu’éryuán kindergarten
工作 gōngzuò to work
有 yǒu to have
双休日 shuāngxiūrì two-day weekend
和 hé and
寒 hán cold
暑假 shǔjià summer vacation
The salary working in kindergardens is usually very high.
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
一般 yībān generally
都 dōu all
还 hái fairly
不错 bùcuò pretty good
Students in primary and middle schools are a little bit older,
小学 xiǎoxué primary school
和 hé and
初中 chūzhōng junior high school
的 de used to form a nominal expression
学生 xuésheng student
稍微 shāowēi a little bit
大 dà older (than)
一点 yīdiǎn a bit
so the knowledge they need to learn will be a bit more advanced.
需要 xūyào to need
学 xué to learn
的 de used to form a nominal expression
知识 zhīshi knowledge
也 yě also
会 huì will
复杂 fùzá complicated
一点 yīdiǎn a little
The school will require foreign teachers to prepare lesson plans before classes,
所以 suǒyǐ so
学校 xuéxiào school
会 huì will
要求 yāoqiú to ask
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
在 zài in (a place or time)
课 kè class
前 qián before
准备 zhǔnbèi to prepare
好 hǎo suffix indicating completion or readiness
教案 jiào’àn lesson plan
and this age group of students are usually very naughty,
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
这个 zhège this
年龄 niánlíng (a person’s) age
的 de used to form a nominal expression
学生 xuésheng student
都 dōu all
比较 bǐjiào quite
调皮 tiáopí naughty
so they might be hard to manage.
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
也 yě also
不是 bùshì is not
很 hěn very
好 hǎo easy to
管理 guǎnlǐ to manage
High school students have the pressure of the GaoKao,
高中 gāozhōng senior high school
的 de used after an attribute
学生 xuésheng student
有 yǒu to have
高考 gāokǎo college entrance exam
的 de used after an attribute
压力 yālì pressure
so they will need to focus more on learning English grammar.
所以 suǒyǐ so
重点 zhòngdiǎn to focus on / focus
会 huì will
放 fàng to put
在 zài (to be) in
考试 kǎoshì to take an exam
技巧 jìqiǎo technique
和 hé and
语法 yǔfǎ grammar
上 shàng upon
This means you will also need to prepare lesson plans.
同样 tóngyàng same
地 de structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
需要 xūyào to need
准备 zhǔnbèi to prepare
教案 jiào’àn lesson plan
However, comparing to younger students, they will be much easier to manage.
但 dàn but
他们 tāmen they
相比 xiāngbǐ to compare
小孩子 xiǎoháizi child
会 huì will
好 hǎo easy to
管理 guǎnlǐ to manage
一些 yīxiē a little
The last age group is university students, they should be the easiest to teach,
最后 zuìhòu last
是 shì is
大学生 dàxuéshēng university student
这 zhè this
应该 yīnggāi should
是 shì is
最 zuì the most
轻松 qīngsōng relaxed / effortless
的 de used after an attribute
because you will not have a lot of working hours.
因为 yīnwèi because
工作时间 gōngzuòshíjiān working hours
是 shì is
最少 zuìshǎo lowest (amount)
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
You will still need to prepare lesson plans, but it’s more flexible,
也 yě also
需要 xūyào to need
准备 zhǔnbèi to prepare
教案 jiào’àn lesson plan
但 dàn but
比较 bǐjiào relatively
灵活 línghuó flexible
ant not as strict as teaching younger kids.
不 bù not
像 xiàng to be like
教 jiāo to teach
小孩 xiǎohái child
那么 nàme so very much
严格 yángé strict
In addition, you can’t build any relationships with kids,
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
教 jiāo to teach
小孩 xiǎohái child
很 hěn very
难 nán difficult (to…)
跟 gēn with
他们 tāmen they
建立 jiànlì to establish
友情 yǒuqíng friendship
but you can makes friends with university students,
大学生 dàxuéshēng university student
可以 kěyǐ can
跟 gēn with
你 nǐ you
做 zuò to make
朋友 péngyou friend
and discuss about interesting topics.
讨论 tǎolùn to discuss
有意思 yǒuyìsi interesting
的 de used after an attribute
话题 huàtí topic
They won’t be as naughty as kids,
他们 tāmen they
也 yě also
不会 bùhuì will not (act, happen etc)
像 xiàng to be like
小孩子 xiǎoháizi child
那么 nàme so very much
调皮 tiáopí naughty
so you will have an easier time managing them.
所以 suǒyǐ so
会 huì will
轻松 qīngsōng relaxed / effortless
很 hěn very
多 duō much
The only disadvantage about teaching university is that the salary will be much lower,
唯一 wéiyī only
的 de used after an attribute
缺点 quēdiǎn disadvantage
就 jiù just (emphasis)
是 shì is
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
会 huì will
少 shǎo less
很 hěn quite
多 duō a lot of
but the university will provide a nice apartment.
但 dàn but
学校 xuéxiào school
会 huì will
提供 tígōng to provide
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for objects
不错 bùcuò pretty good
的 de used after an attribute
公寓 gōngyù apartment building
The four point: first-tier cities or second-tier cities?
第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
四 sì four
点 diǎn point
去 qù to go to (a place)
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
还是 háishi or
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
The salary in first-tier cities will usually be higher than in second-tier cities,
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
的 de used after an attribute
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
会 huì will
比 bǐ to compare
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
的 de used after an attribute
高 gāo high
一点 yīdiǎn a little
but the requirements will be stricter.
但 dàn but
对 duì towards
外教 wàijiào foreign teacher
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
要求 yāoqiú to require
也 yě also
会 huì will
比 bǐ to compare
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
严格 yángé strict
些 xiē measure word indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)
Alright, we finished talking about the four points you need to consider when selecting a job.
好 hǎo well
关于 guānyú about
挑选 tiāoxuǎn to select
工作 gōngzuò job
的 de used to form a nominal expression
四 sì four
个 gè classifier for objects
点 diǎn point
已经 yǐjīng already
讨论 tǎolùn to discuss
完了 wánle to be finished
The next part will be about living conditions.
那 nà then (in that case)
接下来 jiēxiàlái next
这个 zhège this
部分 bùfen part
是 shì is
关于 guānyú about
生活 shēnghuó livelihood
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
This will also be very important!
也 yě also
是 shì is
非常 fēicháng very
重要 zhòngyào important
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
哦 o sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy
This part also has four key points.
这个 zhège this
部分 bùfen part
也 yě also
有 yǒu to have
四 sì four
个 gè classifier for objects
关键 guānjiàn key
点 diǎn point
1.First-tier or second-tier cities?
3. Air pollution
4. Internet
Okay, let’s take a look at
好 hǎo well
我们 wǒmen we
现在 xiànzài now
来 lái used before a verb, indicating an suggested action
看 kàn to look at
下 xià measure word to show the frequency of an action
the first point: first-tier or second tier cities?
第一 dìyī first
点 diǎn point
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
还是 háishi or
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
The salary in first-tier cities is higher,
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
的 de used after an attribute
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
高 gāo high
but the living cost is also higher, especially the rent.
但 dàn but
生活水平 shēnghuóshuǐpíng living standards
也 yě also
高 gāo high
房租 fángzū rent for a room or house
贵 guì expensive
So if you don’t want to spend half of your salary on the rent,
所以 suǒyǐ so
如果 rúguǒ if
你 nǐ you
不想 bùxiǎng do not want
把 bǎ particle marking the following noun as a direct object
一半 yībàn half
的 de used after an attribute
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
都 dōu all
花 huā to spend (money, time)
在 zài in
房租 fángzū rent for a room or house
上 shàng upon
you might need to share an apartment with others.
那 nà then (in that case)
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
需要 xūyào to need
被迫 bèipò to be forced
跟 gēn with
别人 biéren other people
合租 hézū co-renting
This means you might have
那 nà that
就 jiù then
意味着 yìwèizhe to mean
你 nǐ you
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
会 huì will
碰到 pèngdào to run into / to meet
roommates that are dirty, noisy or not considerate.
不 bù not
讲卫生 jiǎngwèishēng pay attention to hygiene
吵闹 chǎonào noisy
没有 méiyǒu to not have
礼貌 lǐmào courtesy / manners
的 de used to form a nominal expression
室友 shìyǒu roommate
Whereas in second-tier cities, the salary is lower,
而 ér indicates contrast
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
虽然 suīrán even though
工资 gōngzī wages / pay
低 dī low
一点 yīdiǎn a little
but you will be able to enjoy a happier time
但 dàn but
你 nǐ you
能 néng to be able to
享受 xiǎngshòu to enjoy
一个人 yīgèrén by oneself (without assistance)
自由 zìyóu free
快乐 kuàilè happy
地 de structural particle: used before a verb or adjective , linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
living in your own apartment.
住 zhù to live
在 zài (to be) in
自己 zìjǐ one’s own
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
公寓 gōngyù apartment
里 lǐ inside
Food will also be cheaper.
吃的 chīde food
也 yě also
会 huì will
便宜 piányi cheap
些 xiē measure word indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)
In addition, there are more foreigners in first-tier cities,
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
里 lǐ inside
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
会 huì will
多 duō more
一些 yīxiē a little
and it’s easier to make Chinese and other foreign friends that can speak English.
容易 róngyì easy
交 jiāo to make friends
到 dào verb complement denoting completion or result of an action
会 huì can
说 shuō to speak
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
朋友 péngyou friend
Waiters and waitresses in a lot of foreign coffee shops and foreign restaurants.
很 hěn quite
多 duō a lot of
咖啡厅 kāfēitīng coffee shop
餐厅 cāntīng restaurant
的 de used to form a nominal expression
服务员 fúwùyuán waiter / waitress
can speak some basic English.
都 dōu all
能 néng can
说 shuō to speak
一些 yīxiē a little
基本 jīběn basic
的 de used after an attribute
英文 Yīngwén English (language)
So for people who don’t wanna spend a lot of time studying Mandarin,
所以 suǒyǐ so
不想 bùxiǎng do not want
花时间 huāshíjiān to spend time
学 xué to learn
汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese language
的 de used to form a nominal expression
人 rén people
it would be best for them to choose a first-tier city.
可以 kěyǐ can
选择 xuǎnzé to select / to pick
留 liú to stay
在 zài (to be) in
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
However, if one of your purposes for living in China is
如果 rúguǒ if
你 nǐ you
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
目的 mùdì purpose
是 shì is
to look for a place that you will be forced to learn Mandarin,
要 yào to want
找 zhǎo to find
一 yī one
个 gè classifier for objects
需要 xūyào to need
被迫 bèipò to be forced
学习 xuéxí to learn
汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese language
的 de used to form a nominal expression
地方 dìfang place
then going to a second-tier city will be better,
那 nà then (in that case)
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
会 huì will
更 gèng more
好 hǎo good
一点 yīdiǎn a little
because in second-tier cities,
因为 yīnwèi because
在 zài (to be) in
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
相对 xiāngduì relatively
来说 láishuō to interpret a topic (from a certain point of view)
there are relatively less foreigners and Chinese who can speak English.
外国人 wàiguórén foreigner
和 hé and
会 huì can
说 shuō to speak
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese person
会 huì will
少 shǎo less
一些 yīxiē a little
In second-tier cities, you will be able to avoid situations where you don’t have opportunities
你 nǐ you
能 néng to be able to
避免 bìmiǎn to avoid
交 jiāo to make friends
太 tài too (much)
多 duō many
会 huì can
说 shuō to speak
英语 Yīngyǔ English (language)
的 de used to form a nominal expression
朋友 péngyou friend
to practice Mandarin because you have too many English speaking friends.
而 ér and so
没有 méiyǒu to not have
练习 liànxí practice
汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese language
的 de used to form a nominal expression
机会 jīhuì opportunity
Also every time you go to supermarkets, restaurants, or barber shops,
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
每次 měicì every time
去 qù to go to (a place)
超市 chāoshì supermarket
购物 gòuwù shopping
餐厅 cāntīng restaurant
理发 lǐfà a barber
等 děng and so on
you will need to speak some basic Mandarin.
都 dōu all
需要 xūyào to need
会 huì to be able to
说 shuō to speak
一些 yīxiē some
基本 jīběn basic
的 de used after an attribute
汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese language
Third-tier cities or smaller cities are not recommended,
三线 sānxiàn third-tier
或 huò or
更 gèng more
小 xiǎo small
的 de used after an attribute
城市 chéngshì city
是 shì is
不 bù not
推荐 tuījiàn to recommend
because there are too few immigrants in these small cities.
因为 yīnwèi because
小 xiǎo small
城市 chéngshì city
的 de used to form a nominal expression
外来 wàilái foreign / outside
人口 rénkǒu people
少 shǎo few
In these small cities, people are used to speaking their local dialect,
他们 tāmen they
都 dōu all
听得懂 tīngdedǒng to understand (by hearing)
方言 fāngyán dialect
hence they don’t need to speak Mandarin.
所以 suǒyǐ so
他们 tāmen they
没有 méiyǒu to not have
必要 bìyào necessary
讲 jiǎng to speak
普通话 pǔtōnghuà Mandarin (common language)
For people who want to learn Mandarin,
那么 nàme so
对于 duìyú as far as sth is concerned
想 xiǎng to want
学 xué to learn
汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese language
的 de used to form a nominal expression
人 rén people
this situation is not helpful.
不是 bùshì is not
很 hěn very
有帮助 yǒubāngzhù helpful
Furthermore, this situation might discourage you,
也 yě also
会 huì will
让 ràng to let sb do sth
你们 nǐmen you
觉得 juéde to feel
很 hěn very
受 shòu to suffer
打击 dǎjī to hit / to discourage
because many people might not be able to understand your Mandarin,
因为 yīnwèi because
很 hěn quite
多 duō a lot of
人 rén people
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
听不懂 tīngbudǒng unable to make sense of what one is hearing
你 nǐ you
说 shuō to say
的 de used to form a nominal expression
普通话 pǔtōnghuà Mandarin (common language)
and you won’t be able to understand their dialect.
你 nǐ you
也 yě also
听不懂 tīngbudǒng unable to make sense of what one is hearing
他们 tāmen they
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
方言 fāngyán dialect
Now let’s talk about finding western food.
还有 háiyǒu also
购买 gòumǎi to buy
西方 Xīfāng the West
食物 shíwù food
It’s well known that there is a food safety problem in China,
大家 dàjiā everyone
都 dōu all
知道 zhīdào to know
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
存在 cúnzài to exist
一些 yīxiē some
食品 shípǐn food
安全 ānquán safety
的 de used to form a nominal expression
问题 wèntí issue
for example, sewer oil,
比如 bǐrú for example
地沟油 dìgōuyóu gutter oil
so it will be safer and healthier to cook for yourself.
所以 suǒyǐ so
自己 zìjǐ oneself
做饭 zuòfàn to cook
会 huì will
安全 ānquán safe
健康 jiànkāng health
一点 yīdiǎn a little
I like to cook myself, I feel safer doing this.
我 wǒ I
也 yě also
是 shì is
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
自己 zìjǐ oneself
做饭 zuòfàn to cook
吃 chī to eat
得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
放心 fàngxīn to feel relieved
点 diǎn a little
If you live in a first-tier city,
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
相比 xiāngbǐ to compare
二线城市 èrxiànchéngshì second-tier city
you will be able to find more places where you can buy western food.
购买 gòumǎi to buy
西方 Xīfāng the West
食 shí food
材 cái material
的 de used to form a nominal expression
地方 dìfang place
会 huì will
多 duō more
一些 yīxiē a little
Moreover, when you don’t feel like cooking ,
而且 érqiě moreover
偶尔 ǒu’ěr occasionally
懒 lǎn lazy
不想 bùxiǎng do not want
自己 zìjǐ oneself
下厨 xiàchú to cook
there will be more foreign restaturants available in first-tier cities.
一线城市 yīxiànchéngshì first-tier city
的 de used after an attribute
外国 wàiguó foreign (country)
餐厅 cāntīng restaurant
也 yě also
会 huì will
多 duō more
一些 yīxiē a little
The second point: weather
第二 dì’èr second
点 diǎn point
天气 tiānqì weather
In summertime, the temperature is almost the same in every city in China – very hot!
中国 Zhōngguó China
各个 gègè every
城市 chéngshì city
的 de of
夏天 xiàtiān summer
都 dōu all
差不多 chàbuduō about the same
很 hěn very
热 rè hot (of weather)
However, the temperature is not the same in every city in the wintertime.
但 dàn but
冬天 dōngtiān winter
却是 quèshì nevertheless
非常 fēicháng very
不同 bùtóng different
For example, in Shenzhen, a southern city,
比如 bǐrú for example
南方 nánfāng the southern part of the country
城市 chéngshì city / town
深圳 Shēnzhèn Shenzhen
they have a wet cold with no central heating systems,
冬天 dōngtiān winter
是 shì is
湿 shī moist / wet
冷 lěng cold
而且 érqiě (not only …) but also
没有 méiyǒu to not have
暖气 nuǎnqì central heating
so it’s a little hard in the winter time.
所以 suǒyǐ so
冬天 dōngtiān winter
会 huì will
很 hěn very
不好受 bùhǎoshòu unpleasant / hard to take
In the north, every family has central heating provided by the government,
北方 běifāng the northern part a country
家家户户 jiājiāhùhù each and every family (idiom)
都 dōu all
有 yǒu to have
暖气 nuǎnqì central heating
so winters (in apartments) are a little bit easier in the north,
所以 suǒyǐ so
在 zài (to be) in
北方 běifāng north
的 de used after an attribute
冬天 dōngtiān winter
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
会 huì will
好过 hǎoguò to have an easy time
一些 yīxiē a little
and the north has dry winters.
但 dàn but
空气 kōngqì air
很 hěn very
干燥 gānzào dry (of weather, paint, cement etc)
The third point: air pollution
第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
三 sān three
点 diǎn point
空气污染 kōngqìwūrǎn air pollution
In China, the air quality in northern cities
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
一般 yībān generally
北方 běifāng the northern part a country
城市 chéngshì city
的 de of
空气 kōngqì air
质量 zhìliàng quality
is usually be worse than in southern cities,
会 huì will
比 bǐ to compare / to contrast
南方 nánfāng the southern part of the country
城市 chéngshì city
的 de of
差 chà poor
一些 yīxiē a little
because of the northern heating system.
因为 yīnwèi because
北方 běifāng north
有 yǒu to have
暖气 nuǎnqì central heating
系统 xìtǒng system
So if you worry about pollution,
所以 suǒyǐ so
如果 rúguǒ if
你 nǐ you
担心 dānxīn to worry
这个 zhège this
问题 wèntí problem
before you make any decisions,
可以 kěyǐ can
在 zài in (a place or time)
做 zuò to make
决定 juédìng decision
之前 zhīqián before
you should check the air quality in the cities you’re considering working in.
先 xiān in advance
查 chá to check
一下 yīxià used after a verb) give it a go
各个 gègè every
城市 chéngshì city
的 de of
空气 kōngqì air
质量 zhìliàng quality
As far as I know, the air in Guangdong province is not bad!
据 jù according to
我 wǒ I
所知 suǒzhī what one knows
广东省 Guǎngdōng Shěng Guangdong province
的 de of
空气 kōngqì air
还 hái fairly
不错 bùcuò pretty good
The final point: internet
第 dì prefix indicating ordinal number
四 sì four
点 diǎn point
网络 Wǎngluò Internet
The internet situation in China is different from other countries.
中国 Zhōngguó China
的 de ~’s (possessive particle)
网络 Wǎngluò Internet
情况 qíngkuàng situation
跟 gēn as (compared to)
其它 qítā other
国家 guójiā country
不一样 bùyīyàng different
A lot of foreign websites are censored in China,
很 hěn quite
多 duō a lot of
国外 guówài foreign
网站 wǎngzhàn website
在 zài (to be) in
中国 Zhōngguó China
是 shì is
被禁 bèijìn forbidden
了 le completed action marker
的 de used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis
for example, Youtube, facebook, twitter and so on.
比如 bǐrú such as
Youtube, facebook, twitter
等等 děngděng and so on
You can buy VPN, a software that will allow you to access these websites.
你 nǐ you
可以 kěyǐ can
购买 gòumǎi to buy
翻墙 fānqiáng to breach the Great Firewall of China
软件 ruǎnjiàn (computer) software
But some are not stable,
但 dàn but
有的 yǒude (there are) some (who are…)
软件 ruǎnjiàn (computer) software
不稳定 bùwěndìng unstable
经常 jīngcháng constantly
断线 duànxiàn (telephone or Internet connection) disconnected
some are relatively more stable.
有的 yǒude (there are) some (who are…)
呢 ne used to mark a pause
相对 xiāngduì relatively
稳定 wěndìng stable
一些 yīxiē a little
So you need to be careful with the company you buy from.
所以 suǒyǐ so
要 yào must
慎重 shènzhòng careful
选择 xuǎnzé to select
公司 gōngsī (business) companyDownload