Měigerén dōu hěn pèifú xiāofángyuán de yǒngqì. 2. 00:37 Tā cháng wúyuánwúgù shēngqì. 3. 00:58 Tā tǎoyàn jiābān. 4. 01:17 Lǎoshī duì xuésheng men de chéngjī hěn shīwàng. 5. 01:43 Tā juéde zhège huìyì wúliáo jíle. 6. Tā juéde hěn jǔsàng, yīnwèi tā mǎibuqǐ zhè tiáo ángguì de qúnzi. 7. Zhàngfu qùshì hòu, tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú. 8. Tā hòuhuǐ cuòguài le tā. 9. Xiǎo nǚhái fēicháng hàipà dǎzhēn. 10. Tā dānxīn qīzi kěnéng huì sǐ. 11. Shōudào māma sòng de shèngdàn lǐwù, tā gǎndào xīngfèn jíle. 12. Tīngdào fùqīn qùshì de xiāoxi, tā fēicháng shāngxīn. 13. Xiǎo nǚhái hěn kāixīn hé māma zài xuědì lǐ wán. 14. Tā wèi shōudào nányǒu sòng de huā gǎndào shífēn jīngxǐ. 15. Tā dǎxīnyǎnli hèn tā. 16. Tīngdào zhège xiāoxi wǒ hěn chījīng. 17. Tóngshìmen dōu hěn jìdu tā shēngzhí le. 18. Tā hé lǎobǎn shuōhuà shí zǒngshì hěn jǐnzhāng. 19. Gōngsī pòchǎn hòu, tā xiànrù le juéwàng. 20. Huòdé bìyè zhèngshū shí, tāmen gǎndào shífèn zìháo. 21. Tā bùduàn de lāodao shēng ràng tā gǎndào hěn yànfán. 22. Měiyī gè mǔqīn dōu ài zìjǐ de háizi. 23. Tā hěn qīdài jīnwǎn de yuēhuì. 24. Tā zài xiǎngniàn tā de jiārén. 25. Tāmen zhījiān de ài gǎndòng le wǒ. 26. Bàba xīwàng érzi zǎodiǎnr hǎoqǐlai. 27. Tā wèi zuówǎn dǎ le tā ér gǎndào nèijiù. 28. Tāmen tǎolùn de huàtí ràng tā gǎndào hěn gāngà. 29. Quán jiārén dōu duì tā de gùshi hěn gǎnxìngqù. 30. Tā xiǎngyào yāoqǐng tā chī wǎnfàn.
1. Měigerén dōu hěn pèifú xiāofángyuán de yǒngqì. 2. Tā cháng wúyuánwúgù shēngqì. 3. Tā tǎoyàn jiābān. 4. Lǎoshī duì xuésheng men de chéngjī hěn shīwàng. 5. Tā juéde zhège huìyì wúliáo jíle. 6. Tā juéde hěn jǔsàng, yīnwèi tā mǎibuqǐ zhè tiáo ángguì de qúnzi. 7. Zhàngfu qùshì hòu, tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú. 8. Tā hòuhuǐ cuòguài le tā. 9. Xiǎo nǚhái fēicháng hàipà dǎzhēn. 10. Tā dānxīn qīzi kěnéng huì sǐ. 11. Shōudào māma sòng de shèngdàn lǐwù, tā gǎndào xīngfèn jíle. 12. Tīngdào fùqīn qùshì de xiāoxi, tā fēicháng shāngxīn. 13. Xiǎo nǚhái hěn kāixīn hé māma zài xuědì lǐ wán. 14. Tā wèi shōudào nányǒu sòng de huā gǎndào shífēn jīngxǐ. 15. Tā dǎxīnyǎnli hèn tā. 16. Tīngdào zhège xiāoxi wǒ hěn chījīng. 17. Tóngshìmen dōu hěn jìdu tā shēngzhí le. 18. Tā hé lǎobǎn shuōhuà shí zǒngshì hěn jǐnzhāng. 19. Gōngsī pòchǎn hòu, tā xiànrù le juéwàng. 20. Huòdé bìyè zhèngshū shí, tāmen gǎndào shífèn zìháo. 21. Tā bùduàn de lāodao shēng ràng tā gǎndào hěn yànfán. 22. Měiyī gè mǔqīn dōu ài zìjǐ de háizi. 23. Tā hěn qīdài jīnwǎn de yuēhuì. 24. Tā zài xiǎngniàn tā de jiārén. 25. Tāmen zhījiān de ài gǎndòng le wǒ. 26. Bàba xīwàng érzi zǎodiǎnr hǎoqǐlai. 27. Tā wèi zuówǎn dǎ le tā ér gǎndào nèijiù. 28. Tāmen tǎolùn de huàtí ràng tā gǎndào hěn gāngà. 29. Quán jiārén dōu duì tā de gùshi hěn gǎnxìngqù. 30. Tā xiǎngyào yāoqǐng tā chī wǎnfàn.
每个人都很佩服消防员的勇气。 2. 他常无缘无故生气。 3. 他讨厌加班。 4. 老师对学生们的成绩很失望。 5. 她觉得这个会议无聊极了。 6. 她觉得很沮丧,因为她买不起这条昂贵的裙子。 7. 丈夫去世后,她感到非常孤独。 8. 她后悔错怪了他。 9. 小女孩非常害怕打针。 10. 他担心妻子可能会死。 11. 收到妈妈送的圣诞礼物,她感到兴奋极了。 12. 听到父亲去世的消息,她非常伤心。 13. 小女孩很开心和妈妈在雪地里玩。 14. 她为收到男友送的花感到十分惊喜。 15. 他打心眼里恨她。 16. 听到这个消息我很吃惊。 17. 同事们都很忌妒她升职了。 18. 她和老板说话时总是很紧张。 19. 公司破产后,他陷入了绝望。 20. 获得毕业证书时,他们感到十分自豪。 21. 她不断的唠叨声让他感到很厌烦。 22. 每一个母亲都爱自己的孩子。 23. 她很期待今晚的约会。 24. 她在想念她的家人。 25. 他们之间的爱感动了我。 26. 爸爸希望儿子早点儿好起来。 27. 他为昨晚打了她而感到内疚。 28. 他们讨论的话题让她感到很尴尬。 29. 全家人都对她的故事很感兴趣。 30. 他想要邀请她吃晚饭。
1. 每個人都很佩服消防員的勇氣。 2. 他常無緣無故生氣。 3. 他討厭加班。 4. 老師對學生們的成績很失望。 5. 她覺得這個會議無聊極了。 6. 她覺得很沮喪,因為她買不起這條昂貴的裙子。 7. 丈夫去世后,她感到非常孤獨。 8. 她后悔錯怪了他。 9. 小女孩非常害怕打針。 10. 他擔心妻子可能會死。 11. 收到媽媽送的聖誕禮物,她感到興奮極了。 12. 聽到父親去世的消息,她非常傷心。 13. 小女孩很開心和媽媽在雪地裡玩。 14. 她為收到男友送的花感到十分驚喜。 15. 他打心眼裡恨她。 16. 聽到這個消息我很吃驚。 17. 同事們都很忌妒她升職了。 18. 她和老板說話時總是很緊張。 19. 公司破產后,他陷入了絕望。 20. 獲得畢業証書時,他們感到十分自豪。 21. 她不斷的嘮叨聲讓他感到很厭煩。 22. 每一個母親都愛自己的孩子。 23. 她很期待今晚的約會。 24. 她在想念她的家人。 25. 他們之間的愛感動了我。 26. 爸爸希望兒子早點兒好起來。 27. 他為昨晚打了她而感到內疚。 28. 他們討論的話題讓她感到很尷尬。 29. 全家人都對她的故事很感興趣。 30. 他想要邀請她吃晚飯。
Pinyin - Simplified
1. 00:06
pèifú / 佩服
to admire
Everybody admires firefighters’ courage.每个人 měigerén everybody
都 dōu all
很 hěn very
佩服 pèifú to admire
消防员 xiāofángyuán firefighter
的 de of
勇气 yǒngqì courage
shēngqì / 生气
to get angry
He often gets angry over nothing.他 tā he or him
常 cháng often
无缘无故 wúyuánwúgù no cause, no reason (idiom)
生气 shēngqì to get angry
tǎoyàn / 讨厌
to dislike
He hates working overtime.他 tā he or him
讨厌 tǎoyàn to dislike / to loathe
加班 jiābān to work overtime
shīwàng / 失望
The teacher is very disappointed with the students’ grades.老师 lǎoshī teacher
对 duì towards
学生 xuésheng student
们 men plural marker for pronouns
的 de of
成绩 chéngjì grades
很 hěn very
失望 shīwàng disappointed
wúliáo / 无聊
She felt this meeting was very boring.她 tā she
觉得 juéde to feel
这个 zhège this
会议 huìyì meeting
无聊 wúliáo boring
极了 jíle extremely
jǔsàng / 沮丧
to be disheartened
She feels very disheartened that she can’t afford that expensive dress.她 tā she
觉得 juéde to feel
很 hěn very
沮丧 jǔsàng disheartened
因为 yīnwèi because
她 tā she
买不起 mǎibuqǐ can't afford buying
这 zhè this
条 tiáo classifier for long thin
昂贵 ángguì expensive
的 de used after an attribute
裙子 qúnzi skirt / dress
gūdú / 孤独
After her husband passed away, she feels very lonely.丈夫 zhàngfu husband
去世 qùshì to pass away
后 hòu after
她 tā she
感到 gǎndào to feel
非常 fēicháng very
孤独 gūdú lonely
hòuhuǐ / 后悔
to regret
She regrets having wrongly blamed him.她 tā she
后悔 hòuhuǐ to regret
错怪 cuòguài to blame sb wrongly
了 le completed action marker
他 tā he or him
hàipà / 害怕
to be scared
The little girl is very scared of getting injections.小 xiǎo young
女孩 nǚhái girl
非常 fēicháng very
害怕 hàipà to be scared
打针 dǎzhēn to give or have an injection
dānxīn / 担心
to worry
He worries that his wife might die.他 tā he or him
担心 dānxīn to worry
妻子 qīzi wife
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
会 huì will
死 sǐ to die
xīngfèn / 兴奋
to be excited
When she received a Christmas gift from her mother, she felt extremely excited.收到 shōudào to receive
妈妈 māma mother
送 sòng to give (as a present)
的 de used after an attribute
圣诞 Shèngdàn Christmas
礼物 lǐwù gift
她 tā she
感到 gǎndào to feel
兴奋 xīngfèn to be excited
极了 jíle extremely
shāngxīn / 伤心
to feel sad
She got very sad when she heard the news that her father died.听到 tīngdào to hear
父亲 fùqīn father
去世 qùshì to pass away
的 de used after an attribute
消息 xiāoxi news
她 tā she
非常 fēicháng very
伤心 shāngxīn to feel sad
kāixīn /开心
to feel happy
The little girl is very happy to play in the snow with her mother.小 xiǎo young
女孩 nǚhái girl
很 hěn very
开心 kāixīn to feel happy
和 hé together with
妈妈 māma mother
在 zài (to be) in
雪地 xuědì snowfield
里 lǐ inside
玩 wán to play
jīngxǐ / 惊喜
to be pleasantly surprised
She was very surprised to receive flowers from her boyfriend.她 tā she
为 wèi because of
收到 shōudào to receive
男友 nányǒu boyfriend
送 sòng to give (as a present)
的 de used after an attribute
花 huā flower
感到 gǎndào to feel
十分 shífēn very
惊喜 jīngxǐ to be pleasantly surprised
hèn / 恨
to hate
He hates her with all his heart.他 tā he or him
打心眼里 dǎxīnyǎnli from the bottom of one's heart
恨 hèn to hate
她 tā she
chījīng / 吃惊
to be shocked
I was shocked when I heard the news.听到 tīngdào to hear
这个 zhège this
消息 xiāoxi news
我 wǒ I
很 hěn very
吃惊 chījīng to be shocked
jìdu / 忌妒
to be jealous
Her colleagues were very jealous that she was promoted.同事 tóngshì colleague
们 men plural marker for nouns referring to individuals
都 dōu all
很 hěn very
忌妒 jìdu to be jealous
她 tā she
升职 shēngzhí to get promoted (at work, etc.)
了 le completed action marker
jǐnzhāng / 紧张
She is always very nervous when she speaks to her boss.她 tā she
和 hé with
老板 lǎobǎn boss
说话 shuōhuà to speak
时 shí when
总是 zǒngshì always
很 hěn very
紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous
juéwàng / 绝望
He fell into desperation after his company went gōngsī (business) company
破产 pòchǎn to go bankrupt
后 hòu after
他 tā he or him
陷入 xiànrù to sink into
了 le completed action marker
绝望 juéwàng desperation
zìháo / 自豪
proud (of one’s achievements, etc.)
They felt very proud when they received their diplomas.获得 huòdé to receive
毕业证书 bìyèzhèngshū diploma
时 shí when
他们 tāmen they
感到 gǎndào to feel
十分 shífēn very
自豪 zìháo proud (of one's achievements, etc.)
yànfán / 厌烦
to be sick of something
He was sick of her constant nagging.她 tā she
不断 bùduàn constant
的 de used after an attribute
唠叨 láodao nagging
声 shēng sound
让 ràng to make sb (feel sad etc)
他 tā he or him
感到 gǎndào to feel
很 hěn very
厌烦 yànfán to be sick of something
ài / 爱
to love
Every mother loves their kids.每一 měiyī every
个 gè classifier for people
母亲 mǔqīn mother
都 dōu all
爱 ài to love
自己 zìjǐ one's own
的 de ~'s (possessive particle)
孩子 háizi child
qīdài / 期待
to look forward to
She is looking forward to her date tonight.她 tā she
很 hěn very
期待 qīdài to look forward to
今晚 jīnwǎn tonight
的 de used after an attribute
约会 yuēhuì date
xiǎngniàn / 想念
to miss
She misses her family.她 tā she
在 zài indicating an action in progress
想念 xiǎngniàn to miss
她 tā she
的 de ~'s (possessive particle)
家人 jiārén (one's) family
gǎndòng / 感动
to move or touch (somebody emotionally)
I was moved by the love between them.他们 tāmen they
之间 zhījiān between
的 de used after an attribute
爱 ài love
感动 gǎndòng to move or touch (somebody emotionally)
了 le completed action marker
我 wǒ me
xīwàng / 希望
to hope
The father hopes that his son will get well soon.爸爸 bàba (informal) father
希望 xīwàng to hope
儿子 érzi son
早点儿 zǎodiǎnr as soon as possible
好起来 hǎoqǐlai to get well
nèijiù / 内疚
He feels guilty that he beat her last night.他 tā he or him
为 wèi for
昨晚 zuówǎn last night
打 dǎ to beat
了 le completed action marker
她 tā she
而 ér and so
感到 gǎndào to feel
内疚 nèijiù guilty
gāngà / 尴尬
She felt awkward by the topic of their talk.他们 tāmen they
讨论 tǎolùn to discuss
的 de used after an attribute
话题 huàtí topic
让 ràng to make sb (feel sad, etc.)
她 tā she
感到 gǎndào to feel
很 hěn very
尴尬 gāngà awkward
gǎnxìngqù / 感兴趣
to be interested
The whole family is interested in her story.全 quán whole / entire
家人 jiārén (one's) family
都 dōu all
对 duì towards
她 tā she
的 de ~'s (possessive particle)
故事 gùshi story
很 hěn very
感兴趣 gǎnxìngqù to be interested
xiǎngyào / 想要
to want to
He wants to invite her to have dinner.他 tā he or him
想要 xiǎngyào to want to
邀请 yāoqǐng to invite
她 tā she
吃 chī to eat
晚饭 wǎnfàn dinner
Pinyin - Traditional
pèifú / 佩服
to admire
Everybody admires firefighters’ courage.每個人 měigerén everybody
都 dōu all
很 hěn very
佩服 pèifú to admire
消防員 xiāofángyuán firefighter
的 de of
勇氣 yǒngqì courage
shēngqì / 生氣
to get angry
He often gets angry over nothing.他 tā he or him
常 cháng often
無緣無故 wúyuánwúgù no cause, no reason (idiom)
生氣 shēngqì to get angry
tǎoyàn / 討厭
to dislike
He hates working overtime.他 tā he or him
討厭 tǎoyàn to dislike / to loathe
加班 jiābān to work overtime
shīwàng / 失望
The teacher is very disappointed with the students’ grades.老師 lǎoshī teacher
對 duì towards
學生 xuésheng student
們 men plural marker for pronouns
的 de of
成績 chéngjì grades
很 hěn very
失望 shīwàng disappointed
wúliáo / 無聊
She felt this meeting was very boring.她 tā she
覺得 juéde to feel
這個 zhège this
會議 huìyì meeting
無聊 wúliáo boring
極了 jíle extremely
jǔsàng / 沮喪
to be disheartened
She feels very disheartened that she can’t afford that expensive dress.她 tā she
覺得 juéde to feel
很 hěn very
沮喪 jǔsàng disheartened
因為 yīnwèi because
她 tā she
買不起 mǎibuqǐ can't afford buying
這 zhè this
條 tiáo classifier for long thin
昂貴 ángguì expensive
的 de used after an attribute
裙子 qúnzi skirt / dress
gūdú / 孤獨
After her husband passed away, she feels very lonely.丈夫 zhàngfu husband
去世 qùshì to pass away
后 hòu after
她 tā she
感到 gǎndào to feel
非常 fēicháng very
孤獨 gūdú lonely
hòuhuǐ / 后悔
to regret
She regrets having wrongly blamed him.她 tā she
后悔 hòuhuǐ to regret
錯怪 cuòguài to blame sb wrongly
了 le completed action marker
他 tā he or him
hàipà / 害怕
to be scared
The little girl is very scared of getting injections.小 xiǎo young
女孩 nǚhái girl
非常 fēicháng very
害怕 hàipà to be scared
打針 dǎzhēn to give or have an injection
dānxīn / 擔心
to worry
He worries that his wife might die.他 tā he or him
擔心 dānxīn to worry
妻子 qīzi wife
可能 kěnéng might (happen)
會 huì will
死 sǐ to die
xīngfèn / 興奮
to be excited
When she received a Christmas gift from her mother, she felt extremely excited.收到 shōudào to receive
媽媽 māma mother
送 sòng to give (as a present)
的 de used after an attribute
聖誕 Shèngdàn Christmas
禮物 lǐwù gift
她 tā she
感到 gǎndào to feel
興奮 xīngfèn to be excited
極了 jíle extremely
shāngxīn / 傷心
to feel sad
She got very sad when she heard the news that her father died.聽到 tīngdào to hear
父親 fùqīn father
去世 qùshì to pass away
的 de used after an attribute
消息 xiāoxi news
她 tā she
非常 fēicháng very
傷心 shāngxīn to feel sad
kāixīn /開心
to feel happy
The little girl is very happy to play in the snow with her mother.小 xiǎo young
女孩 nǚhái girl
很 hěn very
開心 kāixīn to feel happy
和 hé together with
媽媽 māma mother
在 zài (to be) in
雪地 xuědì snowfield
裡 lǐ inside
玩 wán to play
jīngxǐ / 驚喜
to be pleasantly surprised
She was very surprised to receive flowers from her boyfriend.她 tā she
為 wèi because of
收到 shōudào to receive
男友 nányǒu boyfriend
送 sòng to give (as a present)
的 de used after an attribute
花 huā flower
感到 gǎndào to feel
十分 shífēn very
驚喜 jīngxǐ to be pleasantly surprised
hèn / 恨
to hate
He hates her with all his heart.他 tā he or him
打心眼裡 dǎxīnyǎnli from the bottom of one's heart
恨 hèn to hate
她 tā she
chījīng / 吃驚
to be shocked
I was shocked when I heard the news.聽到 tīngdào to hear
這個 zhège this
消息 xiāoxi news
我 wǒ I
很 hěn very
吃驚 chījīng to be shocked
jìdu / 忌妒
to be jealous
Her colleagues were very jealous that she was promoted.同事 tóngshì colleague
們 men plural marker for nouns referring to individuals
都 dōu all
很 hěn very
忌妒 jìdu to be jealous
她 tā she
升職 shēngzhí to get promoted (at work, etc.)
了 le completed action marker
jǐnzhāng / 緊張
She is always very nervous when she speaks to her boss.她 tā she
和 hé with
老板 lǎobǎn boss
說話 shuōhuà to speak
時 shí when
總是 zǒngshì always
很 hěn very
緊張 jǐnzhāng nervous
juéwàng / 絕望
He fell into desperation after his company went gōngsī (business) company
破產 pòchǎn to go bankrupt
后 hòu after
他 tā he or him
陷入 xiànrù to sink into
了 le completed action marker
絕望 juéwàng desperation
zìháo / 自豪
proud (of one’s achievements, etc.)
They felt very proud when they received their diplomas.獲得 huòdé to receive
畢業証書 bìyèzhèngshū diploma
時 shí when
他們 tāmen they
感到 gǎndào to feel
十分 shífēn very
自豪 zìháo proud (of one's achievements, etc.)
yànfán / 厭煩
to be sick of something
He was sick of her constant nagging.她 tā she
不斷 bùduàn constant
的 de used after an attribute
嘮叨 láodao nagging
聲 shēng sound
讓 ràng to make sb (feel sad etc)
他 tā he or him
感到 gǎndào to feel
很 hěn very
厭煩 yànfán to be sick of something
ài / 愛
to love
Every mother loves their kids.每一 měiyī every
個 gè classifier for people
母親 mǔqīn mother
都 dōu all
愛 ài to love
自己 zìjǐ one's own
的 de ~'s (possessive particle)
孩子 háizi child
qīdài / 期待
to look forward to
She is looking forward to her date tonight.她 tā she
很 hěn very
期待 qīdài to look forward to
今晚 jīnwǎn tonight
的 de used after an attribute
約會 yuēhuì date
xiǎngniàn / 想念
to miss
She misses her family.她 tā she
在 zài indicating an action in progress
想念 xiǎngniàn to miss
她 tā she
的 de ~'s (possessive particle)
家人 jiārén (one's) family
gǎndòng / 感動
to move or touch (somebody emotionally)
I was moved by the love between them.他們 tāmen they
之間 zhījiān between
的 de used after an attribute
愛 ài love
感動 gǎndòng to move or touch (somebody emotionally)
了 le completed action marker
我 wǒ me
xīwàng / 希望
to hope
The father hopes that his son will get well soon.爸爸 bàba (informal) father
希望 xīwàng to hope
兒子 érzi son
早點兒 zǎodiǎnr as soon as possible
好起來 hǎoqǐlai to get well
nèijiù / 內疚
He feels guilty that he beat her last night.他 tā he or him
為 wèi for
昨晚 zuówǎn last night
打 dǎ to beat
了 le completed action marker
她 tā she
而 ér and so
感到 gǎndào to feel
內疚 nèijiù guilty
gāngà / 尷尬
She felt awkward by the topic of their talk.他們 tāmen they
討論 tǎolùn to discuss
的 de used after an attribute
話題 huàtí topic
讓 ràng to make sb (feel sad, etc.)
她 tā she
感到 gǎndào to feel
很 hěn very
尷尬 gāngà awkward
gǎnxìngqù / 感興趣
to be interested
The whole family is interested in her story.全 quán whole / entire
家人 jiārén (one's) family
都 dōu all
對 duì towards
她 tā she
的 de ~'s (possessive particle)
故事 gùshi story
很 hěn very
感興趣 gǎnxìngqù to be interested
xiǎngyào / 想要
to want to
He wants to invite her to have dinner.他 tā he or him
想要 xiǎngyào to want to
邀請 yāoqǐng to invite
她 tā she
吃 chī to eat
晚飯 wǎnfàn dinner
Hanzi - Simplified
想要Hanzi - Traditional